ANONYMOUS: My Secret Life. 2 vols. Grove Press, N.Y., 1966.
ARDREY, ROBERT: The Social Contract. Collins, 1970.
CAMPS, FRANCIS E.: The Investigation of Murder. Michael Joseph, 1966. Medical and Scientific Investigation in the Christie Case. Medical publications Ltd, 1953.
DONOVAN, ROBERT J.: The Assassins. Elek Books, 1956.
FRANKL, VICTOR: Man's Search for Meaning. Washington Square Press, N.Y., 1965.
GELLER, STIVE: Musical Impressions of Murder (the Manson Case) Not Yet Published.
HYAMS, EDWARD: Killing No Murder. Nelson, 1969.
IRVING, H. В.: Studies of French Criminals. Heinemann, 1901.
JACKSON, R. L.: Criminal Investigation. 5th ed. Sweet and Maxwell, 1962.
JESSE, F. TENNYSON: Murder and its Motives. Dolphin Books N.Y., 1965.
JONAS, DAVID and KLEIN, DORIS: Man Child. Cape, 1971.
KENNEDY, LUDOVIC: 10 Rillington Place. Gollancz, 1961.
LELY, GILBERT: The Marquis de Sade. Elek, 1961.
LEWIS, BERNARD: The Assassins. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967.
LORENZ, KONRAD: On Aggression. Harcourt Brace & Co. N.Y,1963.
MACDOUGALD, DAN: Handbook for Emotional Maturity Development Profile, etc. (published by: Emotional Maturity Instruction, P.O. Box 33065, Decatur, Georgia 30033, USA).
MACKENZIE, NORMAN: Secret Societies. Aldus, 1967.
MANNHEIM, HERMANN: Comparative Criminology. 2 vols. Rutledge & Kegan Paul, 1965.
MARCHBANKS, DAVID: The Moors Murders. Frewin, 1966.
MASLOW, ABRAHAM: The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Viking, N.Y., 1971. Towards a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand, 1968.
MORLAND, NIGEL. Ed.: The Criminologist. Wolfe, 1971.
POTTERM, JOHN DEANE: The Monsters of the Moors. Elek, 1966.
ROSE, JOHN DU: Murder was My Business. W. H. Allen, 1971.
SADE, MARQUIS DE: Selected Works. 2 vols. Grove Press, N.Y., 1966.
SLEEMAN, J: Thug, or a Million Murders. Sampson Low, London, 1933.
SANDERS, ED: The Family. [Charles Manson] - Hart-Davis, 1972.
SARTEE, JEAN- PAUL: Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions. Methuen, 1962.
SCHILLER, LAWRENCE: The Killing of Sharon Tate. New American Library. 1970.
WILLIAMS, JOHN: Heyday for Assassins. Heinemann, 1958.