The author and publisher of this Ebook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Ebook. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Ebook. The information contained in this Ebook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Ebook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.
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I began to edit A Sociopath Beside Me as a favor for a friend. I ended the task with a feeling of sadness that the job was done, and that I wouldn’t be able to learn more about Marvin or Joseph or any of the lost souls I had learned of in the book. What began simply as a favor crawled inside me and took me over for a while. While it was there inside me, it caused me pain. I began to fear the sociopath I was writing of, and I realized the author had done what good authors do: she had described a personal feeling and translated that feeling from personal to communal. In short, she made me feel it too. She will do that for any reader who picks this up and reads it through. You will experience fear, and wonder, and anger, and you will be afraid. That’s what the author intends. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I first met Junie several years after her experiences with a sociopath. After we became friends, she told me her story. She was visibly upset while telling me the story. I suggested it might help her heal if she wrote it all down. She was reluctant, so I told her, just do it. Several years later, she presented me with a hand written book that she had written. She told me it was her desire to publish this book so others may read it and become aware of the danger signs of a sociopath. The book read like a movie or TV show, but I knew Junie and knew the story to be true. I believe she has accomplished her mission and the book “A Sociopath Beside Me” is now a published eBook. After I read the book, I was able to look back in my past and realize that sociopaths that had crossed my path had victimized me many times. I am now well armed with the tools to avoid any future encounters with a Sociopath. Good job Junie, thanks for a job well done.