52964.fb2 Writing Windows WDM Device Drivers - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 28

Writing Windows WDM Device Drivers - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 28

GlossaryAcronyms and Tools

\DosDevices\??Different names for the symbolic link directory seen by WinObj
ACAlternating Current
ACKUSB Acknowledge packet
ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power InterfaceBIOS specification http://www.teleport.com/~acpi/
AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
APCAsynchronous Procedure CallCode that operates in the context of a specific user thread
APIApplication Programmer Interface
AMLACPI Machine Language
ASLACPI Source Language
ATVEFAdvanced Television Enhancement ForumHTML-based enhanced television info@atvef.com or, in Europe, dvbinfo@atvef.com
BIOSBasic Input/Output System
BSODBlue screen of deathNT and W2000 bugcheck screen
buildCommand line tool for building drivers
BulkA USB data transfer type, for large blocks of data
CDBCommand Descriptor BlockFor SCSI commands
checked buildNonoptimized debug build of a driver or Windows, with debug symbols
CIMCommon Information ModelWBEM model for WMI
CIMOMCIM Object Manager
CMIPCommon Management Information Protocol
COMCommon Object Model
Composite deviceA USB device with more than one interface
Compound deviceA piece of USB hardware with several internal USB devices
ConfigurationA set of interfaces in a USB device
ControlA USB data transfer type for small blocks of data
DATA0, DATA1USB Data packet IDs
DCDirect Current
DDCDisplay Data ChannelMonitor/video channel enumeration
DDKDriver Development Kit
DDIDevice Driver Interface
DebugPrintPHD driver trace tool
default pipeA flow of data to USB Endpoint 0
DIPDual In-line Package
DIRQLDevice Interrupt Request Level
DLLDynamic Link Library
DMADirect Memory Access
DMIDesktop Management Interface
DPCDeferred Procedure CallRuns at DISPATCH_LEVEL
ECPEnhanced Centronics PortIEEE P1284 (ECP)
endpointUSB logical connection point
Endpoint 0A control endpoint that is present in all USB devices
EPPEnhanced Parallel Port
FDOFunctional Device Object
frameA USB frame is the data sent in a 1ms interval
free buildOptimized release retail build of a driver or Windows
GDIGraphics Device Interface
GMTGreenwich Mean TimeKernel system time is measured in 100ns units since January 1, 1601 in the GMT time zone.
GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier
guidgenGUID generator tool
HALHardware Abstraction Layer
HBAHost Bus Adaptor
HCTHardware Compatibility Tests
HKRRelative registry keyUsed in installation INF files. See Chapter 11 for more details.
HIDHuman Input Device
HMMPHyperMedia Management Protocol
hubA USB device that has downstream ports to let further USB devices be plugged in
IDEIntegrated Development Environment
IEEE 1394A high speed serial busOriginally called FireWire
IFSInstallable File System
IHVIndependent Hardware Vendor
I/OInput and/or Output
INSpecifies that a parameter is an input to a kernel routine
INUSB Input packet
INFInstallation information file
interruptA USB data transfer type, for small regular data such as user input
interfaceA set of USB endpoints
IOCTLI/O Control Code
IRBIEEE 1394Request Blocks Requests to the IEEE 1394 bus driver
IRPI/O Request Packet
IRQLInterrupt Request Level
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture PC bus
ISRInterrupt Service RoutineRuns at DIRQL
isochronousA USB data transfer type, for time-critical regular data
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MakeDrvrBatch file used to compile the book software from Visual Studio
makefileInstructions to nmake and build to compile and link.
makefile.incAdditional makefile instructions for driver build process
mofWMI class file
mofcompmof file compiler
MDLMemory Descriptor List
MDTMinidriver Development ToolPrinter mini-drivers
MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network
NAKNegative Acknowledge
NAKUSB Negative Acknowledge packet
NDISNetwork Driver Interface Specification
nmakeCommand line tool that uses makefiles to issue compile and link commands
nmsymUtility to generate symbols for NuMega Soft-ICE debugger
NTNew TechnologyWindows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4
NICNetwork Interface Card
OHCIUSB Open Host Controller Interface
page sizeThe size in bytes of a page of memory, i.e., the smallest unit of virtual memory. A page can either be present in physical memory, or temporarily unavailable as it has been swapped out to disk.
OUTSpecifies that a parameter is an output from a kernel routine
OUTUSB Output packet
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
PDOPhysical Device Object
PEPortable Executable EXE file format
PHDPHD Computer Consultants Ltd
pidUSB Packet ID
pipeA flow of data from a USB endpoint
PnPPlug and Play
PREUSB packet ID which high speed devices see for low speed communications
preparsed dataA HID Report Descriptor parsed into a format that is easy to use
rebaseTool to strip out debug symbols from a driver executable
regeditRegistry editor
rededt32Registry editor for NT and W2000 only
SCISystem Control InterruptACPI interrupt
SDKSoftware Development Kit
SETUPUSB Setup packet
SFDSCSI Filter Driver
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SOFUSB Start Of Frame packet
SoftICESource level debugger from NuMega
SRBSCSI Request BlockIs translated into a CDB
STALLUSB handshake packet indicating that a USB pipe has stalled
STIStill Image Architecture
TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
UHCIUSB Host Controller Interface
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
URBUSB Request Block
USBUniversal Serial Bus
VC++Visual C++
VxDVirtual Device DriverFor Windows 95 and Windows 98 only
W2000Windows 2000
W98Windows 98
WinDbgMicrosoft Kernel debugger
WinObjWindows Object viewer tool
WBEMWeb-based Enterprise Management
WDMWindows Driver Model
WHQLWindows Hardware Quality LabsMicrosoft driver tests
WindowsUsed in this book to refer to Windows 98 and Windows 2000
WMIWindows Management Instrumentation
WQLWBEM Query Language