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Дневник Джеймса Акина - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 2

Thursday, June 3, -Travel 18 miles; muddy roads; cool day; came to Platte River again; saw 5 graves; camp near Platte; no wood – some buffalo chips; come to alkali.

Friday, June 4, – Travel 16 miles; good roads; saw 5 buffalo in the morning; passed 1 grave; camp near Platte; good place to camp.

Saturday, June 5, – Travel 16 miles; good roads, but sandy; crossed over a low, sandy bluff, extending to the river; rain and wind in the evening; camp in a good place; near Platte.

Sunday, June 6, – Travel 20 miles sandy roads; crossed Skunk Creek; three died with the cholera along the road; camp on Carrion Creek; no timber.

Monday, June 7, – Travel 14 miles; crossed Carrion Creek; passed the last timber for 200 miles; took a buffalo hunt and wounded one; camp in a good place, near the river; buffalo chips.

Tuesday, June 8 – Laid by all day; 13 of the boys went hunting and killed one antelope; good grass and buffalo chips for fuel; a good many wagons passing all the time.

Wednesday, June 9 – Travel 19 miles; road ascends the bluff; very sandy roads; cross North Bluff fork and Bluff Creek; camp in a good place; plenty of grass and chips; water scarce.

Thursday, June 10 – Travel 25 miles; cool day and sandy roads; Platte River very high; springs along the road; camp in a good place; plenty of grass and chips.

Friday, June 11 – Travel 18 miles over very sandy bluffs; very warm day; camp in a bad place-no grass, not much water; great many campers in sight.

Saturday, June 12 – Travel 12 miles until noon, then stop and stay the balance of the day; camp in a good place; a good spring and plenty of grass; lone tree.

Sunday, June 13, – Start early and travel 16 miles; good roads and warm day; rains in the evening; good place to camp; plenty grass and water.

Monday, June 14, – Travel 14 miles; sandy road; cool day; come in sight of Chimney rock; had storm in the evening; good place to camp; water, grass and chips.

Tuesday, June 15, – Laid by all day on account of sickness; not much grass; Caleb Richey and his company overtook us; plenty water, not much chips.

Wednesday, June 16 – Louise Richey died at 2 o'clock in the morning; traveled 15 miles; good roads; pleasant weather; camp on Platte; not much grass.

Thursday, June 17 – Travel 18 miles; very good roads; passed Chimney rock; drive the cattle two miles to the river to water at noon; camp near Platte; plenty of grass.

Friday, June 18 – Travel 16 miles; excellent roads and warm day; passed Scott's bluffs, camp near the creek; good spring, burnt up one old wagon.

Saturday, June 19 – Travel 16 miles; good roads and grass; camp close to Platte River; good place to camp.

Sunday, June 20 – Travel 14 miles; sandy and dusty roads; drive the cattle into the river at noon to water; camp near the river; plenty grass and water.

Monday, June 21 – Travel five miles; camp within one and one-half miles of ____________________camp, close to Platte; considerable sickness in company; good place to camp.

Tuesday, June 22 – Travel 20 miles over the Black Hills; found no water until 2 o'clock; camp in good place; plenty of pine and cedar wood, but no water.

Wednesday, June 23 – Travel 12 miles; very hilly; bad roads; pine and cedar bluffs; cloudy, rainy weather: Elva Ingram died; camp in good place; plenty wood – no water.

Thursday, June 24 – Travel 15 miles; good roads but hilly; very cold, rainy day: some sickness in company; camp in a good place; plenty wood and grass; not much water.

Friday, June 25 – Travel 18 miles; good roads; road returns to the river, warm weather, camp near Platte; plenty wood and water; not much grass.

Saturday, June 26 – Travel 16 miles; bad roads and very broken country; Platte River very small; not much grass many place; camp near the river; not much wood.

Sunday, June 27, – Travel 17 miles; level, sandy road; warm day; passed no timber; camp near the river; drive the cattle two miles to grass; not much wood.

Monday, June 28 – Travel 18 miles; sandy roads; met six men and 16 mules packing through from California; passed considerable timber; camp near the river; plenty grass.

Tuesday, June 29 – Travel 18 miles; dandy road and windy day; get to the upper ferry; camp near the river; good place to camp; plenty wood and water; drive the cattle three miles to grass.

Wednesday, June 30 – Left the upper ferry on Platte and travel 18 miles without water; good roads; camp near a spring; good grass; the cattle got scattered very badly.

Thursday, July 1 – Travel 12 miles; good roads, but dusty; camp near ____________________pass; no timber; not much grass; drive cattle three miles to grass.

Friday, July 2, – Travel 18 miles; sandy and dusty roads; pass Independence rock; cross Sweet Water; pass Devil's Gate; camp near Sweet Water; not much grass.

Saturday, July 3 – Travel 18 miles up Sweet Water. This river is about 40 feet wide. Rattle Snake Mountains on the north side; Snake Indians; camp; not much grass

Sunday, July 4 – Laid by all day to let cattle rest; cold and windy day and night; not much grass; plenty sage brush for use; many teams pass us; wrote a letter.

Monday, July 5 – Travel 17 miles; sandy roads; windy, cold day; cross Sweet Water four times; bad to cross; camp near the river on the south side; some grass and sage brush.

Tuesday, July 6 – Laid by all day; good grass; sage brush, great many Indians come and camp within two miles of us; trade some with us.

Wednesday, July 7 – Travel 17 miles; drive the cattle two and one-half miles to grass; Joseph Mace overtook us; not much grass near; Indians camp one mile above us.

Thursday, July 8 – Travel 15 miles; drive the cattle two and one-half miles to grass in the morning; rough roads; Indians plenty; camp within two miles of the river; good grass on the river.

Friday, July 9 – Travel 15 miles; rough, rocky roads; cross north fork of Sweet Water; passed some snow; camp on south fork of Sweet Water; good grass at camp.

Saturday, July 10 – Travel 13 miles; good roads; crossed Sweet Water the last time; passed over the summit of the Rocky Mountains; Camp at Pacific Springs; pleasant day.

Sunday, July 11 – Travel 20 miles; very good roads; camp on Little Sandy; drive the cattle two miles to grass; poor place to camp; plenty wood.

Monday, July 12 – Start about noon and travel six miles to Big Sandy; camp one and one-half miles above the ford: drive the cattle six miles to grass; good place to camp.

Tuesday, July 13 – Camp in the same place and let the cattle rest; no more water for 40 miles ahead.

Wednesday, July 14, – Start at 10 o'clock; and travel 'til night; stop for supper; travel 'til midnight; stop and hour; travel till daylight; plenty grass.

Thursday, July 15, – Travel 'till noon and reach Green River; Green River quite low; camp one mile below the ford; take the cattle on to an island and let them stay without guarding.

Friday, July 16, – Lay by all day; not much grass; warm weather; Green River low; plenty wood and water.

Saturday, July 17 – Ford Green River; good ford but swift current, two feet deep; travel 10 miles to Bear Creek; good place to camp; plenty grass, water and wood.

Sunday, July 18, – Lay by all day; good grass near camp; sold and ox and bought a cow and an ox; Gillhams left the company; some rain and hail up the creek.

Monday, July 19 – Travel 20 miles; very hilly roads and broken country; windy day; camp on a small creek; good grass; plenty wood and water; rains at night.

Tuesday, July 20 – Travel 12 miles; very hilly, bad roads; pass some quaking asp; graves; camp on Ham's Ford of Bear River; very good grass, wood and water.

Wednesday, July 21 – Travel 18 miles; rough, hilly roads; pass over summit of the Bear River Mountains; camp near a good spring; good grass.

Thursday, July 22 – Travel 14 miles; good roads on Bear River; very dusty; camp on Bear River; very good grass on the island; plenty wood; mosquitoes very bad.