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Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 16

Chapter 15: Synchronization And Communication

15.1 Introduction

Software applications for real-time embedded systems use concurrency to maximize efficiency. As a result, an application's design typically involves multiple concurrent threads, tasks, or processes. Coordinating these activities requires inter-task synchronization and communication.

This chapter focuses on:

· resource synchronization,

· activity synchronization,

· inter-task communication, and

· ready-to-use embedded design patterns.

15.2 Synchronization

Synchronization is classified into two categories: resource synchronization and activity synchronization. Resource synchronization determines whether access to a shared resource is safe, and, if not, when it will be safe. Activity synchronization determines whether the execution of a multithreaded program has reached a certain state and, if it hasn't, how to wait for and be notified when this state is reached.

15.2.1 Resource Synchronization

Access by multiple tasks must be synchronized to maintain the integrity of a shared resource. This process is called resource synchronization, a term closely associated with critical sections and mutual exclusions.

Mutual exclusion is a provision by which only one task at a time can access a shared resource. A critical section is the section of code from which the shared resource is accessed.

As an example, consider two tasks trying to access shared memory. One task (the sensor task) periodically receives data from a sensor and writes the data to shared memory. Meanwhile, a second task (the display task) periodically reads from shared memory and sends the data to a display. The common design pattern of using shared memory is illustrated in Figure 15.1.

Figure 15.1: Multiple tasks accessing shared memory.

Problems arise if access to the shared memory is not exclusive, and multiple tasks can simultaneously access it. For example, if the sensor task has not completed writing data to the shared memory area before the display task tries to display the data, the display would contain a mixture of data extracted at different times, leading to erroneous data interpretation.

The section of code in the sensor task that writes input data to the shared memory is a critical section of the sensor task. The section of code in the display task that reads data from the shared memory is a critical section of the display task. These two critical sections are called competing critical sections because they access the same shared resource.

A mutual exclusion algorithm ensures that one task's execution of a critical section is not interrupted by the competing critical sections of other concurrently executing tasks.

One way to synchronize access to shared resources is to use a client-server model, in which a central entity called a resource server is responsible for synchronization. Access requests are made to the resource server, which must grant permission to the requestor before the requestor can access the shared resource. The resource server determines the eligibility of the requestor based on pre-assigned rules or run-time heuristics.

While this model simplifies resource synchronization, the resource server is a bottleneck. Synchronization primitives, such as semaphores and mutexes, and other methods introduced in a later section of this chapter, allow developers to implement complex mutual exclusion algorithms. These algorithms in turn allow dynamic coordination among competing tasks without intervention from a third party.

15.2.2 Activity Synchronization 

In general, a task must synchronize its activity with other tasks to execute a multithreaded program properly. Activity synchronization is also called condition synchronization or sequence control. Activity synchronization ensures that the correct execution order among cooperating tasks is used. Activity synchronization can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

One representative of activity synchronization methods is barrier synchronization. For example, in embedded control systems, a complex computation can be divided and distributed among multiple tasks. Some parts of this complex computation are I/O bound, other parts are CPU intensive, and still others are mainly floating-point operations that rely heavily on specialized floating-point coprocessor hardware. These partial results must be collected from the various tasks for the final calculation. The result determines what other partial computations each task is to perform next.

The point at which the partial results are collected and the duration of the final computation is a barrier. One task can finish its partial computation before other tasks complete theirs, but this task must wait for all other tasks to complete their computations before the task can continue.

Barrier synchronization comprises three actions:

· a task posts its arrival at the barrier,

· the task waits for other participating tasks to reach the barrier, and

· the task receives notification to proceed beyond the barrier.

A later section of this chapter shows how to implement barrier synchronization using mutex locks and condition variables.

As shown in Figure 15.2, a group of five tasks participates in barrier synchronization. Tasks in the group complete their partial execution and reach the barrier at various times; however, each task in the group must wait at the barrier until all other tasks have reached the barrier. The last task to reach the barrier (in this example, task T5) broadcasts a notification to the other tasks. All tasks cross the barrier at the same time (conceptually in a uniprocessor environment due to task scheduling. We say 'conceptually' because in a uniprocessor environment, only one task can execute at any given time. Even though all five tasks have crossed the barrier and may continue execution, the task with the highest priority will execute next.

Figure 15.2: Visualization of barrier synchronization.

Another representative of activity synchronization mechanisms is rendezvous synchronization, which, as its name implies, is an execution point where two tasks meet. The main difference between the barrier and the rendezvous is that the barrier allows activity synchronization among two or more tasks, while rendezvous synchronization is between two tasks.

In rendezvous synchronization, a synchronization and communication point called an entry is constructed as a function call. One task defines its entry and makes it public. Any task with knowledge of this entry can call it as an ordinary function call. The task that defines the entry accepts the call, executes it, and returns the results to the caller. The issuer of the entry call establishes a rendezvous with the task that defined the entry.

Rendezvous synchronization is similar to synchronization using event-registers, which Chapter 8 introduces, in that both are synchronous. The issuer of the entry call is blocked if that call is not yet accepted; similarly, the task that accepts an entry call is blocked when no other task has issued the entry call. Rendezvous differs from event-register in that bidirectional data movement (input parameters and output results) is possible.

A derivative form of rendezvous synchronization, called simple rendezvous in this book, uses kernel primitives, such as semaphores or message queues, instead of the entry call to achieve synchronization. Two tasks can implement a simple rendezvous without data passing by using two binary semaphores, as shown in Figure 15.3.

Figure 15.3: Simple rendezvous without data passing.

Both binary semaphores are initialized to 0. When task #1 reaches the rendezvous, it gives semaphore #2, and then it gets on semaphore #1. When task #2 reaches the rendezvous, it gives semaphore #1, and then it gets on semaphore #2. Task #1 has to wait on semaphore #1 before task #2 arrives, and vice versa, thus achieving rendezvous synchronization.

15.2.3 Implementing Barriers

Barrier synchronization is used for activity synchronization. Listing 15.1 shows how to implement a barrier-synchronization mechanism using a mutex and a condition variable.

Listing 15.1: Pseudo code for barrier synchronization.

typedef struct {

 mutex_t br_lock; /* guarding mutex */

 cond_t br_cond; /* condition variable */

 int br_count; /* num of tasks at the barrier */

 int br_n_threads; /* num of tasks participating in the barrier synchronization */

} barrier_t;

barrier(barrier_t *br) {



 if (br-›br_count ‹ br-›br_n_threads) cond_wait(&br-›br_cond,&br-›br_lock);

 else {

  br-›br_count = 0;





Each participating task invokes the function barrier for barrier synchronization. The guarding mutex for br_count and br_n_threads is acquired on line #2. The number of waiting tasks at the barrier is updated on line #3. Line #4 checks to see if all of the participating tasks have reached the barrier.

If more tasks are to arrive, the caller waits at the barrier (the blocking wait on the condition variable at line #5). If the caller is the last task of the group to enter the barrier, this task resets the barrier on line #6 and notifies all other tasks that the barrier synchronization is complete. Broadcasting on the condition variable on line #7 completes the barrier synchronization.

15.3 Communication

Tasks communicate with one another so that they can pass information to each other and coordinate their activities in a multithreaded embedded application. Communication can be signal-centric, data-centric, or both. In signal-centric communication, all necessary information is conveyed within the event signal itself. In data-centric communication, information is carried within the transferred data. When the two are combined, data transfer accompanies event notification.

When communication involves data flow and is unidirectional, this communication model is called loosely coupled communication. In this model, the data producer does not require a response from the consumer. Figure 15.4 illustrates an example of loosely coupled communication.

Figure 15.4: Loosely coupled ISR-to-task communication using message queues.

For example, an ISR for an I/O device retrieves data from a device and routes the data to a dedicated processing task. The ISR neither solicits nor requires feedback from the processing task. By contrast, in tightly coupled communication, the data movement is bidirectional. The data producer synchronously waits for a response to its data transfer before resuming execution, or the response is returned asynchronously while the data producer continues its function.

Figure 15.5: Tightly coupled task-to-task communication using message queues.

In tightly coupled communication, as shown in Figure 15.5, task #1 sends data to task #2 using message queue #2 and waits for confirmation to arrive at message queue #1. The data communication is bidirectional. It is necessary to use a message queue for confirmations because the confirmation should contain enough information in case task #1 needs to re-send the data. Task #1 can send multiple messages to task #2, i.e., task #1 can continue sending messages while waiting for confirmation to arrive on message queue #2.

Communication has several purposes, including the following:

· transferring data from one task to another,

· signaling the occurrences of events between tasks,

· allowing one task to control the execution of other tasks,

· synchronizing activities, and

· implementing custom synchronization protocols for resource sharing.

The first purpose of communication is for one task to transfer data to another task. Between the tasks, there can exist data dependency, in which one task is the data producer and another task is the data consumer. For example, consider a specialized processing task that is waiting for data to arrive from message queues or pipes or from shared memory. In this case, the data producer can be either an ISR or another task. The consumer is the processing task. The data source can be an I/O device or another task.

The second purpose of communication is for one task to signal the occurrences of events to another task. Either physical devices or other tasks can generate events. A task or an ISR that is responsible for an event, such as an I/O event, or a set of events can signal the occurrences of these events to other tasks. Data might or might not accompany event signals. Consider, for example, a timer chip ISR that notifies another task of the passing of a time tick.

The third purpose of communication is for one task to control the execution of other tasks. Tasks can have a master/slave relationship, known as process control. For example, in a control system, a master task that has the full knowledge of the entire running system controls individual subordinate tasks. Each subtask is responsible for a component, such as various sensors of the control system. The master task sends commands to the subordinate tasks to enable or disable sensors. In this scenario, data flow can be either unidirectional or bidirectional if feedback is returned from the subordinate tasks.

The fourth purpose of communication is to synchronize activities. The computation example given in 'Activity Synchronization' on section 15.2.2, shows that when multiple tasks are waiting at the execution barrier, each task waits for a signal from the last task that enters the barrier, so that each task can continue its own execution. In this example, it is insufficient to notify the tasks that the final computation has completed; additional information, such as the actual computation results, must also be conveyed.

The fifth purpose of communication is to implement additional synchronization protocols for resource sharing. The tasks of a multithreaded program can implement custom, more-complex resource synchronization protocols on top of the system-supplied synchronization primitives.

15.4 Resource Synchronization Methods

Chapter 6 discusses semaphores and mutexes that can be used as resource synchronization primitives. Two other methods, interrupt locking and preemption locking, can also be deployed in accomplishing resource synchronization.

15.4.1 Interrupt Locks

Interrupt locking (disabling system interrupts) is the method used to synchronize exclusive access to shared resources between tasks and ISRs. Some processor architecture designs allow for a fine-grained, interrupt-level lock, i.e., an interrupt lock level is specified so that asynchronous events at or below the level of the disabled interrupt are blocked for the duration of the lock. Other processor architecture designs allow only coarse-grained locking, i.e., all system interrupts are disabled.

When interrupts are disabled at certain levels, even the kernel scheduler cannot run because the system becomes non-responsive to those external events that can trigger task re-scheduling. This process guarantees that the current task continues to execute until it voluntarily relinquishes control. As such, interrupt locking can also be used to synchronize access to shared resources between tasks.

Interrupt locking is simple to implement and involves only a few instructions. However, frequent use of interrupt locks can alter overall system timing, with side effects including missed external events (resulting in data overflow) and clock drift (resulting in missed deadlines). Interrupt locks, although the most powerful and the most effective synchronization method, can introduce indeterminism into the system when used indiscriminately. Therefore, the duration of interrupt locks should be short, and interrupt locks should be used only when necessary to guard a task-level critical region from interrupt activities.

A task that enabled interrupt locking must avoid blocking. The behavior of a task making a blocking call (such as acquiring a semaphore in blocking mode) while interrupts are disabled is dependent on the RTOS implementation. Some RTOSes block the calling task and then re-enable the system interrupts. The kernel disables interrupts again on behalf of the task after the task is ready to be unblocked. The system can hang forever in RTOSes that do not support this feature.

15.4.2 Preemption Locks

Preemption locking (disabling the kernel scheduler) is another method used in resource synchronization. Many RTOS kernels support priority-based, preemptive task scheduling. A task disables the kernel preemption when it enters its critical section and re-enables the preemption when finished. The executing task cannot be preempted while the preemption lock is in effect.

On the surface, preemption locking appears to be more acceptable than interrupt locking. Closer examination reveals that preemption locking introduces the possibility for priority inversion. Even though interrupts are enabled while preemption locking is in effect, actual servicing of the event is usually delayed to a dedicated task outside the context of the ISR. The ISR must notify that task that such an event has occurred.

This dedicated task usually executes at a high priority. This higher priority task, however, cannot run while another task is inside a critical region that a preemption lock is guarding. In this case, the result is not much different from using an interrupt lock. The priority inversion, however, is bounded. Chapter 16 discusses priority inversion in detail.

The problem with preemption locking is that higher priority tasks cannot execute, even when they are totally unrelated to the critical section that the preemption lock is guarding. This process can introduce indeterminism in a similar manner to that caused by the interrupt lock. This indeterminism is unacceptable to many systems requiring consistent real-time response.

For example, consider two medium-priority tasks that share a critical section and that use preemption locking as the synchronization primitive. An unrelated print server daemon task runs at a much higher priority; however, the printer daemon cannot send a command to the printer to eject one page and feed the next while either of the medium tasks is inside the critical section. This issue results in garbled output or output mixed from multiple print jobs.

The benefit of preemption locking is that it allows the accumulation of asynchronous events instead of deleting them. The I/O device is maintained in a consistent state because its ISR can execute. Unlike interrupt locking, preemption locking can be expensive, depending on its implementation.

In the majority of RTOSes when a task makes a blocking call while preemption is disabled, another task is scheduled to run, and the scheduler disables preemption after the original task is ready to resume execution.

15.5 Critical Section Revisited

Many sources give the impression that a mutual exclusion algorithm similar to either the interrupt lock or the preemption lock should be used to guard a critical section. One implication is that the critical section should be kept short. This idea bears further examination.

The critical section of a task is a section of code that accesses a shared resource. A competing critical section is a section of code in another task that accesses the same resource. If these tasks do not have real-time deadlines and guarding the critical section is used only to ensure exclusive access to the shared resource without side effects, then the duration of the critical section is not important.

Imagine that a system has two tasks: one that performs some calculations and stores the results in a shared variable and another that reads that shared variable and displays its value. Using a chosen mutual exclusion algorithm to guard the critical section ensures that each task has exclusive access to the shared variable. These tasks do not have real-time requirements, and the only constraint placed on these two tasks is that the write operation precedes the read operation on the shared variable.

If another task without a competing critical section exists in the system but does have real-time deadlines to meet, the task must be allowed to interrupt either of the other two tasks, regardless of whether the task to be interrupted is in its critical section, in order to guarantee overall system correctness. Therefore, in this particular example, the duration of the critical sections of the first two tasks can be long, and higher priority task should be allowed to interrupt.

If the first two tasks have real-time deadlines and the time needed to complete their associated critical sections impacts whether the tasks meet their deadlines, this critical section should run to completion without interruption. The preemption lock becomes useful in this situation.

Therefore, it is important to evaluate the criticality of the critical section and the overall system impact before deciding on which mutual exclusion algorithm to use for guarding a critical section. The solution to the mutual exclusion problem should satisfy the following conditions:

· only one task can enter its critical section at any given time,

· fair access to the shared resource by multiple competing tasks is provided, and

· one task executing its critical section must not prevent another task executing a non-competing critical section.

15.6 Common Practical Design Patterns

This section presents a set of common inter-tasks synchronization and communication patterns designed from real-life scenarios. These design patterns are ready to be used in real-world embedded designs.

In these design patterns, the operation of event register manipulation is considered an atomic operation. The numberings shown in these design patterns indicate the execution orders.

15.6.1 Synchronous Activity Synchronization

Multiple ways of implementing synchronous activity synchronization are available, including:

· task-to-task synchronization using binary semaphores,

· ISR-to-task synchronization using binary semaphores,

· task-to-task synchronization using event registers,

· ISR-to-task synchronization using event registers,

· ISR-to-task synchronization using counting semaphores, and

· simple rendezvous with data passing.

Task-to-Task Synchronization Using Binary Semaphores

In this design pattern, two tasks synchronize their activities using a binary semaphore, as shown in Figure 15.6. The initial value of the binary semaphore is 0. Task #2 has to wait for task #1 to reach an execution point, at which time, task #1 signals to task #2 its arrival at the execution point by giving the semaphore and changing the value of the binary semaphore to 1. At this point, depending on their execution priorities, task #2 can run if it has higher priority. The value of the binary semaphore is reset to 0 after the synchronization. In this design pattern, task #2 has execution dependency on task #1.

Figure 15.6: Task-to-task synchronization using binary semaphores.

ISR-to-Task Synchronization Using Binary Semaphores

In this design pattern, a task and an ISR synchronize their activities using a binary semaphore, as shown in Figure 15.7. The initial value of the binary semaphore is 0. The task has to wait for the ISR to signal the occurrence of an asynchronous event. When the event occurs and the associated ISR runs, it signals to the task by giving the semaphore and changing the value of the binary semaphore to 1. The ISR runs to completion before the task gets the chance to resume execution. The value of the binary semaphore is reset to 0 after the task resumes execution.

Figure 15.7: ISR-to-task synchronization using binary semaphores.

Task-to-Task Synchronization Using Event Registers

In this design pattern, two tasks synchronize their activities using an event register, as shown in Figure 15.8. The tasks agree on a bit location in the event register for signaling. In this example, the bit location is the first bit. The initial value of the event bit is 0. Task #2 has to wait for task #1 to reach an execution point. Task #1 signals to task #2 its arrival at that point by setting the event bit to 1. At this point, depending on execution priority, task #2 can run if it has higher priority. The value of the event bit is reset to 0 after synchronization.

Figure 15.8: Task-to-task synchronization using event registers.

ISR-to-Task Synchronization Using Event Registers

In this design pattern, a task and an ISR synchronize their activities using an event register, as shown in Figure 15.9. The task and the ISR agree on an event bit location for signaling. In this example, the bit location is the first bit. The initial value of the event bit is 0. The task has to wait for the ISR to signal the occurrence of an asynchronous event. When the event occurs and the associated ISR runs, it signals to the task by changing the event bit to 1. The ISR runs to completion before the task gets the chance to resume execution. The value of the event bit is reset to 0 after the task resume execution.

Figure 15.9: ISR-to-task synchronization using event registers.

ISR-to-Task Synchronization Using Counting Semaphores

In Figures 15.6, 15.7, 15.8, and 15.9, multiple occurrences of the same event cannot accumulate. A counting semaphore, however, is used in Figure 15.10 to accumulate event occurrences and for task signaling. The value of the counting semaphore increments by one each time the ISR gives the semaphore. Similarly, its value is decremented by one each time the task gets the semaphore. The task runs as long as the counting semaphore is non-zero.

Figure 15.10: ISR-to-task synchronization using counting semaphores.

Simple Rendezvous with Data Passing

Two tasks can implement a simple rendezvous and can exchange data at the rendezvous point using two message queues, as shown in Figure 15.11. Each message queue can hold a maximum of one message. Both message queues are initially empty. When task #1 reaches the rendezvous, it puts data into message queue #2 and waits for a message to arrive on message queue #1. When task #2 reaches the rendezvous, it puts data into message queue #1 and waits for data to arrive on message queue #2. Task #1 has to wait on message queue #1 before task #2 arrives, and vice versa, thus achieving rendezvous synchronization with data passing.

Figure 15.11: Task-to-task rendezvous using two message queues.

15.6.2 Asynchronous Event Notification Using Signals

One task can synchronize with another task in urgent mode using the signal facility. The signaled task processes the event notification asynchronously. In Figure 15.12, a task generates a signal to another task. The receiving task diverts from its normal execution path and executes its asynchronous signal routine.

Figure 15.12: Using signals for urgent data communication.

15.6.3 Resource Synchronization

Multiple ways of accomplishing resource synchronization are available. These methods include accessing shared memory with mutexes, interrupt locks, or preemption locks and sharing multiple instances of resources using counting semaphores and mutexes.

Shared Memory with Mutexes

In this design pattern, task #1 and task #2 access shared memory using a mutex for synchronization. Each task must first acquire the mutex before accessing the shared memory. The task blocks if the mutex is already locked, indicating that another task is accessing the shared memory. The task releases the mutex after it completes its operation on the shared memory. Figure 15.13 shows the order of execution with respect to each task.

Figure 15.13: Task-to-task resource synchronization-shared memory guarded by mutex.

Shared Memory with Interrupt Locks

In this design pattern, the ISR transfers data to the task using shared memory, as shown in Figure 15.14. The ISR puts data into the shared memory, and the task removes data from the shared memory and subsequently processes it. The interrupt lock is used for synchronizing access to the shared memory. The task must acquire and release the interrupt lock to avoid the interrupt disrupting its execution. The ISR does not need to be aware of the existence of the interrupt lock unless nested interrupts are supported (i.e., interrupts are enabled while an ISR executes) and multiple ISRs can access the data.

Figure 15.14: ISR-to-task resource synchronization- shared memory guarded by interrupt lock.

Shared Memory with Preemption Locks

In this design pattern, two tasks transfer data to each other using shared memory, as shown in Figure 15.15. Each task is responsible for disabling preemption before accessing the shared memory. Unlike using a binary semaphore or a mutex lock, no waiting is invovled when using a preemption lock for synchronization.

Figure 15.15: Task-to-task resource synchronization-shared memory guarded by preemption lock.

Sharing Multiple Instances of Resources Using Counting Semaphores and Mutexes

Figure 15.16 depicts a typical scenario where N tasks share M instances of a single resource type, for example, M printers. The counting semaphore tracks the number of available resource instances at any given time. The counting semaphore is initialized with the value M. Each task must acquire the counting semaphore before accessing the shared resource. By acquiring the counting semaphore, the task effectively reserves an instance of the resource. Having the counting semaphore alone is insufficient. Typically, a control structure associated with the resource instances is used. The control structure maintains information such as which resource instances are in use and which are available for allocation. The control information is updated each time a resource instance is either allocated to or released by a task. A mutex is deployed to guarantee that each task has exclusive access to the control structure. Therefore, after a task successfully acquires the counting semaphore, the task must acquire the mutex before the task can either allocate or free an instance.

Figure 15.16: Sharing multiple instances of resources using counting semaphores and mutexes.

15.7 Specific Solution Design Patterns

This section presents more complex design patterns for synchronization and communication. Multiple synchronization primitives can be found in a single design pattern.

15.7.1 Data Transfer with Flow Control

Task-to-task communication commonly involves data transfer. One task is a producer, and the other is a data consumer. Data processing takes time, and the consumer task might not be able to consume the data as fast as the producer can produce it. The producer can potentially overflow the communication channel if a higher priority task preempts the consumer task. Therefore, the consumer task might need to control the rate at which the producer task generates the data. This process is accomplished through a counting semaphore, as shown in Figure 15.17. In this case, the counting semaphore is a permission to produce data.

Figure 15.17: Using counting semaphores for flow control.

The data buffer in this design pattern is different from an RTOS-supplied message queue. Typically, a message queue has a built-in flow control mechanism. Assume that this message buffer is a custom data transfer mechanism that is not supplied by the RTOS.

As shown in Figure 15.17, task #1 is the data producer, while task #2 is the consumer. Task #1 can introduce data into the buffer as long as the task can successfully acquire the counting semaphore. The counting semaphore may be initialized to a value less than the maximum allowable token value. Task #2 can increase the token value with the give operation and may decrease the token value by the take operation depending on how fast the task can consume data. Listing 15.2 shows the pseudo code for this design pattern.

Listing 15.2: Pseudo code for data transfer with flow control.

data producing task 


Produce data into msgQueue

data consuming task

Consume data from MsgQueue


15.7.2 Asynchronous Data Reception from Multiple Data Communication Channels

Commonly, a daemon task receives data from multiple input sources, which implies that data arrives on multiple message queues. A task cannot block and wait for data on multiple message queues. Therefore, in such cases, multiple sources may use a single semaphore to signal the arrival of data. A task cannot block and wait on multiple semaphores either.

The task blocks and waits on the semaphore. Each ISR inserts data in the corresponding message queue followed by a give operation on the semaphore.

As shown in Figure 15.18, a single interrupt lock is sufficient to protect against multiple interrupt sources, as long as the masked interrupt level covers these sources. Both the interrupt service routines use a single semaphore as the signal channel.

Figure 15.18: Task waiting on multiple input sources.

Listing 15.3 shows the code that the task runs when multiple input message queues are present. Note that the semaphore used in this case is a binary semaphore.

Listing 15.3: Pseudo code for task waiting on multiple input sources.

while (Get(Binary_Semaphore))


 for (each msgQueue)

  get msgQueueLength

  for (msgQueueLength)

   remove a message


   process the message





end while

Some RTOS kernels do not have the event-register object. Implementing the event register using the common basic primitives found in the majority of the RTOS kernels can be quite useful when porting applications from one RTOS to another.

The event-register object can be implemented using a shared variable, an interrupt lock, and a semaphore. The shared variable stores and retrieves the events. The interrupt lock guards the shared variable because ISRs can generate events through the event register. The semaphore blocks the task wanting to receive desired events.

Event_Receive(wanted_events) {

 task_cb.wanted_events = wanted_events

 While (TRUE)



  events = wanted_events XOR task_cb.recvd_events

  task_cb.wanted_events = task_cb.wanted_event AND (NOT events)


  If (events is not empty)

   return (events)




The variable task_cb refers to the task control block, in which the kernel keeps its private, task-specific information. Note that the unwanted events are not cleared because the task can call event_receive some time later.

Event_Send(events) {


 task_cb.recvd_events = task_cb.recvd_events OR events




15.7.3 Multiple Input Communication Channels

A daemon task usually has multiple data input sources and multiple event input sources, as shown in Figure 15.19. Consider a daemon task that processes data from an I/O device and has a periodic timer, which is used for recovery if the device is stuck in an inconsistent state. The system timer ISR signals the periodic timer event; this event does not carry data. In such situations, an event register combined with a counting semaphore is a much better alternative than using counting semaphores alone for signaling (see Figure 15.10).

Figure 15.19: Task with multiple input communication channels.

With an event register, each event bit is pre-allocated to a source. In this design pattern, one event bit is assigned to the I/O task #1 and another bit is assigned to the timer ISR. The task blocks on an event register, and an event from either source activates the task. The I/O task first inserts the data associated with an I/O device into the message queue. Then the I/O task signals this event to the task by setting the event's assigned bit in the event register. The timer ISR sets the event bit; this event is no more than a tick announcement to the task. After the task resumes execution, it performs the appropriate action according to the event-register state.

Because the event register is only used as a signaling mechanism, a counting semaphore is used to keep track of the total number of tick occurrences. Listing 15.4 puts this discussion into perspective. The addition of the counting semaphore does not increase the code complexity.

Listing 15.4: Pseudo code for using a counting semaphore for event accumulation combined with an event-register used for event notification.

while (the_events = wait for events from Event-Register)

 if (the_events& EVENT_TYPE_DEVICE)

  while (Get message from msgQueue)

   process the message



 if (the_events& EVENT_TYPE_TIMER)

  counter = 0


  while (Get(Counting_Semaphore))

   counter = counter + 1



  if (counter › 1)

   recovery time


   process the timer tick




15.7.4 Using Condition Variables to Synchronize between Readers and Writers

The design pattern shown in Figure 15.20 demonstrates the use of condition variables. A condition variable can be associated with the state of a shared resource. In this example, multiple tasks are trying to insert messages into a shared message queue. The predicate of the condition variable is 'the message queue is full.' Each writer task tries first to insert the message into the message queue. The task waits (and is blocked) if the message queue is currently full. Otherwise, the message is inserted, and the task continues its execution path.

Figure 15.20: Using condition variables for task synchronization.

Note the message queue shown in Figure 15.20 is called a 'simple message queue.' For the sake of this example, the reader should assume this message queue is a simple buffer with structured content. This simple message queue is not the same type of message queue that is provided by the RTOS.

Dedicated reader (or consumer) tasks periodically remove messages from the message queue. The reader task signals on the condition variable if the message queue is full, in effect waking up the writer tasks that are blocked waiting on the condition variable. Listing 15.5 shows the pseudo code for reader tasks and Listing 15.6 shows the pseudo code for writer tasks.

Listing 15.5: Pseudo code for reader tasks.


Remove message from message queue

If (msgQueue Was Full)



Listing 15.6: Pseudo code for writer tasks.


While (msgQueue is Full)


Produce message into message queue


As Chapter 8 discusses, the call to event_receive is a blocking call. The calling task is blocked if the event register is empty when the call is made. Remember that the event register is a synchronous signal mechanism. The task might not run immediately when events are signaled to it, if a higher priority task is currently executing. Events from different sources are accumulated until the associated task resumes execution. At that point, the call returns with a snapshot of the state of the event register. The task operates on this returned value to determine which events have occurred.

Problematically, however, the event register cannot accumulate event occurrences of the same type before processing begins. The task would have missed all but one timer tick event if multiple timer ticks had occurred before the task resumed execution. Introducing a counting semaphore into the circuit can solve this problem. Soft timers, as Chapter 11 discusses, do not have stringent deadlines. It is important to track how many ticks have occurred. This way, the task can perform recovery actions, such as fast-forwarding time to reduce the drift.

The data buffer in this design pattern is different from an RTOS-supplied message queue. Typically, a message queue has a built-in flow control mechanism. Assume that this message buffer is a custom data transfer mechanism that is not supplied by the RTOS.

Note that the lock call on the guarding mutex is a blocking call. Either a writer task or a reader task is blocked if it tries to lock the mutex while in the locked state. This feature guarantees serialized access to the shared message queue. The wait operation and the signal operation are both atomic operations with respect to the predicate and the guarding mutex, as Chapter 8 discusses.

In this example, the reader tasks create the condition for the writer tasks to proceed producing messages. The one-way condition creation of this design implies that either there are more writer tasks than there are reader tasks, or that the production of messages is faster than the consumption of these messages.

15.7.5 Sending High Priority Data between Tasks

In many situations, the communication between tasks can carry urgent data. Urgent data must be processed in a timely fashion and must be distinguished from normal data. This process is accomplished by using signals and an urgent data message queue, as shown in Figure 15.21. For the sake of this example, the reader should assume the message queues shown in Figure 15.21 do not support a priority message delivery mechanism.

Figure 15.21: Using signals for urgent data communication.

As Chapter 8 describes, one task uses a signal to notify another of the arrival of urgent data. When the signal arrives, the receiving task diverts from its normal execution and goes directly to the urgent data message queue. The task processes messages from this queue ahead of messages from other queues because the urgent data queue has the highest priority. This task must install an asynchronous signal handler for the urgent data signal in order to receive it. The reason the signal for urgent data notification is deploying is because the task does not know of the arrival of urgent data unless the task is already waiting on the message queue.

The producer of the urgent data, which can be either a task or an ISR, inserts the urgent messages into the predefined urgent data message queue. The source signals the recipient of the urgent data. The signal interrupts the normal execution path of the recipient task, and the installed signal handler is invoked. Inside this signal handler, urgent messages are read and processed.

In this design pattern, urgent data is maintained in a separate message queue although most RTOS-supplied message queues support priority messages. With a separate message queue for urgent data, the receiver can control how much urgent data it is willing to accept and process, i.e., a flow control mechanism.

15.7.6 Implementing Reader-Writer Locks Using Condition Variables

This section presents another example of the usage of condition variables. The code shown in Listings 15.7, 15.8, and 15.9 are written in C programming language.

Consider a shared memory region that both readers and writers can access. The example reader-writer lock design has the following properties: multiple readers can simultaneously read the memory content, but only one writer is allowed to write data into the shared memory at any one time. The writer can begin writing to the shared memory when that memory region is not accessed by a task (readers or writers). Readers precede writers because readers have priority over writers in term of accessing the shared memory region.

The implementation that follows can be adapted to other types of synchronization scenarios when prioritized access to shared resources is desired, as shown in Listings 15.7, 15.8, and 15.9.

The following assumptions are made in the program listings:

1. The mutex_t data type represents a mutex object and condvar_t represents a condition variable object; both are provided by the RTOS.

2. lock_mutex, unlock_mutex, wait_cond, signal_cond, and broadcast_cond are functions provided by the RTOS. lock_mutex and unlock_mutex operate on the mutex object. wait_cond, signal_cond, and broadcast_cond operate on the condition variable object.

Listing 15.7 shows the data structure needed to implement the reader-writer lock.

Listing 15.7: Data structure for implementing reader-writer locks.

typedef struct {

 mutex_t guard_mutex;

 condvar_t read_condvar;

 condvar_t write_condvar;

 int rw_count;

 int read_waiting;

} rwlock_t;

rw_count == -1 indicates a writer is active

Listing 15.8 shows the code that the writer task invokes to acquire and to release the lock.

Listing 15.8: Code called by the writer task to acquire and release locks.

acquire_write(rwlock_t *rwlock) {


 while (rwlock-›rw_count!= 0)


 rwlock-›rw_count = -1;



release_write(rwlock_t *rwlock) {


 rwlock-›rw_count = 0;

 if (rwlock-›r_waiting)






Listing 15.9 shows the code that the reader task invokes to acquire and release the lock.

Listing 15.9: Code called by the reader task to acquire and release locks.

acquire_read(rwlock_t *rwlock) {



 while (rwlock-›rw_count ‹ 0)


 rwlock-›r_waiting = 0;




release_read(rwlock_t *rwlock) {



 if (rwlock-›rw_count == 0)




In case broadcast_cond does not exist, use a for loop as follows

for (i = rwlock-›read_waiting; i › 0; i--)


15.8 Points to Remember

Some points to remember include the following:

· Synchronization is classified into resource and activity synchronization.

· Resource synchronization is closely related to critical sections and mutual exclusion.

· Activity synchronization is also called condition synchronization or sequence control.

· Barrier synchronization can be used to perform activity synchronization for a group of tasks.

· Rendezvous synchronization is used to perform activity synchronization between two tasks.

· Tasks communicate with each other to transfer data, to signal event occurrences, to allow one task to control other tasks, to synchronize activities, and to implement custom resource synchronization protocols.

· Interrupt locks should be used only when necessary to synchronize access to shared resources between a task and an ISR.

· Preemption locks can cause priority inversion.