\DosDevices | \?? | Different names for the symbolic link directory seen by WinObj |
AC | Alternating Current | |
ACK | Acknowledge | |
ACK | USB Acknowledge packet | |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface | BIOS specification http://www.teleport.com/~acpi/ |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port | |
APC | Asynchronous Procedure Call | Code that operates in the context of a specific user thread |
API | Application Programmer Interface | |
AML | ACPI Machine Language | |
ASL | ACPI Source Language | |
ATVEF | Advanced Television Enhancement Forum | HTML-based enhanced television info@atvef.com or, in Europe, dvbinfo@atvef.com |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System | |
BSOD | Blue screen of death | NT and W2000 bugcheck screen |
build | Command line tool for building drivers | |
Bulk | A USB data transfer type, for large blocks of data | |
CDB | Command Descriptor Block | For SCSI commands |
checked build | Nonoptimized debug build of a driver or Windows, with debug symbols | |
CIM | Common Information Model | WBEM model for WMI |
CIMOM | CIM Object Manager | |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol | |
COM | Common Object Model | |
Composite device | A USB device with more than one interface | |
Compound device | A piece of USB hardware with several internal USB devices | |
Configuration | A set of interfaces in a USB device | |
Control | A USB data transfer type for small blocks of data | |
DATA0, DATA1 | USB Data packet IDs | |
DC | Direct Current | |
DDC | Display Data Channel | Monitor/video channel enumeration |
DDK | Driver Development Kit | |
DDI | Device Driver Interface | |
DebugPrint | PHD driver trace tool | |
default pipe | A flow of data to USB Endpoint 0 | |
DIP | Dual In-line Package | |
DIRQL | Device Interrupt Request Level | |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library | |
DMA | Direct Memory Access | |
DMI | Desktop Management Interface | |
DPC | Deferred Procedure Call | Runs at DISPATCH_LEVEL |
ECP | Enhanced Centronics Port | IEEE P1284 (ECP) |
endpoint | USB logical connection point | |
Endpoint 0 | A control endpoint that is present in all USB devices | |
EPP | Enhanced Parallel Port | |
FDO | Functional Device Object | |
frame | A USB frame is the data sent in a 1ms interval | |
free build | Optimized release retail build of a driver or Windows | |
GDI | Graphics Device Interface | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time | Kernel system time is measured in 100ns units since January 1, 1601 in the GMT time zone. |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier | |
guidgen | GUID generator tool | |
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer | |
HBA | Host Bus Adaptor | |
HCT | Hardware Compatibility Tests | |
HKR | Relative registry key | Used in installation INF files. See Chapter 11 for more details. |
HID | Human Input Device | |
HMMP | HyperMedia Management Protocol | |
hub | A USB device that has downstream ports to let further USB devices be plugged in | |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment | |
IEEE 1394 | A high speed serial bus | Originally called FireWire |
IFS | Installable File System | |
IHV | Independent Hardware Vendor | |
I/O | Input and/or Output | |
IN | Specifies that a parameter is an input to a kernel routine | |
IN | USB Input packet | |
INF | Installation information file | |
interrupt | A USB data transfer type, for small regular data such as user input | |
interface | A set of USB endpoints | |
IOCTL | I/O Control Code | |
IRB | IEEE 1394 | Request Blocks Requests to the IEEE 1394 bus driver |
IRP | I/O Request Packet | |
IRQL | Interrupt Request Level | |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture PC bus | |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine | Runs at DIRQL |
isochronous | A USB data transfer type, for time-critical regular data | |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | |
MakeDrvr | Batch file used to compile the book software from Visual Studio | |
makefile | Instructions to nmake and build to compile and link. | |
makefile.inc | Additional makefile instructions for driver build process | |
| WMI class file | |
mofcomp | mof file compiler | |
MDL | Memory Descriptor List | |
MDT | Minidriver Development Tool | Printer mini-drivers |
MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network | |
NAK | Negative Acknowledge | |
NAK | USB Negative Acknowledge packet | |
NDIS | Network Driver Interface Specification | |
nmake | Command line tool that uses makefiles to issue compile and link commands | |
nmsym | Utility to generate symbols for NuMega Soft-ICE debugger | |
NT | New Technology | Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4 |
NIC | Network Interface Card | |
OHCI | USB Open Host Controller Interface | |
page size | The size in bytes of a page of memory, i.e., the smallest unit of virtual memory. A page can either be present in physical memory, or temporarily unavailable as it has been swapped out to disk. | |
OUT | Specifies that a parameter is an output from a kernel routine | |
OUT | USB Output packet | |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect | |
PDO | Physical Device Object | |
PE | Portable Executable EXE file format | |
PHD | PHD Computer Consultants Ltd | |
pid | USB Packet ID | |
pipe | A flow of data from a USB endpoint | |
PnP | Plug and Play | |
PRE | USB packet ID which high speed devices see for low speed communications | |
preparsed data | A HID Report Descriptor parsed into a format that is easy to use | |
rebase | Tool to strip out debug symbols from a driver executable | |
regedit | Registry editor | |
rededt32 | Registry editor for NT and W2000 only | |
SCI | System Control Interrupt | ACPI interrupt |
SDK | Software Development Kit | |
SETUP | USB Setup packet | |
SFD | SCSI Filter Driver | |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | |
SOF | USB Start Of Frame packet | |
SoftICE | Source level debugger from NuMega | |
SRB | SCSI Request Block | Is translated into a CDB |
STALL | USB handshake packet indicating that a USB pipe has stalled | |
STI | Still Image Architecture | |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership | |
UHCI | USB Host Controller Interface | |
UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply | |
URB | USB Request Block | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | |
VC++ | Visual C++ | |
VxD | Virtual Device Driver | For Windows 95 and Windows 98 only |
W2000 | Windows 2000 | |
W98 | Windows 98 | |
WinDbg | Microsoft Kernel debugger | |
WinObj | Windows Object viewer tool | |
WBEM | Web-based Enterprise Management | |
WDM | Windows Driver Model | |
WHQL | Windows Hardware Quality Labs | Microsoft driver tests |
Windows | Used in this book to refer to Windows 98 and Windows 2000 | |
WMI | Windows Management Instrumentation | |
WQL | WBEM Query Language |