To the many victims of the sociopath who walked beside me:
I wish for each one of you to know that what he chose to do to you was not your fault. A sociopath is only interested in meeting his own agenda through nearly any means possible, and we, as society, are merely his pawns. He chose you simply because he knew you. For each of you I wish the courage and the wisdom to release any emotional hold he may still have upon you. I wish you comfort and peace.
To the truth:
Which is still buried beneath his many dark untruths, I want to bring light. Your well deserved and rightful voice can bring sunlight, the best disinfectant, and can validate the truth. It can be a healing catalyst for a sociopath’s many victims.
And to you the reader:
I want you to be made aware that individuals, as described within these pages, do exist in large numbers. I do not want to alarm you, but to alert you. My hope is that some good can be discovered and salvaged from the trail of destruction the sociopath beside me created and left his victims to contend with. I pray my personal journey can provide you with information and tools that you both deserve and need in becoming more aware of your surroundings and the people who surround you. I hope this will be a decent persons’ guide to the indecency of the sociopath beside you.