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Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 6

Chapter 5: Tasks

5.1 Introduction

Simple software applications are typically designed to run sequentially, one instruction at a time, in a pre-determined chain of instructions. However, this scheme is inappropriate for real-time embedded applications, which generally handle multiple inputs and outputs within tight time constraints. Real-time embedded software applications must be designed for concurrency.

Concurrent design requires developers to decompose an application into small, schedulable, and sequential program units. When done correctly, concurrent design allows system multitasking to meet performance and timing requirements for a real-time system. Most RTOS kernels provide task objects and task management services to facilitate designing concurrency within an application.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

· task definition,

· task states and scheduling,

· typical task operations,

· typical task structure, and

· task coordination and concurrency.

5.2 Defining a Task

A task is an independent thread of execution that can compete with other concurrent tasks for processor execution time. As mentioned earlier, developers decompose applications into multiple concurrent tasks to optimize the handling of inputs and outputs within set time constraints.

A task is schedulable. As Chapter 4 discusses, the task is able to compete for execution time on a system, based on a predefined scheduling algorithm. A task is defined by its distinct set of parameters and supporting data structures. Specifically, upon creation, each task has an associated name, a unique ID, a priority (if part of a preemptive scheduling plan), a task control block (TCB), a stack, and a task routine, as shown in Figure 5.1). Together, these components make up what is known as the task object.

Figure 5.1: A task, its associated parameters, and supporting data structures.

When the kernel first starts, it creates its own set of system tasks and allocates the appropriate priority for each from a set of reserved priority levels. The reserved priority levels refer to the priorities used internally by the RTOS for its system tasks. An application should avoid using these priority levels for its tasks because running application tasks at such level may affect the overall system performance or behavior. For most RTOSes, these reserved priorities are not enforced. The kernel needs its system tasks and their reserved priority levels to operate. These priorities should not be modified. Examples of system tasks include:

· initialization or startup task - initializes the system and creates and starts system tasks,

· idle task - uses up processor idle cycles when no other activity is present,

· logging task - logs system messages,

· exception-handling task - handles exceptions, and

· debug agent task - allows debugging with a host debugger. Note that other system tasks might be created during initialization, depending on what other components are included with the kernel.

The idle task, which is created at kernel startup, is one system task that bears mention and should not be ignored. The idle task is set to the lowest priority, typically executes in an endless loop, and runs when either no other task can run or when no other tasks exist, for the sole purpose of using idle processor cycles. The idle task is necessary because the processor executes the instruction to which the program counter register points while it is running. Unless the processor can be suspended, the program counter must still point to valid instructions even when no tasks exist in the system or when no tasks can run. Therefore, the idle task ensures the processor program counter is always valid when no other tasks are running.

In some cases, however, the kernel might allow a user-configured routine to run instead of the idle task in order to implement special requirements for a particular application. One example of a special requirement is power conservation. When no other tasks can run, the kernel can switch control to the user-supplied routine instead of to the idle task. In this case, the user-supplied routine acts like the idle task but instead initiates power conservation code, such as system suspension, after a period of idle time.

After the kernel has initialized and created all of the required tasks, the kernel jumps to a predefined entry point (such as a predefined function) that serves, in effect, as the beginning of the application. From the entry point, the developer can initialize and create other application tasks, as well as other kernel objects, which the application design might require.

As the developer creates new tasks, the developer must assign each a task name, priority, stack size, and a task routine. The kernel does the rest by assigning each task a unique ID and creating an associated TCB and stack space in memory for it.

5.3 Task States and Scheduling

Whether it's a system task or an application task, at any time each task exists in one of a small number of states, including ready, running, or blocked. As the real-time embedded system runs, each task moves from one state to another, according to the logic of a simple finite state machine (FSM). Figure 5.2 illustrates a typical FSM for task execution states, with brief descriptions of state transitions.

Figure 5.2: A typical finite state machine for task execution states.

Although kernels can define task-state groupings differently, generally three main states are used in most typical preemptive-scheduling kernels, including:

· ready state - the task is ready to run but cannot because a higher priority task is executing.

· blocked state - the task has requested a resource that is not available, has requested to wait until some event occurs, or has delayed itself for some duration.

· running state - the task is the highest priority task and is running.

Note some commercial kernels, such as the VxWorks kernel, define other, more granular states, such as suspended, pended, and delayed. In this case, pended and delayed are actually sub-states of the blocked state. A pended task is waiting for a resource that it needs to be freed; a delayed task is waiting for a timing delay to end. The suspended state exists for debugging purposes. For more detailed information on the way a particular RTOS kernel implements its FSM for each task, refer to the kernel's user manual.

Regardless of how a kernel implements a task's FSM, it must maintain the current state of all tasks in a running system. As calls are made into the kernel by executing tasks, the kernel's scheduler first determines which tasks need to change states and then makes those changes.

In some cases, the kernel changes the states of some tasks, but no context switching occurs because the state of the highest priority task is unaffected. In other cases, however, these state changes result in a context switch because the former highest priority task either gets blocked or is no longer the highest priority task. When this process happens, the former running task is put into the blocked or ready state, and the new highest priority task starts to execute.

The following describe the ready, running, and blocked states in more detail. These descriptions are based on a single-processor system and a kernel using a priority-based preemptive scheduling algorithm.

5.3.1 Ready State

When a task is first created and made ready to run, the kernel puts it into the ready state. In this state, the task actively competes with all other ready tasks for the processor's execution time. As Figure 5.2 shows, tasks in the ready state cannot move directly to the blocked state. A task first needs to run so it can make a blocking call, which is a call to a function that cannot immediately run to completion, thus putting the task in the blocked state. Ready tasks, therefore, can only move to the running state. Because many tasks might be in the ready state, the kernel's scheduler uses the priority of each task to determine which task to move to the running state.

For a kernel that supports only one task per priority level, the scheduling algorithm is straightforward-the highest priority task that is ready runs next. In this implementation, the kernel limits the number of tasks in an application to the number of priority levels.

However, most kernels support more than one task per priority level, allowing many more tasks in an application. In this case, the scheduling algorithm is more complicated and involves maintaining a task-ready list. Some kernels maintain a separate task-ready list for each priority level; others have one combined list.

Figure 5.3 illustrates, in a five-step scenario, how a kernel scheduler might use a task-ready list to move tasks from the ready state to the running state. This example assumes a single-processor system and a priority-based preemptive scheduling algorithm in which 255 is the lowest priority and 0 is the highest. Note that for simplicity this example does not show system tasks, such as the idle task.

Figure 5.3: Five steps showing the way a task-ready list works.

In this example, tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are ready to run, and the kernel queues them by priority in a task-ready list. Task 1 is the highest priority task (70); tasks 2, 3, and 4 are at the next-highest priority level (80); and task 5 is the lowest priority (90). The following steps explains how a kernel might use the task-ready list to move tasks to and from the ready state:

1. Tasks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are ready to run and are waiting in the task-ready list.

2. Because task 1 has the highest priority (70), it is the first task ready to run. If nothing higher is running, the kernel removes task 1 from the ready list and moves it to the running state.

3. During execution, task 1 makes a blocking call. As a result, the kernel moves task 1 to the blocked state; takes task 2, which is first in the list of the next-highest priority tasks (80), off the ready list; and moves task 2 to the running state.

4. Next, task 2 makes a blocking call. The kernel moves task 2 to the blocked state; takes task 3, which is next in line of the priority 80 tasks, off the ready list; and moves task 3 to the running state.

5. As task 3 runs, frees the resource that task 2 requested. The kernel returns task 2 to the ready state and inserts it at the end of the list of tasks ready to run at priority level 80. Task 3 continues as the currently running task.

Although not illustrated here, if task 1 became unblocked at this point in the scenario, the kernel would move task 1 to the running state because its priority is higher than the currently running task (task 3). As with task 2 earlier, task 3 at this point would be moved to the ready state and inserted after task 2 (same priority of 80) and before task 5 (next priority of 90).

5.3.2 Running State

On a single-processor system, only one task can run at a time. In this case, when a task is moved to the running state, the processor loads its registers with this task's context. The processor can then execute the task's instructions and manipulate the associated stack.

As discussed in the previous section, a task can move back to the ready state while it is running. When a task moves from the running state to the ready state, it is preempted by a higher priority task. In this case, the preempted task is put in the appropriate, priority-based location in the task-ready list, and the higher priority task is moved from the ready state to the running state.

Unlike a ready task, a running task can move to the blocked state in any of the following ways:

· by making a call that requests an unavailable resource,

· by making a call that requests to wait for an event to occur, and

· by making a call to delay the task for some duration.

· In each of these cases, the task is moved from the running state to the blocked state, as described next.

5.3.3 Blocked State

The possibility of blocked states is extremely important in real-time systems because without blocked states, lower priority tasks could not run. If higher priority tasks are not designed to block, CPU starvation can result.

CPU starvation occurs when higher priority tasks use all of the CPU execution time and lower priority tasks do not get to run.

A task can only move to the blocked state by making a blocking call, requesting that some blocking condition be met. A blocked task remains blocked until the blocking condition is met. (It probably ought to be called the un blocking condition, but blocking is the terminology in common use among real-time programmers.) Examples of how blocking conditions are met include the following:

· a semaphore token (described later) for which a task is waiting is released,

· a message, on which the task is waiting, arrives in a message queue, or

· a time delay imposed on the task expires.

When a task becomes unblocked, the task might move from the blocked state to the ready state if it is not the highest priority task. The task is then put into the task-ready list at the appropriate priority-based location, as described earlier.

However, if the unblocked task is the highest priority task, the task moves directly to the running state (without going through the ready state) and preempts the currently running task. The preempted task is then moved to the ready state and put into the appropriate priority-based location in the task-ready list.

5.4 Typical Task Operations

In addition to providing a task object, kernels also provide task-management services. Task-management services include the actions that a kernel performs behind the scenes to support tasks, for example, creating and maintaining the TCB and task stacks.

A kernel, however, also provides an API that allows developers to manipulate tasks. Some of the more common operations that developers can perform with a task object from within the application include:

· creating and deleting tasks,

· controlling task scheduling, and

· obtaining task information.

Developers should learn how to perform each of these operations for the kernel selected for the project. Each operation is briefly discussed next.

5.4.1 Task Creation and Deletion

The most fundamental operations that developers must learn are creating and deleting tasks, as shown in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Operations for task creation and deletion.

Operation Description
Create Creates a task
Delete Deletes a task 

Developers typically create a task using one or two operations, depending on the kernel’s API. Some kernels allow developers first to create a task and then start it. In this case, the task is first created and put into a suspended state; then, the task is moved to the ready state when it is started (made ready to run).

Creating tasks in this manner might be useful for debugging or when special initialization needs to occur between the times that a task is created and started. However, in most cases, it is sufficient to create and start a task using one kernel call.

The suspended state is similar to the blocked state, in that the suspended task is neither running nor ready to run. However, a task does not move into or out of the suspended state via the same operations that move a task to or from the blocked state. The exact nature of the suspended state varies between RTOSes. For the present purpose, it is sufficient to know that the task is not yet ready to run.

Starting a task does not make it run immediately; it puts the task on the task-ready list.

Many kernels also provide user-configurable hooks, which are mechanisms that execute programmer-supplied functions, at the time of specific kernel events. The programmer registers the function with the kernel by passing a function pointer to a kernel-provided API. The kernel executes this function when the event of interest occurs. Such events can include:

· when a task is first created,

· when a task is suspended for any reason and a context switch occurs, and

· when a task is deleted.

Hooks are useful when executing special initialization code upon task creation, implementing status tracking or monitoring upon task context switches, or executing clean-up code upon task deletion.

Carefully consider how tasks are to be deleted in the embedded application. Many kernel implementations allow any task to delete any other task. During the deletion process, a kernel terminates the task and frees memory by deleting the task’s TCB and stack.

However, when tasks execute, they can acquire memory or access resources using other kernel objects. If the task is deleted incorrectly, the task might not get to release these resources. For example, assume that a task acquires a semaphore token to get exclusive access to a shared data structure. While the task is operating on this data structure, the task gets deleted. If not handled appropriately, this abrupt deletion of the operating task can result in:

· a corrupt data structure, due to an incomplete write operation,

· an unreleased semaphore, which will not be available for other tasks that might need to acquire it, and

· an inaccessible data structure, due to the unreleased semaphore.

As a result, premature deletion of a task can result in memory or resource leaks.

A memory leak occurs when memory is acquired but not released, which causes the system to run out of memory eventually. A resource leak occurs when a resource is acquired but never released, which results in a memory leak because each resource takes up space in memory. Many kernels provide task-deletion locks, a pair of calls that protect a task from being prematurely deleted during a critical section of code.

This book discusses these concepts in more detail later. At this point, however, note that any tasks to be deleted must have enough time to clean up and release resources or memory before being deleted.

5.4.2 Task Scheduling

From the time a task is created to the time it is deleted, the task can move through various states resulting from program execution and kernel scheduling. Although much of this state changing is automatic, many kernels provide a set of API calls that allow developers to control when a task moves to a different state, as shown in Table 5.2. This capability is called manual scheduling .

Table 5.2: Operations for task scheduling.

Operation Description
Suspend Suspends a task
Resume Resumes a task
Delay Delays a task
Restart Restarts a task
Get Priority Gets the current task’s priority
Set Priority Dynamically sets a task’s priority
Preemption lock Locks out higher priority tasks from preempting the current task
Preemption unlock Unlocks a preemption lock 

Using manual scheduling, developers can suspend and resume tasks from within an application. Doing so might be important for debugging purposes or, as discussed earlier, for suspending a high-priority task so that lower priority tasks can execute.

A developer might want to delay (block) a task, for example, to allow manual scheduling or to wait for an external condition that does not have an associated interrupt. Delaying a task causes it to relinquish the CPU and allow another task to execute. After the delay expires, the task is returned to the task-ready list after all other ready tasks at its priority level. A delayed task waiting for an external condition can wake up after a set time to check whether a specified condition or event has occurred, which is called polling.

A developer might also want to restart a task, which is not the same as resuming a suspended task. Restarting a task begins the task as if it had not been previously executing. The internal state the task possessed at the time it was suspended (for example, the CPU registers used and the resources acquired) is lost when a task is restarted. By contrast, resuming a task begins the task in the same internal state it possessed when it was suspended.

Restarting a task is useful during debugging or when reinitializing a task after a catastrophic error. During debugging, a developer can restart a task to step through its code again from start to finish. In the case of catastrophic error, the developer can restart a task and ensure that the system continues to operate without having to be completely reinitialized.

Getting and setting a task’s priority during execution lets developers control task scheduling manually. This process is helpful during a priority inversion, in which a lower priority task has a shared resource that a higher priority task requires and is preempted by an unrelated medium-priority task. (Priority inversion is discussed in more detail in Chapter 16). A simple fix for this problem is to free the shared resource by dynamically increasing the priority of the lower priority task to that of the higher priority task-allowing the task to run and release the resource that the higher priority task requires-and then decreasing the former lower priority task to its original priority.

Finally, the kernel might support preemption locks, a pair of calls used to disable and enable preemption in applications. This feature can be useful if a task is executing in a critical section of code : one in which the task must not be preempted by other tasks.

5.4.3 Obtaining Task Information

Kernels provide routines that allow developers to access task information within their applications, as shown in Table 5.3. This information is useful for debugging and monitoring.

Table 5.3: Task-information operations.

Operation Description
Get ID Get the current task’s ID
Get TCB Get the current task’s TCB 

One use is to obtain a particular task’s ID, which is used to get more information about the task by getting its TCB. Obtaining a TCB, however, only takes a snapshot of the task context. If a task is not dormant (e.g., suspended), its context might be dynamic, and the snapshot information might change by the time it is used. Hence, use this functionality wisely, so that decisions aren’t made in the application based on querying a constantly changing task context.

5.5 Typical Task Structure

When writing code for tasks, tasks are structured in one of two ways:

· run to completion, or

· endless loop.

Both task structures are relatively simple. Run-to-completion tasks are most useful for initialization and startup. They typically run once, when the system first powers on. Endless-loop tasks do the majority of the work in the application by handling inputs and outputs. Typically, they run many times while the system is powered on.

5.5.1 Run-to-Completion Tasks

An example of a run-to-completion task is the application-level initialization task, shown in Listing 5.1. The initialization task initializes the application and creates additional services, tasks, and needed kernel objects.

Listing 5.1: Pseudo code for a run-to-completion task.

 RunToCompletionTask () {

 Initialize application

 Create ‘endless loop tasks'

 Create kernel objects

 Delete or suspend this task


The application initialization task typically has a higher priority than the application tasks it creates so that its initialization work is not preempted. In the simplest case, the other tasks are one or more lower priority endless-loop tasks. The application initialization task is written so that it suspends or deletes itself after it completes its work so the newly created tasks can run.

5.5.2 Endless-Loop Tasks

As with the structure of the application initialization task, the structure of an endless loop task can also contain initialization code. The endless loop's initialization code, however, only needs to be executed when the task first runs, after which the task executes in an endless loop, as shown in Listing 5.2.

The critical part of the design of an endless-loop task is the one or more blocking calls within the body of the loop. These blocking calls can result in the blocking of this endless-loop task, allowing lower priority tasks to run.

Listing 5.2: Pseudo code for an endless-loop task.

EndlessLoopTask () {

 Initialization code

 Loop Forever {

  Body of loop

  Make one or more blocking calls



5.6 Synchronization, Communication, and Concurrency

Tasks synchronize and communicate amongst themselves by using intertask primitives, which are kernel objects that facilitate synchronization and communication between two or more threads of execution. Examples of such objects include semaphores, message queues, signals, and pipes, as well as other types of objects. Each of these is discussed in detail in later chapters of this book.

The concept of concurrency and how an application is optimally decomposed into concurrent tasks is also discussed in more detail later in this book. For now, remember that the task object is the fundamental construct of most kernels. Tasks, along with task-management services, allow developers to design applications for concurrency to meet multiple time constraints and to address various design problems inherent to real-time embedded applications.

5.7 Points to Remember

Some points to remember include the following:

· Most real-time kernels provide task objects and task-management services that allow developers to meet the requirements of real-time applications.

· Applications can contain system tasks or user-created tasks, each of which has a name, a unique ID, a priority, a task control block (TCB), a stack, and a task routine.

· A real-time application is composed of multiple concurrent tasks that are independent threads of execution, competing on their own for processor execution time.

· Tasks can be in one of three primary states during their lifetime: ready, running, and blocked.

· Priority-based, preemptive scheduling kernels that allow multiple tasks to be assigned to the same priority use task-ready lists to help scheduled tasks run.

· Tasks can run to completion or can run in an endless loop. For tasks that run in endless loops, structure the code so that the task blocks, which allows lower priority tasks to run.

· Typical task operations that kernels provide for application development include task creation and deletion, manual task scheduling, and dynamic acquisition of task information.