55521.fb2 Дневник Джеймса Акина - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 3

Дневник Джеймса Акина - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 3

Friday, July 23, – Travel 16 miles; very bad roads; cross Thomas' Ford on the bridge; paid $1.00 per wagon; camp on Bear River; good grass; mosquitoes bad; overtook Caleb Richey.

Saturday, July 24, – Travel 10 miles; very good roads, but dusty; crossed several small creeks; camp near a good spring; plenty good grass and water.

Sunday, July 25, – Travel 10 miles; stop at 10 o'clock and stay 'til night; very good grass; plenty wood and water; good place to camp.

Monday, July 26, – Travel 16 miles; very dusty roads, but good; passed Soda and Steamboat Springs; camp on Bear River.

Tuesday, July 27, – Left Bear River; travel 18 miles; very good, dusty roads, passed the forks of Oregon and California roads; plenty water; good place to camp.

Wednesday, July 28, – Travel seven miles; stop at 11 o'clock; stay the balance of the day on account of sickness; Powekee (Ponca) Indians plenty; camp on Deep Creek; good grass.

Thursday, July 29, – Travel 18 miles; rough roads; passed plenty of springs; camp on a small creek; very good grass; plenty of wood, water and service berries.

Friday, July 30, – Travel 17 miles; very rough and dusty roads; shower in the evening; camp on the creek; plenty grass wood and water; no wagons in sight today.

Saturday, July 31, – Laid by all day; good grass; Miranda Jane Richey died; rained some in the evening; wood and water plenty.

Sunday, August 1, – Travel 10 miles; sandy and muddy roads; considerable rain; passed Fort Hall; camp on a fork of Snake River; plenty of water; wood scarce.

Monday, August 2, – Take an Indian cut-off and travel 2 12 miles to the other road; travel 7 miles further; cross Snake River; camp; grass plenty.

Tuesday, August 3, – Travel 18 miles; very rough roads; passed the American Falls of Snake River; camp on Birch Creek; grass very scarce; wood plenty.

Wednesday, August 4, – Travel 12 miles; stop at 10 o'clock and give cattle grass; rained considerable; camp on Raft river at the forks of the Oregon and California road; good grass.

Thursday, August 5, – Travel 15 miles without water; very rocky, rough roads; camp on Marsh Creek; drive cattle two miles to grass.

Friday, August 6, – Travel 15 miles; good roads; passed many dead cattle; camp on Goose Creek; good grass; plenty wood and water.

Saturday, August 7, – Travel 25 miles, the last 13 without water; very rough, dusty roads; camp an hour after dark on Dry Creek; water scarce; grass plenty.

Sunday, August 8, – Laid by all-day; very good grass; great many camped around; water ver scarce; great many dead cattle on this creek.

Monday, August 9, – Travel eight miles; camp at 2 o'clock; very good roads, but dusty; camp on Second Rock Creek, very good grass; water plenty.

Tuesday, August 10, – Travel 12 miles; very rough and dusty roads; grass scarce; camp on Second Rock Creek; some grass, water and wood plenty; mother taken sick in the evening.

Wednesday, August 11, – Travel 16 miles; start very early; very bad watering place at noon in Snake River; stop at 4 o'clock and take cattle to grass; start at dark and travel eight miles to water.

Thursday, August 12, – Travel 3 miles; stop and camp on banks of Snake River; lay by the balance of the day; good grass three miles off; wood and water plenty.

Friday, August 13, – Lay by all day; good grass; wood and water plenty.

Saturday, August 14, – Start and travel 12 miles to Salmon Falls; water plenty; Indians fishing.

Sunday, August 15, – Lay by 'till sundown; start and travel 'till 2 o'clock; stop and sleep till daylight.

Monday, August 16, – Travel ' till breakfast; stop on good grass; start and leave the road and go to the river; very bad place to water; lay by 'till night; start and travel 'till 1 o'clock.

Tuesday, August 17, – Start at daylight and travel six miles to the crossing of Snake River; lay by the balance of the day; emigrants going down the river in wagon beds.

Wednesday, August 18, – Lay by all day in same place; very bad place to camp; preparing to cross the river.

Thursday, August 19, – Try all day to get the cattle across the river and could not.

Friday, August 20, – Tow the cattle across the river between the wagon beds; ferry the wagons over in the evening. James Nicholson starts down the river in a wagon bed.

Saturday, August 21,- All cross the river excepting two; cool weather.

Sunday, August 22 – Mother taken worse in the morning and died about 9 o'clock in the evening. We are now about 30 miles below Salmon Falls on the north side of Snake River.

Monday, August 23, – Mother was buried about 10 o'clock in the morning about 200 yards above the crossing of the river. Travel eight miles to a spring.

Tuesday, August 24 – Lay by 'till noon; Moses Rhodes died in the morning. Travel 11 miles; good roads; camp on Dry Creek; water scarce; grass plenty.

Wednesday, August 25 – Travel 15 miles; good roads, but hilly; plenty grass all the time; wood and water plenty; passed boiling hot springs; camp on beautiful creek.

Thursday, August 26 – Travel 14 miles; very rock creek; camp at Charlotte Creek camp; no water for cattle; grass and wood plenty.

Friday, August 27 – Travel 15 miles; hilly roads, but good to plenty of grass all the time; camp on White Horse Creek; wood and water plenty.

Saturday, August 28, – Travel 20 miles without water; good roads and cool day; camp on Boise river. This is a beautiful stream; wood and grass plenty.

Sunday, August, 29 – Travel 12 miles down Salmon River; good grass all the time; camp at 2 o'clock; good grass, wood and water; hares plenty; got some fish of the Indians.

Monday, August 30, – Travel 18 miles down Salmon River; good roads; cool day; camp on Salmon River; excellent grass, wood and water.

Tuesday. August 31, – Travel 15 miles down Salmon River; cross the river; good grass, wood and water plenty.

Wednesday, September 1, – Travel eight miles to Fort Boise; cross Snake River in the evening; pay $2.50 per wagon; good grass on the north side of the river.

Thursday, September 2, – Travel 15 miles to a large creek; good grass; camp at 10 o'clock in the night; very dusty roads.

Friday, September 3, – Travel two and one-half miles down the river to a spring; good grass and water; wood scarce.

Saturday, September 4, – Start at 2 o'clock a.m.; travel 12 miles to Sulphur Springs by 8 o'clock am; travel 12 miles further to Birch Creek; not much grass; water and wood plenty.

Sunday, September 5, – Travel 10 miles to Burnt River; camp at 1 o'clock; not much grass; herd the cattle on willows; wood plenty.

Monday, September 6, – Travel 10 miles; stop at noon and stay the balance of the day; windy and cold nights; considerable sickness in company; willow wood and water plenty.

Tuesday, September, 7 – Travel 18 miles; leave Burnt River; very rough, hilly roads; camp on a branch of Burnt River, no grass; wood and water plenty.

Wednesday, September 8 – Travel 11 miles; rough roads; camp at noon on Burnt River; grass, water and wood plenty.

Thursday, September 9 – Lay by all day on account of sickness; company all left except Uncle Stewart and Caleb; not much grass; wood and water plenty; Eliza Ann Richey died at 9 o'clock p.m.

Friday, September 10, – Start at noon and travel nine miles; good roads; camp at Small Creek; not much grass; wood and water plenty.