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Chapter 13: Memory Management

13.1 Introduction

Embedded systems developers commonly implement custom memory-management facilities on top of what the underlying RTOS provides. Understanding memory management is therefore an important aspect of developing for embedded systems.

Knowing the capability of the memory management system can aid application design and help avoid pitfalls. For example, in many existing embedded applications, the dynamic memory allocation routine, malloc, is called often. It can create an undesirable side effect called memory fragmentation. This generic memory allocation routine, depending on its implementation, might impact an application's performance. In addition, it might not support the allocation behavior required by the application.

Many embedded devices (such as PDAs, cell phones, and digital cameras) have a limited number of applications (tasks) that can run in parallel at any given time, but these devices have small amounts of physical memory onboard. Larger embedded devices (such as network routers and web servers) have more physical memory installed, but these embedded systems also tend to operate in a more dynamic environment, therefore making more demands on memory. Regardless of the type of embedded system, the common requirements placed on a memory management system are minimal fragmentation, minimal management overhead, and deterministic allocation time.

This chapter focuses on:

· memory fragmentation and memory compaction,

· an example implementation of the malloc and free functions,

· fixed-size, pool-based memory management,

· blocking vs. non-blocking memory functions, and

· the hardware memory management unit (MMU).

13.2 Dynamic Memory Allocation in Embedded Systems

Chapter 3 shows that the program code, program data, and system stack occupy the physical memory after program initialization completes. Either the RTOS or the kernel typically uses the remaining physical memory for dynamic memory allocation. This memory area is called the heap. Memory management in the context of this chapter refers to the management of a contiguous block of physical memory, although the concepts introduced in this chapter apply to the management of non-contiguous memory blocks as well. These concepts also apply to the management of various types of physical memory. In general, a memory management facility maintains internal information for a heap in a reserved memory area called the control block. Typical internal information includes:

· the starting address of the physical memory block used for dynamic memory allocation,

· the overall size of this physical memory block, and

· the allocation table that indicates which memory areas are in use, which memory areas are free, and the size of each free region.

This chapter examines aspects of memory management through an example implementation of the malloc and free functions for an embedded system.

13.2.1 Memory Fragmentation and Compaction

In the example implementation, the heap is broken into small, fixed-size blocks. Each block has a unit size that is power of two to ease translating a requested size into the corresponding required number of units. In this example, the unit size is 32 bytes. The dynamic memory allocation function, malloc, has an input parameter that specifies the size of the allocation request in bytes. malloc allocates a larger block, which is made up of one or more of the smaller, fixed-size blocks. The size of this larger memory block is at least as large as the requested size; it is the closest to the multiple of the unit size. For example, if the allocation requests 100 bytes, the returned block has a size of 128 bytes (4 units x 32 bytes/unit). As a result, the requestor does not use 28 bytes of the allocated memory, which is called memory fragmentation. This specific form of fragmentation is called internal fragmentation because it is internal to the allocated block.

The allocation table can be represented as a bitmap, in which each bit represents a 32-byte unit. Figure 13.1 shows the states of the allocation table after a series of invocations of the malloc and free functions. In this example, the heap is 256 bytes.

Figure 13.1: States of a memory allocation map.

Step 6 shows two free blocks of 32 bytes each. Step 7, instead of maintaining three separate free blocks, shows that all three blocks are combined to form a 128-byte block. Because these blocks have been combined, a future allocation request for 96 bytes should succeed.

Figure 13.2 shows another example of the state of an allocation table. Note that two free 32-byte blocks are shown. One block is at address 0x10080, and the other at address 0x101C0, which cannot be used for any memory allocation requests larger than 32 bytes. Because these isolated blocks do not contribute to the contiguous free space needed for a large allocation request, their existence makes it more likely that a large request will fail or take too long. The existence of these two trapped blocks is considered external fragmentation because the fragmentation exists in the table, not within the blocks themselves. One way to eliminate this type of fragmentation is to compact the area adjacent to these two blocks. The range of memory content from address 0x100A0 (immediately following the first free block) to address 0x101BF (immediately preceding the second free block is shifted 32 bytes lower in memory, to the new range of 0x10080 to 0x1019F, which effectively combines the two free blocks into one 64-byte block. This new free block is still considered memory fragmentation if future allocations are potentially larger than 64 bytes. Therefore, memory compaction continues until all of the free blocks are combined into one large chunk.

Figure 13.2: Memory allocation map with possible fragmentation.

Several problems occur with memory compaction. It is time-consuming to transfer memory content from one location to another. The cost of the copy operation depends on the length of the contiguous blocks in use. The tasks that currently hold ownership of those memory blocks are prevented from accessing the contents of those memory locations until the transfer operation completes. Memory compaction is almost never done in practice in embedded designs. The free memory blocks are combined only if they are immediate neighbors, as illustrated in Figure 13.1.

Memory compaction is allowed if the tasks that own those memory blocks reference the blocks using virtual addresses. Memory compaction is not permitted if tasks hold physical addresses to the allocated memory blocks.

In many cases, memory management systems should also be concerned with architecture-specific memory alignment requirements. Memory alignment refers to architecture-specific constraints imposed on the address of a data item in memory. Many embedded processor architectures cannot access multi-byte data items at any address. For example, some architecture requires multi-byte data items, such as integers and long integers, to be allocated at addresses that are a power of two. Unaligned memory addresses result in bus errors and are the source of memory access exceptions.

Some conclusions can be drawn from this example. An efficient memory manager needs to perform the following chores quickly:

· Determine if a free block that is large enough exists to satisfy the allocation request. This work is part of the malloc operation.

· Update the internal management information. This work is part of both the malloc and free operations.

· Determine if the just-freed block can be combined with its neighboring free blocks to form a larger piece. This work is part of the free operation.

The structure of the allocation table is the key to efficient memory management because the structure determines how the operations listed earlier must be implemented. The allocation table is part of the overhead because it occupies memory space that is excluded from application use. Consequently, one other requirement is to minimize the management overhead.

13.2.2 An Example of malloc and free

The following is an example implementation of malloc's allocation algorithm for an embedded system. A static array of integers, called the allocation array, is used to implement the allocation map. The main purpose of the allocation array is to decide if neighboring free blocks can be merged to form a larger free block. Each entry in this array represents a corresponding fixed-size block of memory. In this sense, this array is similar to the map shown in Figure 13.2, but this one uses a different encoding scheme. The number of entries contained in the array is the number of fixed-size blocks available in the managed memory area. For example, 1MB of memory can be divided into 32,768 32-byte blocks. Therefore, in this case, the array has 32,768 entries.

To simplify the example for better understanding of the algorithms involved, just 12 units of memory are used. Figure 13.3 shows the example allocation array.

Figure 13.3: Static array implementation of the allocation map.

In Figure 13.3, let the allocation-array index start at 0. Before any memory has been allocated, one large free block is present, which consists of all 12 units of available memory. The allocation array uses a simple encoding scheme to keep track of allocated and free blocks of memory. To indicate a range of contiguous free blocks, a positive number is placed in the first and last entry representing the range. This number is equal to the number of free blocks in the range. For example, in the first array shown on the left, the number of free units (12 in this case) is placed in the entries at index 0 and index 11.

Placing a negative number in the first entry and a zero in the last entry indicates a range of allocated blocks. The number placed in the first entry is equal to -1 times the number of allocated blocks.

In this example, the first allocation request is for three units. The array labeled 1 in Figure 13.3 represents the state of the allocation array after this first allocation request is made. The value of -3 at index 9 and the value of 0 at index 11 marks the range of the allocated block. The size of the free block is now reduced to nine. Step 3 in Figure 13.3 shows the state of the allocation array at the completion of three allocation requests. This array arrangement and the marking of allocated blocks simplify the merging operation that takes place during the free operation, as explained later in this chapter.

Not only does this allocation array indicate which blocks are free, but it also implicitly indicates the starting address of each block, because a simple relationship exists between array indices and starting addresses, as shown

starting address = offset + unit_size*index

When allocating a block of memory, malloc uses this formula to calculate the starting address of the block. For example, in Figure 13.3, the first allocation for three units begins at index 9. If the offset in the formula is 0x10000 and the unit size is 0x20 (32 decimal), the address returned for index 9 is

0x10000 + 0x20*9 = 0x10120

13.2.3 Finding Free Blocks Quickly

In this memory management scheme, malloc always allocates from the largest available range of free blocks. The allocation array described is not arranged to help malloc perform this task quickly. The entries representing free ranges are not sorted by size. Finding the largest range always entails an end-to-end search. For this reason, a second data structure is used to speed up the search for the free block that can satisfy the allocation request. The sizes of free blocks within the allocation array are maintained using the heap data structure, as shown in Figure 13.4. The heap data structure is a complete binary tree with one property: the value contained at a node is no smaller than the value in any of its child nodes.

Figure 13.4: Free blocks in a heap arrangement.

The size of each free block is the key used for arranging the heap. Therefore, the largest free block is always at the top of the heap. The malloc algorithm carves the allocation out of the largest available free block. The remaining portion is reinserted into the heap. The heap is rearranged as the last step of the memory allocation process.

Although the size of each free range is the key that organizes the heap, each node in the heap is actually a data structure containing at least two pieces of information: the size of a free range and its starting index in the allocation array. The malloc operation involves the following steps:

1. Examine the heap to determine if a free block that is large enough for the allocation request exists.

2. If no such block exists, return an error to the caller.

3. Retrieve the starting allocation-array index of the free range from the top of the heap.

4. Update the allocation array by marking the newly allocated block, as illustrated in Figure 13.3.

5. If the entire block is used to satisfy the allocation, update the heap by deleting the largest node. Otherwise update the size.

6. Rearrange the heap array.

Before any memory has been allocated, the heap has just one node, signifying that the entire memory region is available as one, large, free block. The heap continues to have a single node either if memory is allocated consecutively without any free operations or if each memory free operation results in the deallocated block merging with its immediate neighbors. The heap structure in Figure 13.4 represents free blocks interleaved with blocks in use and is similar to the memory map in Figure 13.2.

The heap can be implemented using another static array, called the heap array, as shown in Figure 13.4. The array index begins at 1 instead of 0 to simplify coding in C. In this example, six free blocks of 20, 18, 12, 11, 9, and 4 blocks are available. The next memory allocation uses the 20-block range regardless of the size of the allocation request. Note that the heap array is a compact way to implement a binary tree. The heap array stores no pointers to child nodes; instead, child-parent relationships are indicated by the positions of the nodes within the array.

13.2.4 The free Operation

Note that the bottom layer of the malloc and free implementation is shown in Figure 13.3 and Figure 13.4. In other words, another layer of software tracks, for example, the address of an allocated block and its size. Let's assume that this software layer exists and that the example is not concerned with it other than that this layer feeds the necessary information into the free function.

The main operation of the free function is to determine if the block being freed can be merged with its neighbors. The merging rules are

1. If the starting index of the block is not 0, check for the value of the array at (index -1). If the value is positive (not a negative value or 0), this neighbor can be merged.

2. If (index + number of blocks) does not exceed the maximum array index value, check for the value of the array at (index + number of blocks). If the value is positive, this neighbor can be merged.

These rules are illustrated best through an example, as shown in Figure 13.5.

Figure 13.5: The free operation.

Figure 13.5 shows two scenarios worth discussion. In the first scenario, the block starting at index 3 is being freed. Following rule #1, look at the value at index 2. The value is 3; therefore, the neighboring block can be merged. The value of 3 indicates that the neighboring block is 3 units large. The block being freed is 4 units large, so following rule #2, look at the value at index 7. The value is -2; therefore, the neighboring block is still in use and cannot be merged. The result of the free operation in the first scenario is shown as the second table in Figure 13.5.

In the second scenario, the block at index 7 is being freed. Following rule #1, look at the value at index 6, which is 0. This value indicates the neighboring block is still in use. Following rule #2, look at the value at index 9, which is -3. Again, this value indicates that this block is also in use. The newly freed block remains as independent piece. After applying the two merge rules, the next free operation of the block starting at index 3 results in the allocation table shown as the last table in Figure 13.5.

When a block is freed, the heap must be updated accordingly. Therefore, the free operation involves the following steps:

1. Update the allocation array and merge neighboring blocks if possible.

2. If the newly freed block cannot be merged with any of its neighbors, insert a new entry into the heap array.

3. If the newly freed block can be merged with one of its neighbors, the heap entry representing the neighboring block must be updated, and the updated entry rearranged according to its new size.

4. If the newly freed block can be merged with both of its neighbors, the heap entry representing one of the neighboring blocks must be deleted from the heap, and the heap entry representing the other neighboring block must be updated and rearranged according to its new size.

13.3 Fixed-Size Memory Management in Embedded Systems

Another approach to memory management uses the method of fixed-size memory pools. This approach is commonly found in embedded networking code, such as in embedded protocol stacks implementation.

As shown in Figure 13.6, the available memory space is divided into variously sized memory pools. All blocks of the same memory pool have the same size. In this example, the memory space is divided into three pools of block sizes 32, 50, and 128 respectively. Each memory-pool control structure maintains information such as the block size, total number of blocks, and number of free blocks. In this example, the memory pools are linked together and sorted by size. Finding the smallest size adequate for an allocation requires searching through this link and examining each control structure for the first adequate block size.

Figure 13.6: Management based on memory pools.

A successful allocation results in an entry being removed from the memory pool. A successful deallocation results in an entry being inserted back into the memory pool. The memory pool structure shown in Figure 13.6 is a singly linked list. Therefore, memory allocation and deallocation takes place at the beginning of this list.

This method is not as flexible as the algorithm introduced earlier in 'Dynamic Memory Allocation in Embedded Systems' on page 200 and also has some drawbacks. In real-time embedded systems, a task's memory requirement often depends on its operating environment. This environment can be quite dynamic. This method does not work well for embedded applications that constantly operate in dynamic environments because it is nearly impossible to anticipate the memory block sizes that the task might commonly use. This issue results in increased internal memory fragmentation per allocation. In addition, the number of blocks to allocate for each size is also impossible to predict. In many cases, the memory pools are constructed based on a number of assumptions. The result is that some memory pools are under used or not used at all, while others are overused.

On the other hand, this memory allocation method can actually reduce internal fragmentation and provide high utilization for static embedded applications. These applications are those with predictable environments, a known number of running tasks at the start of application execution, and initially known required memory block sizes.

One advantage of this memory management method is that it is more deterministic than the heap method algorithm. In the heap method, each malloc or free operation can potentially trigger a rearrangement of the heap. In the memory-pool method, memory blocks are taken or are returned from the beginning of the list so the operation takes constant time. The memory pool does not require restructuring.

13.4 Blocking vs. Non-Blocking Memory Functions

The malloc and free functions do not allow the calling task to block and wait for memory to become available. In many real-time embedded systems, tasks compete for the limited system memory available. Oftentimes, the memory exhaustion condition is only temporary. For some tasks when a memory allocation request fails, the task must backtrack to an execution checkpoint and perhaps restart an operation. This issue is undesirable as the operation can be expensive. If tasks have built-in knowledge that the memory congestion condition can occur but only momentarily, the tasks can be designed to be more flexible. If such tasks can tolerate the allocation delay, the tasks can choose to wait for memory to become available instead of either failing entirely or backtracking.

For example, the network traffic pattern on an Ethernet network is bursty. An embedded networking node might receive few packets for a period and then suddenly be flooded with packets at the highest allowable bandwidth of the physical network. During this traffic burst, tasks in the embedded node that are in the process of sending data can experience temporary memory exhaustion problems because much of the available memory is used for packet reception. These sending tasks can wait for the condition to subside and then resume their operations.

In practice, a well-designed memory allocation function should allow for allocation that permits blocking forever, blocking for a timeout period, or no blocking at all. This chapter uses the memory-pool approach to demonstrate how to implement a blocking memory allocation function.

As shown in Figure 13.7, a blocking memory allocation function can be implemented using both a counting semaphore and a mutex lock. These synchronization primitives are created for each memory pool and are kept in the control structure. The counting semaphore is initialized with the total number of available memory blocks at the creation of the memory pool. Memory blocks are allocated and freed from the beginning of the list.

Figure 13.7: Implementing a blocking allocation function using a mutex and a counting semaphore.

Multiple tasks can access the free-blocks list of the memory pool. The control structure is updated each time an allocation or a deallocation occurs. Therefore, a mutex lock is used to guarantee a task exclusive access to both the free-blocks list and the control structure. A task might wait for a block to become available, acquire the block, and then continue its execution. In this case, a counting semaphore is used.

For an allocation request to succeed, the task must first successfully acquire the counting semaphore, followed by a successful acquisition of the mutex lock.

The successful acquisition of the counting semaphore reserves a piece of the available blocks from the pool. A task first tries to acquire the counting semaphore. If no blocks are available, the task blocks on the counting semaphore, assuming the task is prepared to wait for it. If a resource is available, the task acquires the counting semaphore successfully. The counting semaphore token count is now one less than it was. At this point, the task has reserved a piece of the available blocks but has yet to obtain the block.

Next, the task tries to lock the mutex. If another task is currently getting a block out of the memory pool or if another task is currently freeing a block back into the memory pool, the mutex is in the locked state. The task blocks waiting for the mutex to unlock. After the task locks the mutex, the task retrieves the resource from the list.

The counting semaphore is released when the task finishes using the memory block.

The pseudo code for memory allocation using a counting semaphore and mutex lock is provided in Listing 13.1.

Listing 13.1: Pseudo code for memory allocation.



Retrieve the memory block from the pool


The pseudo code for memory deallocation using a mutex lock and counting semaphore is provided in Listing 13.2.

Listing 13.2: Pseudo code for memory deallocation.


Release the memory block back to into the pool



This implementation shown in Listing 13.1 and 13.2 enables the memory allocation and deallocation functions to be safe for multitasking. The deployment of the counting semaphore and the mutex lock eliminates the priority inversion problem when blocking memory allocation is enabled with these synchronization primitives. Chapter 6 discusses semaphores and mutexes. Chapter 16 discusses priority inversions.

13.5 Hardware Memory Management Units

Thus far, the discussion on memory management focuses on the management of physical memory. Another topic is the management of virtual memory. Virtual memory is a technique in which mass storage (for example, a hard disk) is made to appear to an application as if the mass storage were RAM. Virtual memory address space (also called logical address space) is larger than the actual physical memory space. This feature allows a program larger than the physical memory to execute. The memory management unit (MMU) provides several functions. First, the MMU translates the virtual address to a physical address for each memory access. Second, the MMU provides memory protection.

The address translation function differs from one MMU design to another. Many commercial RTOSes do not support implementation of virtual addresses, so this chapter does not discuss address translation. Instead, the chapter discusses the MMU's memory protection feature, as many RTOSes do support it.

If an MMU is enabled on an embedded system, the physical memory is typically divided into pages. A set of attributes is associated with each memory page. Information on attributes can include the following:

· whether the page contains code (i.e., executable instructions) or data,

· whether the page is readable, writable, executable, or a combination of these, and

· whether the page can be accessed when the CPU is not in privileged execution mode, accessed only when the CPU is in privileged mode, or both.

All memory access is done through MMU when it is enabled. Therefore, the hardware enforces memory access according to page attributes. For example, if a task tries to write to a memory region that only allows for read access, the operation is considered illegal, and the MMU does not allow it. The result is that the operation triggers a memory access exception.

13.6 Points to Remember

Some points to remember include the following:

· Dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems can be built using a fixed-size blocks approach.

· Memory fragmentation can be classified into either external memory fragmentation or internal memory fragmentation.

· Memory compaction is generally not performed in real-time embedded systems.

· Management based on memory pools is commonly found in networking-related code.

· A well-designed memory allocation function should allow for blocking allocation.

· Blocking memory allocation function can be designed using both a counting semaphore and a mutex.

· Many real-time embedded RTOSes do not implement virtual addressing when the MMU is present.

· Many of these RTOSes do take advantage of the memory protection feature of the MMU.