A real-time operating system (RTOS) is key to many embedded systems today and, provides a software platform upon which to build applications. Not all embedded systems, however, are designed with an RTOS. Some embedded systems with relatively simple hardware or a small amount of software application code might not require an RTOS. Many embedded systems, however, with moderate-to-large software applications require some form of scheduling, and these systems require an RTOS.
This chapter sets the stage for all subsequent chapters in this section. It describes the key concepts upon which most real-time operating systems are based. Specifically, this chapter provides
· a brief history of operating systems,
· a definition of an RTOS,
· a description of the scheduler,
· a discussion of objects,
· a discussion of services, and
· the key characteristics of an RTOS.
In the early days of computing, developers created software applications that included low-level machine code to initialize and interact with the system's hardware directly. This tight integration between the software and hardware resulted in non-portable applications. A small change in the hardware might result in rewriting much of the application itself. Obviously, these systems were difficult and costly to maintain.
As the software industry progressed, operating systems that provided the basic software foundation for computing systems evolved and facilitated the abstraction of the underlying hardware from the application code. In addition, the evolution of operating systems helped shift the design of software applications from large, monolithic applications to more modular, interconnected applications that could run on top of the operating system environment.
Over the years, many versions of operating systems evolved. These ranged from general-purpose operating systems (GPOS), such as UNIX and Microsoft Windows, to smaller and more compact real-time operating systems, such as VxWorks. Each is briefly discussed next.
In the 60s and 70s, when mid-sized and mainframe computing was in its prime, UNIX was developed to facilitate multi-user access to expensive, limited-availability computing systems. UNIX allowed many users performing a variety of tasks to share these large and costly computers. multi-user access was very efficient: one user could print files, for example, while another wrote programs. Eventually, UNIX was ported to all types of machines, from microcomputers to supercomputers.
In the 80s, Microsoft introduced the Windows operating system, which emphasized the personal computing environment. Targeted for residential and business users interacting with PCs through a graphical user interface, the Microsoft Windows operating system helped drive the personal-computing era.
Later in the decade, momentum started building for the next generation of computing: the post-PC, embedded-computing era. To meet the needs of embedded computing, commercial RTOSes, such as VxWorks, were developed. Although some functional similarities exist between RTOSes and GPOSes, many important differences occur as well. These differences help explain why RTOSes are better suited for real-time embedded systems.
Some core functional similarities between a typical RTOS and GPOS include:
· some level of multitasking,
· software and hardware resource management,
· provision of underlying OS services to applications, and
· abstracting the hardware from the software application.
On the other hand, some key functional differences that set RTOSes apart from GPOSes include:
· better reliability in embedded application contexts,
· the ability to scale up or down to meet application needs,
· faster performance,
· reduced memory requirements,
· scheduling policies tailored for real-time embedded systems,
· support for diskless embedded systems by allowing executables to boot and run from ROM or RAM, and
· better portability to different hardware platforms.
Today, GPOSes target general-purpose computing and run predominantly on systems such as personal computers, workstations, and mainframes. In some cases, GPOSes run on embedded devices that have ample memory and very soft real-time requirements. GPOSes typically require a lot more memory, however, and are not well suited to real-time embedded devices with limited memory and high performance requirements.
RTOSes, on the other hand, can meet these requirements. They are reliable, compact, and scalable, and they perform well in real-time embedded systems. In addition, RTOSes can be easily tailored to use only those components required for a particular application.
Again, remember that today many smaller embedded devices are still built without an RTOS. These simple devices typically contain a small-to-moderate amount of application code. The focus of this book, however, remains on embedded devices that use an RTOS.
A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a program that schedules execution in a timely manner, manages system resources, and provides a consistent foundation for developing application code. Application code designed on an RTOS can be quite diverse, ranging from a simple application for a digital stopwatch to a much more complex application for aircraft navigation. Good RTOSes, therefore, are scalable in order to meet different sets of requirements for different applications.
For example, in some applications, an RTOS comprises only a kernel, which is the core supervisory software that provides minimal logic, scheduling, and resource-management algorithms. Every RTOS has a kernel. On the other hand, an RTOS can be a combination of various modules, including the kernel, a file system, networking protocol stacks, and other components required for a particular application, as illustrated at a high level in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1: High-level view of an RTOS, its kernel, and other components found in embedded systems.
Although many RTOSes can scale up or down to meet application requirements, this book focuses on the common element at the heart of all RTOSes-the kernel. Most RTOS kernels contain the following components:
· Scheduler - is contained within each kernel and follows a set of algorithms that determines which task executes when. Some common examples of scheduling algorithms include round-robin and preemptive scheduling.
· Objects - are special kernel constructs that help developers create applications for real-time embedded systems. Common kernel objects include tasks, semaphores, and message queues.
· Services - are operations that the kernel performs on an object or, generally operations such as timing, interrupt handling, and resource management.
Figure 4.2 illustrates these components, each of which is described next.
Figure 4.2: Common components in an RTOS kernel that including objects, the scheduler, and some services.
This diagram is highly simplified; remember that not all RTOS kernels conform to this exact set of objects, scheduling algorithms, and services.
The scheduler is at the heart of every kernel. A scheduler provides the algorithms needed to determine which task executes when. To understand how scheduling works, this section describes the following topics:
· schedulable entities,
· multitasking,
· context switching,
· dispatcher, and
· scheduling algorithms.
A schedulable entity is a kernel object that can compete for execution time on a system, based on a predefined scheduling algorithm. Tasks and processes are all examples of schedulable entities found in most kernels.
A task is an independent thread of execution that contains a sequence of independently schedulable instructions. Some kernels provide another type of a schedulable object called a process. Processes are similar to tasks in that they can independently compete for CPU execution time. Processes differ from tasks in that they provide better memory protection features, at the expense of performance and memory overhead. Despite these differences, for the sake of simplicity, this book uses task to mean either a task or a process.
Note that message queues and semaphores are not schedulable entities. These items are inter-task communication objects used for synchronization and communication. Chapter 6 discusses semaphores, and Chapter 7 discusses message queues in more detail.
So, how exactly does a scheduler handle multiple schedulable entities that need to run simultaneously? The answer is by multitasking. The multitasking discussions are carried out in the context of uniprocessor environments.
Multitasking is the ability of the operating system to handle multiple activities within set deadlines. A real-time kernel might have multiple tasks that it has to schedule to run. One such multitasking scenario is illustrated in Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3: Multitasking using a context switch.
In this scenario, the kernel multitasks in such a way that many threads of execution appear to be running concurrently; however, the kernel is actually interleaving executions sequentially, based on a preset scheduling algorithm (see “Scheduling Algorithms”). The scheduler must ensure that the appropriate task runs at the right time.
An important point to note here is that the tasks follow the kernel’s scheduling algorithm, while interrupt service routines (ISR) are triggered to run because of hardware interrupts and their established priorities.
As the number of tasks to schedule increases, so do CPU performance requirements. This fact is due to increased switching between the contexts of the different threads of execution.
Each task has its own context, which is the state of the CPU registers required each time it is scheduled to run. A context switch occurs when the scheduler switches from one task to another. To better understand what happens during a context switch, let’s examine further what a typical kernel does in this scenario.
Every time a new task is created, the kernel also creates and maintains an associated task control block (TCB). TCBs are system data structures that the kernel uses to maintain task-specific information. TCBs contain everything a kernel needs to know about a particular task. When a task is running, its context is highly dynamic. This dynamic context is maintained in the TCB. When the task is not running, its context is frozen within the TCB, to be restored the next time the task runs. A typical context switch scenario is illustrated in Figure 4.3.
As shown in Figure 4.3, when the kernel’s scheduler determines that it needs to stop running task 1 and start running task 2, it takes the following steps:
1. The kernel saves task 1’s context information in its TCB.
2. It loads task 2’s context information from its TCB, which becomes the current thread of execution.
3. The context of task 1 is frozen while task 2 executes, but if the scheduler needs to run task 1 again, task 1 continues from where it left off just before the context switch.
The time it takes for the scheduler to switch from one task to another is the context switch time. It is relatively insignificant compared to most operations that a task performs. If an application’s design includes frequent context switching, however, the application can incur unnecessary performance overhead. Therefore, design applications in a way that does not involve excess context switching.
Every time an application makes a system call, the scheduler has an opportunity to determine if it needs to switch contexts. When the scheduler determines a context switch is necessary, it relies on an associated module, called the dispatcher, to make that switch happen.
The dispatcher is the part of the scheduler that performs context switching and changes the flow of execution. At any time an RTOS is running, the flow of execution, also known as flow of control, is passing through one of three areas: through an application task, through an ISR, or through the kernel. When a task or ISR makes a system call, the flow of control passes to the kernel to execute one of the system routines provided by the kernel. When it is time to leave the kernel, the dispatcher is responsible for passing control to one of the tasks in the user’s application. It will not necessarily be the same task that made the system call. It is the scheduling algorithms (to be discussed shortly) of the scheduler that determines which task executes next. It is the dispatcher that does the actual work of context switching and passing execution control.
Depending on how the kernel is first entered, dispatching can happen differently. When a task makes system calls, the dispatcher is used to exit the kernel after every system call completes. In this case, the dispatcher is used on a call-by-call basis so that it can coordinate task-state transitions that any of the system calls might have caused. (One or more tasks may have become ready to run, for example.)
On the other hand, if an ISR makes system calls, the dispatcher is bypassed until the ISR fully completes its execution. This process is true even if some resources have been freed that would normally trigger a context switch between tasks. These context switches do not take place because the ISR must complete without being interrupted by tasks. After the ISR completes execution, the kernel exits through the dispatcher so that it can then dispatch the correct task.
As mentioned earlier, the scheduler determines which task runs by following a scheduling algorithm (also known as scheduling policy). Most kernels today support two common scheduling algorithms:
· preemptive priority-based scheduling, and
· round-robin scheduling.
The RTOS manufacturer typically predefines these algorithms; however, in some cases, developers can create and define their own scheduling algorithms. Each algorithm is described next.
Of the two scheduling algorithms introduced here, most real-time kernels use preemptive priority-based scheduling by default. As shown in Figure 4.4 with this type of scheduling, the task that gets to run at any point is the task with the highest priority among all other tasks ready to run in the system.
Figure 4.4: Preemptive priority-based scheduling.
Real-time kernels generally support 256 priority levels, in which 0 is the highest and 255 the lowest. Some kernels appoint the priorities in reverse order, where 255 is the highest and 0 the lowest. Regardless, the concepts are basically the same. With a preemptive priority-based scheduler, each task has a priority, and the highest-priority task runs first. If a task with a priority higher than the current task becomes ready to run, the kernel immediately saves the current task’s context in its TCB and switches to the higher-priority task. As shown in Figure 4.4 task 1 is preempted by higher-priority task 2, which is then preempted by task 3. When task 3 completes, task 2 resumes; likewise, when task 2 completes, task 1 resumes.
Although tasks are assigned a priority when they are created, a task’s priority can be changed dynamically using kernel-provided calls. The ability to change task priorities dynamically allows an embedded application the flexibility to adjust to external events as they occur, creating a true real-time, responsive system. Note, however, that misuse of this capability can lead to priority inversions, deadlock, and eventual system failure.
Round-robin scheduling provides each task an equal share of the CPU execution time. Pure round-robin scheduling cannot satisfy real-time system requirements because in real-time systems, tasks perform work of varying degrees of importance. Instead, preemptive, priority-based scheduling can be augmented with round-robin scheduling which uses time slicing to achieve equal allocation of the CPU for tasks of the same priority as shown in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.5: Round-robin and preemptive scheduling.
With time slicing, each task executes for a defined interval, or time slice, in an ongoing cycle, which is the round robin. A run-time counter tracks the time slice for each task, incrementing on every clock tick. When one task’s time slice completes, the counter is cleared, and the task is placed at the end of the cycle. Newly added tasks of the same priority are placed at the end of the cycle, with their run-time counters initialized to 0.
If a task in a round-robin cycle is preempted by a higher-priority task, its run-time count is saved and then restored when the interrupted task is again eligible for execution. This idea is illustrated in Figure 4.5, in which task 1 is preempted by a higher-priority task 4 but resumes where it left off when task 4 completes.
Kernel objects are special constructs that are the building blocks for application development for real-time embedded systems. The most common RTOS kernel objects are
· Tasks - are concurrent and independent threads of execution that can compete for CPU execution time.
· Semaphores - are token-like objects that can be incremented or decremented by tasks for synchronization or mutual exclusion.
· Message Queues - are buffer-like data structures that can be used for synchronization, mutual exclusion, and data exchange by passing messages between tasks. Developers creating real-time embedded applications can combine these basic kernel objects (as well as others not mentioned here) to solve common real-time design problems, such as concurrency, activity synchronization, and data communication. These design problems and the kernel objects used to solve them are discussed in more detail in later chapters.
Along with objects, most kernels provide services that help developers create applications for real-time embedded systems. These services comprise sets of API calls that can be used to perform operations on kernel objects or can be used in general to facilitate timer management, interrupt handling, device I/O, and memory management. Again, other services might be provided; these services are those most commonly found in RTOS kernels.
An application's requirements define the requirements of its underlying RTOS. Some of the more common attributes are
· reliability,
· predictability,
· performance,
· compactness, and
· scalability.
These attributes are discussed next; however, the RTOS attribute an application needs depends on the type of application being built.
Embedded systems must be reliable. Depending on the application, the system might need to operate for long periods without human intervention.
Different degrees of reliability may be required. For example, a digital solar-powered calculator might reset itself if it does not get enough light, yet the calculator might still be considered acceptable. On the other hand, a telecom switch cannot reset during operation without incurring high associated costs for down time. The RTOSes in these applications require different degrees of reliability.
Although different degrees of reliability might be acceptable, in general, a reliable system is one that is available (continues to provide service) and does not fail. A common way that developers categorize highly reliable systems is by quantifying their downtime per year, as shown in Table 4.1. The percentages under the 'Number of 9s' column indicate the percent of the total time that a system must be available.
While RTOSes must be reliable, note that the RTOS by itself is not what is measured to determine system reliability. It is the combination of all system elements-including the hardware, BSP, RTOS, and application-that determines the reliability of a system.
Table 4.1: Categorizing highly available systems by allowable downtime.[2]
Number of 9s | Downtime per year | Typical application |
3 Nines (99.9%) | ~9 hours | Desktop |
4 Nines (99.99%) | ~1 hour | Enterprise Server |
5 Nines (99.999%) | ~5 minutes | Carrier-Class Server |
6 Nines (99.9999%) | ~31 seconds | Carrier Switch Equipment |
Because many embedded systems are also real-time systems, meeting time requirements is key to ensuring proper operation. The RTOS used in this case needs to be predictable to a certain degree. The term deterministic describes RTOSes with predictable behavior, in which the completion of operating system calls occurs within known timeframes.
Developers can write simple benchmark programs to validate the determinism of an RTOS. The result is based on timed responses to specific RTOS calls. In a good deterministic RTOS, the variance of the response times for each type of system call is very small.
This requirement dictates that an embedded system must perform fast enough to fulfill its timing requirements. Typically, the more deadlines to be met-and the shorter the time between them-the faster the system's CPU must be. Although underlying hardware can dictate a system's processing power, its software can also contribute to system performance. Typically, the processor's performance is expressed in million instructions per second (MIPS).
Throughput also measures the overall performance of a system, with hardware and software combined. One definition of throughput is the rate at which a system can generate output based on the inputs coming in. Throughput also means the amount of data transferred divided by the time taken to transfer it. Data transfer throughput is typically measured in multiples of bits per second (bps).
Sometimes developers measure RTOS performance on a call-by-call basis. Benchmarks are written by producing timestamps when a system call starts and when it completes. Although this step can be helpful in the analysis stages of design, true performance testing is achieved only when the system performance is measured as a whole.
Application design constraints and cost constraints help determine how compact an embedded system can be. For example, a cell phone clearly must be small, portable, and low cost. These design requirements limit system memory, which in turn limits the size of the application and operating system.
In such embedded systems, where hardware real estate is limited due to size and costs, the RTOS clearly must be small and efficient. In these cases, the RTOS memory footprint can be an important factor. To meet total system requirements, designers must understand both the static and dynamic memory consumption of the RTOS and the application that will run on it.
Because RTOSes can be used in a wide variety of embedded systems, they must be able to scale up or down to meet application-specific requirements. Depending on how much functionality is required, an RTOS should be capable of adding or deleting modular components, including file systems and protocol stacks.
If an RTOS does not scale up well, development teams might have to buy or build the missing pieces. Suppose that a development team wants to use an RTOS for the design of a cellular phone project and a base station project. If an RTOS scales well, the same RTOS can be used in both projects, instead of two different RTOSes, which saves considerable time and money.
Some points to remember include the following:
· RTOSes are best suited for real-time, application-specific embedded systems; GPOSes are typically used for general-purpose systems.
· RTOSes are programs that schedule execution in a timely manner, manage system resources, and provide a consistent foundation for developing application code.
· Kernels are the core module of every RTOS and typically contain kernel objects, services, and scheduler.
· Kernels can deploy different algorithms for task scheduling. The most common two algorithms are preemptive priority-based scheduling and round-robin scheduling.
· RTOSes for real-time embedded systems should be reliable, predictable, high performance, compact, and scalable.
Source: 'Providing Open Architecture High Availability Solutions,' Revision 1.0, Published by HA Forum, February 2001.