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Chapter 8: Other Kernel Objects

8.1 Introduction

In addition to the key kernel objects, such as tasks, semaphores, and message queues, kernels provide many other important objects as well. Because every kernel is different, the number of objects a given kernel supports can vary from one to another. This chapter explores additional kernel objects common to embedded systems development, although the list presented here is certainly not all-inclusive. Specifically, this chapter focuses on:

· other kernel objects, including pipes, event registers, signals, and condition variables,

· object definitions and general descriptions,

· associated operations, and

· typical applications of each.

8.2 Pipes

Pipes are kernel objects that provide unstructured data exchange and facilitate synchronization among tasks. In a traditional implementation, a pipe is a unidirectional data exchange facility, as shown in Figure 8.1. Two descriptors, one for each end of the pipe (one end for reading and one for writing), are returned when the pipe is created. Data is written via one descriptor and read via the other. The data remains in the pipe as an unstructured byte stream. Data is read from the pipe in FIFO order.

Figure 8.1: A common pipe-unidirectional.

A pipe provides a simple data flow facility so that the reader becomes blocked when the pipe is empty, and the writer becomes blocked when the pipe is full. Typically, a pipe is used to exchange data between a data-producing task and a data-consuming task, as shown in Figure 8.2. It is also permissible to have several writers for the pipe with multiple readers on it.

Figure 8.2: Common pipe operation.

Note that a pipe is conceptually similar to a message queue but with significant differences. For example, unlike a message queue, a pipe does not store multiple messages. Instead, the data that it stores is not structured, but consists of a stream of bytes. Also, the data in a pipe cannot be prioritized; the data flow is strictly first-in, first-out FIFO. Finally, as is described below, pipes support the powerful select operation, and message queues do not.

8.2.1 Pipe Control Blocks

Pipes can be dynamically created or destroyed. The kernel creates and maintains pipe-specific information in an internal data structure called a pipe control block. The structure of the pipe control block varies from one implementation to another. In its general form, a pipe control block contains a kernel-allocated data buffer for the pipe’s input and output operation. The size of this buffer is maintained in the control block and is fixed when the pipe is created; it cannot be altered at run time. The current data byte count, along with the current input and output position indicators, are part of the pipe control block. The current data byte count indicates the amount of readable data in the pipe. The input position specifies where the next write operation begins in the buffer. Similarly, the output position specifies where the next read operation begins. The kernel creates two descriptors that are unique within the system I/O space and returns these descriptors to the creating task. These descriptors identify each end of the pipe uniquely.

Two task-waiting lists are associated with each pipe, as shown in Figure 8.3. One waiting list keeps track of tasks that are waiting to write into the pipe while it is full; the other keeps track of tasks that are waiting to read from the pipe while it is empty.

Figure 8.3: Pipe control block.

8.2.2 Pipe States

A pipe has a limited number of states associated with it from the time of its creation to its termination. Each state corresponds to the data transfer state between the reader and the writer of the pipe, as illustrated in Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4: States of a pipe.

8.2.3 Named and Unnamed Pipes

A kernel typically supports two kinds of pipe objects: named pipes and unnamed pipes. A named pipe, also known as FIFO, has a name similar to a file name and appears in the file system as if it were a file or a device. Any task or ISR that needs to use the named pipe can reference it by name. The unnamed pipe does not have a name and does not appear in the file system. It must be referenced by the descriptors that the kernel returns when the pipe is created, as explained in more detail in the following sections.

8.2.4 Typical Pipe Operations

The following set of operations can be performed on a pipe:

· create and destroy a pipe,

· read from or write to a pipe,

· issue control commands on the pipe, and

· select on a pipe.

Create and Destroy

Create and destroy operations are available, as shown in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1: Create and destroy operations.

Operation Description
Pipe Creates a pipe
Open Opens a pipe
Close Deletes or closes a pipe

The pipe operation creates an unnamed pipe. This operation returns two descriptors to the calling task, and subsequent calls reference these descriptors. One descriptor is used only for writing, and the other descriptor is used only for reading.

Creating a named pipe is similar to creating a file; the specific call is implementation-dependent. Some common names for such a call are mknod and mkfifo. Because a named pipe has a recognizable name in the file system after it is created, the pipe can be opened using the open operation. The calling task must specify whether it is opening the pipe for the read operation or for the write operation; it cannot be both.

The close operation is the counterpart of the open operation. Similar to open, the close operation can only be performed on a named pipe. Some implementations will delete the named pipe permanently once the close operation completes.

Read and Write

Read and write operations are available, as shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Read and write operations.

Operation Description
Read Reads from the pipe
Write Writes to a pipe 

The read operation returns data from the pipe to the calling task. The task specifies how much data to read. The task may choose to block waiting for the remaining data to arrive if the size specified exceeds what is available in the pipe. Remember that a read operation on a pipe is a destructive operation because data is removed from a pipe during this operation, making it unavailable to other readers. Therefore, unlike a message queue, a pipe cannot be used for broadcasting data to multiple reader tasks.

A task, however, can consume a block of data originating from multiple writers during one read operation.

The write operation appends new data to the existing byte stream in the pipe. The calling task specifies the amount of data to write into the pipe. The task may choose to block waiting for additional buffer space to become free when the amount to write exceeds the available space.

No message boundaries exist in a pipe because the data maintained in it is unstructured. This issue represents the main structural difference between a pipe and a message queue. Because there are no message headers, it is impossible to determine the original producer of the data bytes. As mentioned earlier, another important difference between message queues and pipes is that data written to a pipe cannot be prioritized. Because each byte of data in a pipe has the same priority, a pipe should not be used when urgent data must be exchanged between tasks.


Control operations are available, as shown in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3: Control operations.

Operation Description
Fcntl Provides control over the pipe descriptor

The Fcntl operation provides generic control over a pipe’s descriptor using various commands, which control the behavior of the pipe operation. For example, a commonly implemented command is the non-blocking command. The command controls whether the calling task is blocked if a read operation is performed on an empty pipe or when a write operation is performed on a full pipe.

Another common command that directly affects the pipe is the flush command. The flush command removes all data from the pipe and clears all other conditions in the pipe to the same state as when the pipe was created. Sometimes a task can be preempted for too long, and when it finally gets to read data from the pipe, the data might no longer be useful. Therefore, the task can flush the data from the pipe and reset its state.


Select operations are available, as shown in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Select operations.

Operation Description
Select Waits for conditions to occur on a pipe

The select operation allows a task to block and wait for a specified condition to occur on one or more pipes. The wait condition can be waiting for data to become available or waiting for data to be emptied from the pipe(s). Figure 8.5 illustrates a scenario in which a single task is waiting to read from two pipes and write to a third. In this case, the select call returns when data becomes available on either of the top two pipes. The same select call also returns when space for writing becomes available on the bottom pipe. In general, a task reading from multiple pipes can perform a select operation on those pipes, and the select call returns when any one of them has data available. Similarly, a task writing to multiple pipes can perform a select operation on the pipes, and the select call returns when space becomes available on any one of them.

Figure 8.5: The select operation on multiple pipes.

In contrast to pipes, message queues do not support the select operation. Thus, while a task can have access to multiple message queues, it cannot block-wait for data to arrive on any one of a group of empty message queues. The same restriction applies to a writer. In this case, a task can write to multiple message queues, but a task cannot block-wait on a group of full message queues, while waiting for space to become available on any one of them.

It becomes clear then that the main advantage of using a pipe over a message queue for intertask communication is that it allows for the select operation.

8.2.5 Typical Uses of Pipes

Because a pipe is a simple data channel, it is mainly used for task-to-task or ISR-to-task data transfer, as illustrated in Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2. Another common use of pipes is for inter-task synchronization.

Inter-task synchronization can be made asynchronous for both tasks by using the select operation.

In Figure 8.6, task A and task B open two pipes for inter-task communication. The first pipe is opened for data transfer from task A to task B. The second pipe is opened for acknowledgement (another data transfer) from task B to task A. Both tasks issue the select operation on the pipes. Task A can wait asynchronously for the data pipe to become writeable (task B has read some data from the pipe). That is, task A can issue a non-blocking call to write to the pipe and perform other operations until the pipe becomes writeable. Task A can also wait asynchronously for the arrival of the transfer acknowledgement from task B on the other pipe. Similarly, task B can wait asynchronously for the arrival of data on the data pipe and wait for the other pipe to become writeable before sending the transfer acknowledgement.

Figure 8.6: Using pipes for inter-task synchronization.

8.3 Event Registers

Some kernels provide a special register as part of each task’s control block, as shown in Figure 8.7. This register, called an event register, is an object belonging to a task and consists of a group of binary event flags used to track the occurrence of specific events. Depending on a given kernel’s implementation of this mechanism, an event register can be 8-, 16-, or 32-bits wide, maybe even more. Each bit in the event register is treated like a binary flag (also called an event flag) and can be either set or cleared.

Through the event register, a task can check for the presence of particular events that can control its execution. An external source, such as another task or an ISR, can set bits in the event register to inform the task that a particular event has occurred.

Applications define the event associated with an event flag. This definition must be agreed upon between the event sender and receiver using the event register.

Figure 8.7: Event register.

8.3.1 Event Register Control Blocks

Typically, when the underlying kernel supports the event register mechanism, the kernel creates an event register control block as part of the task control block when creating a task, as shown in Figure 8.8.

Figure 8.8: Event register control block.

The task specifies the set of events it wishes to receive. This set of events is maintained in the wanted events register. Similarly, arrived events are kept in the received events register. The task indicates a timeout to specify how long it wishes to wait for the arrival of certain events. The kernel wakes up the task when this timeout has elapsed if no specified events have arrived at the task.

Using the notification conditions, the task directs the kernel as to when it wishes to be notified (awakened) upon event arrivals. For example, the task can specify the notification conditions as “send notification when both event type 1 and event type 3 arrive or when event type 2 arrives.” This option provides flexibility in defining complex notification patterns.

8.3.2 Typical Event Register Operations

Two main operations are associated with an event register, the sending and the receiving operations, as shown in Table 8.5.

Table 8.5: Event register operations.

Operation Description
Send Sends events to a task
Receive Receives events

The receive operation allows the calling task to receive events from external sources. The task can specify if it wishes to wait, as well as the length of time to wait for the arrival of desired events before giving up. The task can wait forever or for a specified interval. Specifying a set of events when issuing the receive operation allows a task to block-wait for the arrival of multiple events, although events might not necessarily all arrive simultaneously. The kernel translates this event set into the notification conditions. The receive operation returns either when the notification conditions are satisfied or when the timeout has occurred. Any received events that are not indicated in the receive operation are left pending in the received events register of the event register control block. The receive operation returns immediately if the desired events are already pending.

The event set is constructed using the bit-wise AND/OR operation. With the AND operation, the task resumes execution only after every event bit from the set is on. A task can also block-wait for the arrival of a single event from an event set, which is constructed using the bit-wise OR operation. In this case, the task resumes execution when any one event bit from the set is on.

The send operation allows an external source, either a task or an ISR, to send events to another task. The sender can send multiple events to the designated task through a single send operation. Events that have been sent and are pending on the event bits but have not been chosen for reception by the task remain pending in the received events register of the event register control block.

Events in the event register are not queued. An event register cannot count the occurrences of the same event while it is pending; therefore, subsequent occurrences of the same event are lost. For example, if an ISR sends an event to a task and the event is left pending; and later another task sends the same event again to the same task while it is still pending, the first occurrence of the event is lost.

8.3.3 Typical Uses of Event Registers

Event registers are typically used for unidirectional activity synchronization. It is unidirectional because the issuer of the receive operation determines when activity synchronization should take place. Pending events in the event register do not change the execution state of the receiving task.

In following the diagram, at the time task 1 sends the event X to task 2, no effect occurs to the execution state of task 2 if task 2 has not yet attempted to receive the event.

No data is associated with an event when events are sent through the event register. Other mechanisms must be used when data needs to be conveyed along with an event. This lack of associated data can sometimes create difficulties because of the noncumulative nature of events in the event register. Therefore, the event register by itself is an inefficient mechanism if used beyond simple activity synchronization.

Another difficulty in using an event register is that it does not have a built-in mechanism for identifying the source of an event if multiple sources are possible. One way to overcome this problem is for a task to divide the event bits in the event register into subsets.

The task can then associate each subset with a known source. In this way, the task can identify the source of an event if each relative bit position of each subset is assigned to the same event type.

In Figure 8.9, an event register is divided into 4-bit groups. Each group is assigned to a source, regardless of whether it is a task or an ISR. Each bit of the group is assigned to an event type.

Figure 8.9: Identifying an event source.

8.4 Signals

A signal is a software interrupt that is generated when an event has occurred. It diverts the signal receiver from its normal execution path and triggers the associated asynchronous processing.

Essentially, signals notify tasks of events that occurred during the execution of other tasks or ISRs. As with normal interrupts, these events are asynchronous to the notified task and do not occur at any predetermined point in the task’s execution. The difference between a signal and a normal interrupt is that signals are so-called software interrupts, which are generated via the execution of some software within the system. By contrast, normal interrupts are usually generated by the arrival of an interrupt signal on one of the CPU’s external pins. They are not generated by software within the system but by external devices. Chapter 10 discusses interrupts and exceptions in detail.

The number and type of signals defined is both system-dependent and RTOS-dependent. An easy way to understand signals is to remember that each signal is associated with an event. The event can be either unintentional, such as an illegal instruction encountered during program execution, or the event may be intentional, such as a notification to one task from another that it is about to terminate. While a task can specify the particular actions to undertake when a signal arrives, the task has no control over when it receives signals. Consequently, the signal arrivals often appear quite random, as shown in Figure 8.10.

Figure 8.10: Signals.

When a signal arrives, the task is diverted from its normal execution path, and the corresponding signal routine is invoked. The terms signal routine, signal handler, asynchronous event handler, and asynchronous signal routine are interchangeable. This book uses asynchronous signal routine (ASR). Each signal is identified by an integer value, which is the signal number or vector number.

8.4.1 Signal Control Blocks

If the underlying kernel provides a signal facility, it creates the signal control block as part of the task control block as shown in Figure 8.11.

Figure 8.11: Signal control block.

The signal control block maintains a set of signals-the wanted signals-which the task is prepared to handle. When a task is prepared to handle a signal, it is often said, “the task is ready to catch the signal.” When a signal interrupts a task, it is often said, “the signal is raised to the task.” The task can provide a signal handler for each signal to be processed, or it can execute a default handler that the kernel provides. It is possible to have a single handler for multiple types of signals.

Signals can be ignored, made pending, processed (handled), or blocked.

The signals to be ignored by the task are maintained in the ignored signals set. Any signal in this set does not interrupt the task.

Other signals can arrive while the task is in the midst of processing another signal. The additional signal arrivals are kept in the pending signals set. The signals in this set are raised to the task as soon as the task completes processing the previous signal. The pending signals set is a subset of the wanted signals set.

To process a particular signal, either the task-supplied signal handler can be used for signal processing or the default handler supplied by the underlying kernel can be used to process it. It is also possible for the task to process the signal first and then pass it on for additional processing by the default handler.

A fourth kind of response to a signal is possible. In this case, a task does not ignore the signal but blocks the signal from delivery during certain stages of the task’s execution when it is critical that the task not be interrupted.

Blocking a signal is similar to the concept of entering a critical section, discussed in Chapter 15. The task can instruct the kernel to block certain signals by setting the blocked signals set. The kernel does not deliver any signal from this set until that signal is cleared from the set.

8.4.2 Typical Signal Operations

Signal operations are available, as shown in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6: Signal operations.

Operation Description
Catch Installs a signal handler
Release Removes a previously installed handler
Send Sends a signal to another task
Ignore Prevents a signal from being delivered
Block Blocks a set of signal from being delivered
Unblock Unblocks the signals so they can be delivered

A task can catch a signal after the task has specified a handler (ASR) for the signal. The catch operation installs a handler for a particular signal. The kernel interrupts the task’s execution upon the arrival of the signal, and the handler is invoked. The task can install the kernel-supplied default handler, the default actions, for any signal. The task-installed handler has the options of either processing the signal and returning control to the kernel or processing the signal and passing control to the default handler for additional processing. Handling signals is similar to handling hardware interrupts, and the nature of the ASR is similar to that of the interrupt service routine.

After a handler has been installed for a particular signal, the handler is invoked if the same type of signal is received by any task, not just the one that installed it. In addition, any task can change the handler installed for a particular signal. Therefore, it is good practice for a task to save the previously installed handler before installing its own and then to restore that handler after it finishes catching the handler’s corresponding signal.

Figure 8.12 shows the signal vector table, which the kernel maintains. Each element in the vector table is a pointer or offset to an ASR. For signals that don’t have handlers assigned, the corresponding elements in the vector table are NULL. The example shows the table after three catch operations have been performed. Each catch operation installs one ASR, by writing a pointer or offset to the ASR into an element of the vector table.

Figure 8.12: The catch operation.

The release operation de-installs a signal handler. It is good practice for a task to restore the previously installed signal handler after calling release.

The send operation allows one task to send a signal to another task. Signals are usually associated with hardware events that occur during execution of a task, such as generation of an unaligned memory address or a floating-point exception. Such signals are generated automatically when their corresponding events occur. The send operation, by contrast, enables a task to explicitly generate a signal.

The ignore operation allows a task to instruct the kernel that a particular set of signals should never be delivered to that task. Some signals, however, cannot be ignored; when these signals are generated, the kernel calls the default handler.

The block operation does not cause signals to be ignored but temporarily prevents them from being delivered to a task. The block operation protects critical sections of code from interruption. Another reason to block a signal is to prevent conflict when the signal handler is already executing and is in the midst of processing the same signal. A signal remains pending while it’s blocked.

The unblock operation allows a previously blocked signal to pass. The signal is delivered immediately if it is already pending.

8.4.3 Typical Uses of Signals

Some signals are associated with hardware events and thus are usually sent by hardware ISRs. The ISR is responsible for immediately responding to these events. The ISR, however, might also send a signal so that tasks affected by these hardware events can conduct further, task-specific processing.

As depicted in Figure 8.10, signals can also be used for synchronization between tasks. Signals, however, should be used sparingly for the following reasons:

· Using signals can be expensive due to the complexity of the signal facility when used for inter-task synchronization. A signal alters the execution state of its destination task. Because signals occur asynchronously, the receiving task becomes nondeterministic, which can be undesirable in a real-time system.

· Many implementations do not support queuing or counting of signals. In these implementations, multiple occurrences of the same signal overwrite each other. For example, a signal delivered to a task multiple times before its handler is invoked has the same effect as a single delivery. The task has no way to determine if a signal has arrived multiple times.

· Many implementations do not support signal delivery that carries information, so data cannot be attached to a signal during its generation.

· Many implementations do not support a signal delivery order, and signals of various types are treated as having equal priority, which is not ideal. For example, a signal triggered by a page fault is obviously more important than a signal generated by a task indicating it is about to exit. On an equal-priority system, the page fault might not be handled first.

· Many implementations do not guarantee when an unblocked pending signal will be delivered to the destination task.

Some kernels do implement real-time extensions to traditional signal handling, which allows

· for the prioritized delivery of a signal based on the signal number,

· each signal to carry additional information, and

· multiple occurrences of the same signal to be queued.

8.5 Condition Variables

Tasks often use shared resources, such as files and communication channels. When a task needs to use such a resource, it might need to wait for the resource to be in a particular state. The way the resource reaches that state can be through the action of another task. In such a scenario, a task needs some way to determine the condition of the resource. One way for tasks to communicate and determine the condition of a shared resource is through a condition variable. A condition variable is a kernel object that is associated with a shared resource, which allows one task to wait for other task(s) to create a desired condition in the shared resource. A condition variable can be associated with multiple conditions.

As shown in Figure 8.13, a condition variable implements a predicate. The predicate is a set of logical expressions concerning the conditions of the shared resource. The predicate evaluates to either true or false. A task evaluates the predicate. If the evaluation is true, the task assumes that the conditions are satisfied, and it continues execution. Otherwise, the task must wait for other tasks to create the desired conditions.

Figure 8.13: Condition variable.

When a task examines a condition variable, the task must have exclusive access to that condition variable. Without exclusive access, another task could alter the condition variable's conditions at the same time, which could cause the first task to get an erroneous indication of the variable's state. Therefore, a mutex is always used in conjunction with a condition variable. The mutex ensures that one task has exclusive access to the condition variable until that task is finished with it. For example, if a task acquires the mutex to examine the condition variable, no other task can simultaneously modify the condition variable of the shared resource.

A task must first acquire the mutex before evaluating the predicate. This task must subsequently release the mutex and then, if the predicate evaluates to false, wait for the creation of the desired conditions. Using the condition variable, the kernel guarantees that the task can release the mutex and then block-wait for the condition in one atomic operation, which is the essence of the condition variable. An atomic operation is an operation that cannot be interrupted.

Remember, however, that condition variables are not mechanisms for synchronizing access to a shared resource. Rather, most developers use them to allow tasks waiting on a shared resource to reach a desired value or state.

8.5.1 Condition Variable Control Blocks

The kernel maintains a set of information associated with the condition variable when the variable is first created. As stated previously, tasks must block and wait when a condition variable's predicate evaluates to false. These waiting tasks are maintained in the task-waiting list. The kernel guarantees for each task that the combined operation of releasing the associated mutex and performing a block-wait on the condition will be atomic. After the desired conditions have been created, one of the waiting tasks is awakened and resumes execution. The criteria for selecting which task to awaken can be priority-based or FIFO-based, but it is kernel-defined. The kernel guarantees that the selected task is removed from the task-waiting list, reacquires the guarding mutex, and resumes its operation in one atomic operation. The essence of the condition variable is the atomicity of the unlock-and-wait and the resume-and-lock operations provided by the kernel. Figure 8.14 illustrates a condition variable control block.

Figure 8.14: Condition variable control block.

The cooperating tasks define which conditions apply to which shared resources. This information is not part of the condition variable because each task has a different predicate or condition for which the task looks. The condition is specific to the task. Chapter 15 presents a detailed example on the usage of the condition variable, which further illustrates this issue.

8.5.2 Typical Condition Variable Operations

A set of operations is allowed for a condition variable, as shown in Table 8.7.

Table 8.7: Condition variable operations.

Operation Description
Create Creates and initializes a condition variable
Wait Waits on a condition variable
Signal Signals the condition variable on the presence of a condition
Broadcast Signals to all waiting tasks the presence of a condition

The create operation creates a condition variable and initializes its internal control block.

The wait operation allows a task to block and wait for the desired conditions to occur in the shared resource. To invoke this operation, the task must first successfully acquire the guarding mutex. The wait operation puts the calling task into the task-waiting queue and releases the associated mutex in a single atomic operation.

The signal operation allows a task to modify the condition variable to indicate that a particular condition has been created in the shared resource. To invoke this operation, the signaling task must first successfully acquire the guarding mutex. The signal operation unblocks one of the tasks waiting on the condition variable. The selection of the task is based on predefined criteria, such as execution priority or system-defined scheduling attributes. At the completion of the signal operation, the kernel reacquires the mutex associated with the condition variable on behalf of the selected task and unblocks the task in one atomic operation.

The broadcast operation wakes up every task on the task-waiting list of the condition variable. One of these tasks is chosen by the kernel and is given the guarding mutex. Every other task is removed from the task-waiting list of the condition variable, and instead, those tasks are put on the task-waiting list of the guarding mutex.

8.5.3 Typical Uses of Condition Variables

Listing 8.1 illustrates the usage of the wait and the signal operations.

Listing 8.1: Pseudo code for wait and the signal operations.

Task 1

Lock mutex

 Examine shared resource

 While (shared resource is Busy)

  WAIT (condition variable)

 Mark shared resource as Busy

Unlock mutex

Task 2

Lock mutex

 Mark shared resource as Free

 SIGNAL (condition variable)

Unlock mutex

Task 1 on the left locks the guarding mutex as its first step. It then examines the state of the shared resource and finds that the resource is busy. It issues the wait operation to wait for the resource to become available, or free. The free condition must be created by task 2 on the right after it is done using the resource. To create the free condition, task 2 first locks the mutex; creates the condition by marking the resource as free, and finally, invokes the signal operation, which informs task 1 that the free condition is now present.

A signal on the condition variable is lost when nothing is waiting on it. Therefore, a task should always check for the presence of the desired condition before waiting on it. A task should also always check for the presence of the desired condition after a wakeup as a safeguard against improperly generated signals on the condition variable. This issue is the reason that the pseudo code includes a while loop to check for the presence of the desired condition. This example is shown in Figure 8.15.

Figure 8.15: Execution sequence of wait and signal operations.

8.6 Points to Remember

Some points to remember include the following:

· Pipes provide unstructured data exchange between tasks.

· The select operation is allowed on pipes.

· Event registers can be used to communicate application-defined events between tasks.

· Events of the same type are not accumulated in the event register.

· The occurrence of an event in the event register does not change the execution state of the receiving task, unless the task is already waiting on that event.

· Tasks receive signals synchronously.

· The occurrence of a signal changes the execution state of the receiving task.

· Signals can be handled by user-defined actions or by system-defined default actions.

· Multiple occurrences of the same signal are not cumulative.

· A condition variable allows one task to wait until another task has placed a shared resource in a desired state or condition.

· A condition variable is used to synchronize between tasks but is not used as a mechanism to synchronize access to shared resources.