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Abbas Mosque

Abbas (son of Ali), tomb of

Abdel Mahdi, Adil

Abdillah, Mullah

Abdul-Ahad, Ghaith

Abdullah, King (of Jordan)

Abed, Abul

Abed, Dhari Muhamad

Abizaid, John

Ablawi, Salih (Abu Jaafar)

al-Absi, Shaker

Abu Abdallah. See bin Laden, Osama

Abu Anas

Abu Bakr

Abu Bilal

Abu Dira

Abu Dshir

Abu Ghraib prison

Abu Hanifa

Abu Hanifa Mosque

Abu Hatem (Karim Mahud al-Muhammadawi)

Abu Hudheifa (Marwarn Yassin)

Abu Hureira

Abu Jaafar (Salih Ablawi)

Abu Jaafar (Sheikh Ali)

Abu Jaber

Abu Karar

Abu Khalel family

Abu Khalid

Abu Khalil, As’ad

Abu Lahab

Abu Laith

Abu Midyan

Abu Muhamad/Abu Shahid (Mustafa Ramadan)

Abu Muhamad (in Jordan)

Abu Muhammad, Sheikh

Abu Musa

Abu Muthana

Abu Nidal Organization

Abu Obeida (Abdallah Khalaq)

Abu Omar (Firas Yamin)

Abu Omar (Khalil Ibrahim)

Abu Qutaiba

Abu Risha, Ahmad

Abu Risha, Sheikh Sattar

Abu Rumman, Mohammad

Abu Teiba

Abu Yasser

Accountability and Justice Commission

Adesnik, Ariel David

al-Adhami, Sheikh Muayad


al-Adib, Ali

Adnan, Adil

Afghan Ministry of Interior

Afghan Ministry of Justice

Afghan National Army (ANA)

Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP)

Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS)

Afghan National Police (ANP)

Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF)

Afghan Regional Security Integration Command


assumptions about

attacks on NGOs in

civilian death toll

civilian surge in, call for

COIN theorists’ failure to question the U.S. invasion of

context of, in-depth knowledge of, lack of

and defensive jihad

drug trade in

failure of U.S. COIN operations in

fighting picking up in

jihadis in

loss of U.S. influence due to war in

new U.S. strategy for

oppression in, continuation of, by U.S. military

population of, characteristics of

prisons in

Rumsfeld’s view of U.S. troops in

situation in, and the resurgence of U.S. troops, aspects of

Soviet invasion and occupation of

and the surge in Iraq

U.S. initial invasion of

withdrawal of Soviets from, American neglect following

Aflaq, Michel

Ahad, Ghaith Abdul

al-Ahdab, Musbah

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud

al-Ajami, Mukhtar Shaaban

Akef, Mahdi

Akhundzada, Sher Muhamad (SMA)

Akkawi, Khalil

Al Akhbar newspaper

Al Aqsa Mosque

Al Arab al-Yawm newspaper

Al Arabiya television

Al Ashur al-Hurm period

Al Azhar University

Al Basa’ir newspaper

Al Furat television

Al Hawza newspaper

Al Hayat newspaper

Al Iraqiya television

Al I’tisam newspaper

Al Jazeera television

Al Manar television

Al Mustafa Mosque

Al Mutaibeen alliance

Al Qaeda

accusation of Syria helping

and Afghanistan

and Fatah al-Islam

groups/people inspired by

and Lebanon

major reason for the growth of

new U.S. strategy for targeting

sources of funding

worldview of

Zarqawi’s rejection of

See also Tawhid and Jihad group

Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

in Amriya

and the Awakening groups

and the banks of the Tigris River

believed to be lying dormant

creation of

and implementation of COIN

initial Sunni support for

jihad conditions breached by

and Lebanon

local resistance against

and the Mahdi Army

remnants of, targeting

Sunni opponents of

and the surge

and tribal leaders

Al Qaeda paradigm

Al Qaqa Battalions

Al Rai newspaper

Al Rusufa prison

Al Sabah newspaper

Al Sahwa (the Awakening)

See also Awakening program/groups; Sons of Iraq (SOI)

Al Sajjad Mosque

Al Tanf refugee camp

Al Wathba (The Leap) movement

Al Zawra TV



Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad)

Ali, Jamal Jaafir Mohammed (Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes)

Allawi, Ayad

Allush, Mustafa

al-Alousi, Mithal

Amal Movement

Amawi, Mohammad Zaki

America/Americans. See United States

American Enterprise Institute

American proxies

Amir, General Abdul

al-Amiri, Hadi

al-Amli, Abu Khalid



Amriya Freedom Fighters (AFF). See Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)

Anbar Awakening

Anbar province

See also Falluja

Annadawi, Muhamad Fawad Latufi

Ansar al-Islam group

Ansar al-Sunna group

Ansar al-Tawhid wa al-Sunna group

al-Ansari, Sheikh Haitham

Anti-Saddam militias, Iranian-sponsored

See also Shiite militias

Aoun, Michel

Arab Current

Arab League

Arab University of Beirut

Arabiya television

Arabsat network

Arafat, Yasser

al-Araji, Baha

al-Araji, Hazim

Arbaeen ceremonies

al-Aridi, Ghazi

Armed Forces Journal

Army of Muhammad

Army of the Mujahideen

Ash Sharq radio

Ashura holiday

Asia Foundation

al-Askari, Sami

Askari Shrine

See also Samarra shrine attack

al-Assad, Bashar

al-Assad, Hafiz

Association of Free Prisoners

Association of Muslim Scholars

Assumptions, underlying, about Iraq and Afghanistan

al-Aswad, Muhamad

Atiyyah, Ghassan


Awakening Council

Awakening phenomenon

Awakening program/groups See also Iraqi Security Volunteers (ISVs); Sons of Iraq (SOI)

al-Awamli family

al-Awar, Hossam

Ayn al-Hilweh refugee camp

Azzam, Abdallah

Azzam, Hudheifa


Baath Party/Baathists See also Hussein, Saddam

Bab al-Tabbaneh area

Badr Brigade

Badr Organization (formerly the Badr Brigade)


American devolving their authority in

battle for

as a city of decay

concentration of attacks against the coalition in

continued escalation of violence in

economic center of

improved security in, reason for

main no-go zone of

major coordinated terrorist attacks in

media coverage of inside and outside of, issue with

number of refugees from

sectarian cleansing in

and the shifts in sectarianism

six years after the fall of, changes that were apparent

surge efforts in and around, aspects of the

See also specific districts, neighborhoods, and sites

Baghdad Brigade

Baghdad International Airport

Baghdad Operation Center (BOC)

Baghdad Security Plan

Baghdad TV station

al-Baghdadi, Abu Omar

al-Baghdadi, Ayatollah Ali

Baghdadiya television


Bakri, Nada


al-Banna, Hassan


Barack, Obama

Baradar, Mullah

Baram, Amatzia

al-Barrak, Abdul Rahman bin Nasser

Barudi, Sheikh Bilal

Barzani, Massoud

Basair (The Mind’s Eye) newspaper


Batal al-Tahrir (Heroes of Liberation) section

al-Bawi, Ghassan Adnan

Bayat al-Imam (Oath of Loyalty to the Leader)

Bazzaz, Hassan

Bedawi refugee camp

Beirut See also specific districts and neighborhoods

Beirut International Airport

al-Beit, Ahl

Beri, Nabih

al-Berjawi, Shaqer

“Best Practices in Counterinsurgency” (Sepp)

Biden, Joe

bin Aqil, Muslim

bin Jabrin, Sheikh Abdallah

bin Laden, Osama See also Al Qaeda

bin Sultan, Bandar

Bishara, Azmi

Black September (Palestinian uprising)

Blair, Tony

Bodine, Barbara

al-Bolani, Jawad

Bonn conference


Bremer, Paul


and Afghanistan

and Basra

British colonizers

British Mandate authority

Brookings Institution

Brown, Gordon

Buratha Mosque

Burj al-Barajneh refugee camps

al-Burqawi, Isam Taher al-Oteibbi

Bush administration

Bush, George W.



Campbell, John


Carter, Phil

Casey, George

Celebrity pundits

Center for New American Security (CNAS)

Center for Strategic International Studies

Central Command

Chadarchi, Naseer

Chalabi, Ahmad

Chamberlin, Robert

Charge of the Knights campaign


Chesney, Ed

Chiarelli, General


art from Palestinan

fear in

fights between Sunni and Shiite

and IEDs

as orphans

view of Americans

Christian Lebanese Forces

Christian militias


in Baghdad areas

in Lebanon

relocation of

as the third target of AQI

City of Mosques See also Falluja

City of Peace cemetery

Civilian Police Assistance Training Team (CPATT)

Clerics, rise of


Coalition Press Information Center

Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). See Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA)

Cockburn, Patrick

COIN Academy

COIN warfare. See Counterinsurgency (COIN)

College of Technology


Colonial case, labeling Iraq as a, effort to avoid

Combat outposts (COPs)

Commanders of the Jihad (chanting)


Confederation of Iraqi Tribes

Conference of Iraqi Sunnis

Council of Ministers

Council of Notables

Counterinsurgency (COIN)

in Afghanistan

average time period of

manual on

paradox involving


proponents of, influence of

soldiers’ perspectives on

as still violence

training in

Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (Galula)

Crane, Conrad

Crider, Jim

Criminal Medicine Department

Critical Infrastructure Security guards

Crocker, Ryan


The Da Vinci Code (book/movie)

Dadullah, Mansur

Dadullah, Mullah

al-Damalouji, Meisoon


Damascus International Airport

Danish cartoons

Dar al-Ifta. See Sunni Endowment

al-Daraji, Abdul Hadi


Darwinian approach

Daud, Engineer

Dawa Party

de Mistura, Stefan

de Quincy Adams, Jasper

De-Arabization idea

Death squads

De-Baathification policy

Defensive jihad


Democrats and Republicans


Department for the Protection of Professors

Dermer, P. J.

Dhaher, Khaled

al-Dhari, Dhamer

al-Dhari, Harith See also Association of Muslim Scholars

Di Rita, Larry

Diab, Salim

al-Din Albani, Muhamad Nasir

Dinniyeh group

District Advisory Councils (DACs)


Diyala province


Druze revival

Dulaimi, Adnan

al-Dulaimi, Asma

al-Dulaimi, Saadoun

Dulaimi tribe


East Timor

“Eating Soup With a Spoon” (Gentile)

Economic sanctions, impact of


Eid al-Adha holiday, Saddam’s execution during

“80 percent solution” attempt


in Afghanistan

based on proportional representation, effect of the

exaggerated claims made about

groups banned from

media coverage of

public indifference to

that enshrined sectarianism

that signaled the civil war was over

threatening those participating in

waiting to be told who to vote for in

See also Political participation

El-Hindi, Marwan Othman


Ethar Association

Euphrates River

European Union

Everyday Jihad (Rougier)


in Iran

in Jordan

living as, aspects of

number of

return of

See also Iraqi refugees

Experts, self-styled

Exum, Andrew


Facility Protection Service (FPS)

Fadhil, Abu Ahmad

Fadhil area

Fadhila movement

Fadhila Party

Fadlallah, Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein

al-Faidih, Muhammad Bashar

Faisal, Ali (Ali al-Lami)

al-Faisal, Saud

Faith Campaign

Faizani, Mullah

Falah, Haji

Falcon Brigade


destruction of, shift following

status of, in 2004

al-Faqih, Sheikh Jawad

Fard al-Qanun (Imposing the Law)

Fares, Walid

al-Fartusi, Sheikh Muhammad


Fatah al-Intifada

Fatah al-Islam

Fatah Revolutionary Council

Fatfat, Ahmad

Fedayeen militia


Feith, Doug

Females. See Women

Fick, Nathaniel

Fil, Joseph

Force Strategic Engagement Cell (FSEC)

Foreign fighters

Foreign military occupation, meaning of

Forward Operating Bases (FOBs)


Franjieh, Suleiman

Frank, Pat

Franks, Tommy

Free Patriotic Movement

Freedom fighting vs. terrorism, difficulty distinguishing

Free-market economy

Friedman, Thomas

Front for Fighting the Jews and Crusaders

Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)

Future Current

Future Movement

Future newspaper

Future TV station


Gallagher, Brendan

Galula, D.

Garner, Jay

Gates, Robert


Geagea, Samir

Gellhorn, Martha

Gemayel, Bashir

General Federation of Labor Unions

Generation Kill (book/ HBO series)

Geneva Convention

Gentile, Gian



Gheit, Ahmed Abul

Ghorayeb, Amal Saad

“Ghost police” problem

Globalized jihadism

Godfather, The (book/movie)

Gottleib, Jeffrey

Graffiti, sectarian, shift away from

Grand Mosque in Mecca

Green, Toby

Green Zone


Guardian article

Gulf War


Hadley, Stephen

Haenni, Patrick

al-Haeri, Ayatollah Kadhim

Hafeez, Zerlakhta


al-Haj, Muhammad

al-Hajj, Francois

al-Hakim, Abdul Aziz See also Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)

Hakim family

al-Hakim, Muhammad Bakr

Halba attack

Halliday, Dennis


al-Hamdani, Raed

Hammond, General

Hammoudah, Mohamad

Hammoudah, Nasr

Hamza Mosque

Haqbeen, Fazel Rabie

Haqqani, Jalaluddin

Harakat al-Tawhid al-Islami (The Islamic Unity Movement)

al-Hardan, Sheikh Saad Mushhan Naif

al-Hareth, Abu

al-Hariri, Bahiya

Hariri family

Hariri Foundation

al-Hariri, Rafiq

al-Hariri, Saad See also Future Movement

Hasan, Monaem Ibrahim

Hashaika, Abdallah

Hashem, Albu

Hashem, Hassan


Hashim, Haji

al-Hashimi, Saad

al-Hashimi, Tariq

Hassan Mosque

Hassan (son of Ali)

Hassanein Mosque

al-Hassani, Sayyid Jalil Sarkhi


al-Hawali, Sifr


Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin

Helmand province, surge in

Helweh camp

Hill, Christopher

Hitler, Adolf

Hix, Bill


Hizb-e-Islami faction

Homosexuals, targeting

Honorable resistance, defined

Hospitals, issues facing

Hot Bird (broadcast company)

al-Huda, Bint

Human Rights Watch

Huquq political party

Hurra television


Hussein, King (of Jordan)

Hussein, Qusay, death of

Hussein, Saddam

comparing America to

comparing Bush to

comparing Maliki with

comparing the SCIRI to

coup attempts on

failed uprising against

honoring/praise for

Lebanese views of

regime of, collapse of

and sectarianism

treatment of prisoners under

trial and execution of, impact of

Hussein, Sheikh

Hussein (son of Ali)

Hussein, Uday


Ibn al-Alqami

Ibn Taimiya

Ibrahim al-Khalil convent

Ibrahim, Khalil (Abu Omar)

Identity politics

Idu, Walid

IED attacks and ambushes

Imam Ali. See Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad)

Imam Hussein. See Hussein (son of Ali)

Imam Ridha shrine

Implementation and Follow-up Committee for National Reconciliation (IFCNR)

Independent High Electoral Commission

Independent Islamic Gathering


Institute for the Study of Diplomacy

Integrity Committee

Interim government

Internal displacement See also Iraqi refugees; specific areas with displaced population groups

International Crisis Group

International Islamic University

International Rescue Committee

International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)


accusations against

and Afghanistan

and the Badr Brigade

and Chalabi

exiles in

fear of

holy city of

illegals from, paranoia about

interference and money from, effect of

and the July War

and Lebanon

and the Mahdi Army

and the March 8 coalition

nuclear intransigence of, American response to

perceived gain from Iraqi civil war

possible intervention by

regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and

role of

seen as gaining more power

Shah of

as Syria’s ally

talk in Washington about

Iranian pilgrims

Iranian proxy

Iranian Revolution

Iranian Revolutionary Guards

Iranian-sponsored militias

See also Badr Brigade

Iran-Iraq war

Iraq Study Group report

Iraqi Accord

Iraqi army

critique of the, during the Battle for Baghdad

disbanding of the

former colonel of

and the impact of cooperation with U.S. troops

including leaders of the, in planning sessions

national embrace of the

vs. the police

previous support for the

viewed as the most competent of the security forces

views of the

See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

Iraqi Civil Defense Corp.

Iraqi civil war

burn out of the

civilian casualties during the surge vs.

and the cleansing of Amriya

context behind the

continuing civilian deaths due to, and the surge

elections that signaled the end of

end of the, and the changes that were apparent, aspects of

escalation of the

fiercest battles of the, sites of the

first outbreaks of

and how it made the U.S. occupation good

Lebanese blaming Americans for

and the Mahdi Army cease-fire

and Muqtada’s influence

names for the

power during the

restart of the, speculation over

and the rise of the mosques

road to the, aspects of

and the Sadr Current

signal indicating ending of

Sunni and Shiites reflecting back on

Sunnis accepting their loss in the

U.S. acknowledging the

vital battleground during the

warning about regional destabilization from

winner of the

See also Sectarian cleansing; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

Iraqi Constitution

Iraqi death toll

Iraqi Governing Council (IGC)

Iraqi government integration, failure to achieve See also specific governmental agencies, institutions, and people

Iraqi Homeland Party

Iraqi Islamic Party. See Islamic Party of Iraq

Iraqi military. See Iraqi army

Iraqi Ministry of Defense

Iraqi Ministry of Education

Iraqi Ministry of Health

Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education

Iraqi Ministry of Information

Iraqi Ministry of Interior

Iraqi Ministry of Justice

Iraqi Ministry of Migration

Iraqi Ministry of Oil

Iraqi Ministry of Transportation

Iraqi National Alliance

Iraqi National Congress (INC)

Iraqi National Guard (ING)

Iraqi nationalism

Iraqi National Police (INP) See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

Iraqi Office of the Prime Minister

Iraqi Parliment

Iraqi police. See Iraqi National Police (INP)

Iraqi Rabita website

Iraqi refugees

composition of

crisis of displaced

and Fatah al-Islam

following the 2005 elections and violence

in Jordan

number of

in Saudi Arabia

in Syria

See also Exiles; Internal displacement

Iraqi resistance. See specific organizations and groups

Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

and the Awakening groups

composition of the

confidence expressed in the

linked to Shiite militias

and the Mahdi Army

monopolized power of the

obstacles to ISV/Awakening integration into

power of, not understanding

professionalism and nonsectarianism exhibited by some members of

rebuilding of the

responsibility for training

sectarianism of the

smuggled weapons originally from


transitioning authority to

Zarqawi pushing the, effect of

See also Iraqi army; Iraqi National Police (INP)

Iraqi Security Volunteers (ISVs)

See also Awakening program/groups

Iraqi Special Operations Forces

Iraqiya Party

Iraq-U.S. relationship, previous


Islam Memo website

Islam, radical, spread of

Islamic Army of Iraq

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Islamic Group of Egypt

Islamic Party of Afghanistan. See Hizb-e-Islami faction

Islamic Party of Iraq

Islamic State of Iraq

Islamists, power used against, effect of


Al Qaeda and

defiance of UN rulings

difficulty of going to fight

future security of

and the July War

and the Lebanese army

seen as the common enemy

Israeli peace process

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Jaafar Al Tayar shrine

al-Jaafari, Ibrahim

Jabril, Ahmed

al-Jadri, Bassima

Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)



meaning of


See also Mahdi Army


Jalil, Sayyid

Jalul, Nabil

JAM. See Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)

Jamaa Islamiya movement


Jamiyat al-Turath al-Islami (The Society of Islamic Heritage)

Jan, Abdul Rahman

Jarrah, Ziad

Jassim, Abdul Qader Muhammad

al-Jayusi, Azmi

Jeish al-Fatihin group

Jeish Muhammad group

Jeish Nasr Salahedin (The Army of Salahedin’s Victory)

Jewish militias

Jews See also Israel

Jihad and Reform Front

Jihad fighters/jihadis

being among, aspects of

following Zarqawi

Iraq considered a loss for

of Muqtada

Sunnis as

See also specific jihadist leaders/people and organizations

Jihad, four conditions of, breached by AQI

Jihadism, globalized

Jisr, Samir

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnston, Rob

Joint security stations (JSS)

Jolles, Lorens


attitude towards Palestinians

civil war in

closed borders of

and the Geneva Convention

and the impact of jihadis

Iraqi refugees in

July 7 attack in

monarchy of, Zarqawi’s hatred of

as part of Iraq

poll on attitudes in

population of

possible intervention by

Saudi Arabia aligning with

and sectarianism

Sunnis being trained in

and a U.S.-backed military alliance

Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate

Jordanian Ministry of Education

Journalism/journalists. See Media

al-Jubauri, Mishan

al-Juburi, Fatthi Yusuf Saleh

al-Juburi, Omar

July War

Juma, Saad

Jumblatt, Walid

Jumhuriya newspaper

Jund Allah militia

Jund al-Sahaba group

Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of Sham/Levant)

Jund al-Sitt (The Army of the Lady)

Juzu, Sheikh Muhamad Ali



Kabul-Kandahar highway

Kadhim, Imam

Kadhim Mosque

Kadhimayn Mosque

al-Kadhimi, Adnan

al-Kadhimi, Sheikh Raed


Kadhimiya prison

Kagan, Fred

Kahl, Colin

Kalyvas, Stathis


al-Kanj, Basim

Karameh, Omar

Karar Brigade


Karkh cemetery

Karzai, Hamid

Kaywan, Raed Ahmed

Keane, Jack

Kentucky Fried Chicken


Khalaq, Abdallah (Abu Obeida)

al-Khalaylah, Ahmad Fadhil Nazal

See also al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab

Khaldan Camp

al-Khaleq, Abdel Rahman

Khalid, Sheikh

Khalil, Dr.

Khalilzad, Zalmay

Khalis, Maulvi Muhamad Younes

Khamenei, Ayatollah

Khan, Dad Muhamad

Khan, Nafez

Khatib, Ismail

al-Khatib, Sahar

al-Khattab, Omar ibn

al-Khazraji, Sheikh Muayad

al-Kheiqani, Abu Haidar

al-Khirbit, Sattam

al-Khirbit, Sheikh Mudhir

Khomeini, Ayatollah

Khreis, Samih

Khudeir, Sheikh Ahmed

Khudeir, Walid


al-Kinani, Sheikh Hussein Karim


Kites, issue of

Kitson, Frank

Koran, the

Korean War


al-Kubaisi, Sheikh Abdul Ghafar

Kubeisi, Ahmad

al-Kubeisi, Sheikh Abdul Salam

Kuehl, Dale

Kufa Mosque

al-Kufi, Abbas

Kunduz province

Kurdish militias

“Kurdish north” label

Kurdish pesh merga

Kurdish revival


Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)


and the “80 percent solution,”

empowerment of the

and the execution of Saddam

following American invasion

internally displacing

periphery vs. center

and secession

and sectarian cleansing

and the shifts in sectarianism

status of



Lahoud, Emile

Lake Habbaniya

Lamb, Graeme

al-Lami, Ali (Ali Faisal)

The Lancet

Lang, Pat

Langan, Sean

Latifya, battles in

LBC television

Learning to Eat Soup With a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam (Nagl)

Lebanese army

agreement made with militias by

standing by

strength of the

treatment of Palestinians

Lebanese Civil Defense

Lebanese Interior Ministry

Lebanese Internal Security Forces

Lebanese Red Cross

Lebanese refugees

Lebanese University


aftermath of the war in Iraq on, aspects of

civil war in

conditions of the population in

and the Geneva Convention

identity politics in

Israel’s invasion of

and the July War

political tensions in, pushed to armed conflict, America’s role in and goal of

and sectarianism

war in Iraq spilling over into, aspects of


Lieberman, Joseph

Little Triangle

Loftis, Robert

Logar province

The Logic of Violence in Civil War (Kalyvas)


Lynch, Rick



Maan, Hikmat Hussein (Hakami)

Madain, battles in

Maghawir al-Dakhiliya (special police force)

Mahad al-Ansar (Supporters’ Institute)

Mahdi Army

and Al Qaeda in Iraq

ascension of

believed to be lying dormant

cease-fire of

classification of the, question of, Muqtada’s response to

eclipse of the, aspects of the

following Samarra Shrine bombings

full-scale war declared on

and the INP

legend involving

mosques and

regional differences in the

and the surge

war inside the

See also Shiites

Mahdi, Sheikh Jihad

al-Majali, Sheikh Abdel Majid

Majd al-Anjar area

Majid, Ali Hassan (Chemical Ali)

Makiya, Kanan

al-Maksusi, Adnan

Maktab al-Khidmat al-Mujahideen (Office of Mujahideen Services)


Maliki government

al-Maliki, Nuri

Maliki, Walid Abdel

Maluki Mosque


Mao Zedong

al-Maqdisi, Abu Muhammad

March 8 coalition

March 14 coalition

Marginalization, issue of

Marka military court trials


Marshall, George C.

al-Mashhadani, Adil

al-Mashhadani, Taysir Najah

al-Masihi, Amar

al-Masri, Hussein

al-Masri, Khalid

al-Masri, Muhamad

Massoud, Ahmad Shah

Mattis, James

Mayha, Rauf Aballah Abu

Mazloum, Wassim I.

McCain, John

McChrystal, Stanley

McCollough, William


McFarland, Sean

McGurk, Brett

McKiernan, David

McMullen, Chris



in Afghanistan

Arab, resentment toward

and the battle of Nahr al-Barid camp

and the COIN manual

conduct of the

embedding with the American military, criticism of

freedom of the, issue of

holed up in Lebanon

importance of the, realizing the

kidnapping involving the

killing of a member of the

Lebanese, blaming the

local Lebanese attitude towards

perceived as the enemy

Saudis use of the

and selection bias

and the surge

U.S., focus of the, since the beginning of the occupation, issue with

Media blackout

Medical City


al-Meis, Khalil

Meshal, Khalid

Mesopotamia, capture of


Middle East

euphemism for American-backed militias in the

failed U.S. policies in, effect of

identity politics in the, resurgence of

impact on the

largest refugee crisis in the

perceived Jewish and Zionist strategy in the

perception of Al Qaeda and Americans in the

Shiite vs. Sunni revival in the

youth in the, recruitment of

See also specific countries

Midhat, Kamal

Mikati, Najib

Milat Ibrahim (Maqdisi)

Milestones on the Road (Qutb)

Military Review

Military Transition Team (MTT)

Militia power, original and shifting, U.S. not understanding

Militias. See specific militia groups

Minority power

Miska, Steve

Mohsen, Amer

Mongols, occupation by

Morgado, Andy



rise of

See also specific mosques



Moussa, Ammar

Moustapha, Imad


Mubarak, Hosni

Mufti of Lebanon (Grand Mufti)

Mufti of Tripoli

Mughniyeh, Imad

al-Muhamadawi, Sheikh Karim

Muhammad, Prophet

al-Muhammadawi, Karim Mahud (Abu Hatem)

al-Muhandes, Abu Mahdi (Jamal Jaafir Mohammed Ali)

Mujahed, Zaibullah

Mujahideen Advisory Council

Mujahideen, first generation of

Mujahideen Shura Council

Mullah Omar (Taliban group)

Mullen, Mike

Multi-National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I)

Multi-National Division-Baghdad (MND-B)

Multi-National Division-Central (MND-C)

Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I)

Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTCI)

Murabitun militia

Murr, Elias

al-Musawi, Nawaf

al-Musawi, Sadeq

al-Musawi, Sayyid Hassan Naji

Muslim Brotherhood


call to all, to defeat the occupying forces

liberal, imposing strict interpretation of Islam on

original split between

percentage of Sunnis comprising

Mustafa Husseiniya (worship place)

Mustansiriya University

Muthana Brigade

al-Mutlaq, Saleh

Muwahidun group


Nagl, John

Nahr al-Barid refugee camps


Naji, Hamudi

Naji, Kanan

Nashabe, Omar

Nasir, Mullah

Nasr, Sayyid

Nasrallah, Sayyid Hassan See also Hizballah

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

National Accord Front

National Assembly

National Defense University

National Police Training Team (NPTT)

National Solidarity Program

NATO forces

Nazi Party

Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs)


New TV channel

New York Times



Nicholson, Lawrence

Nilesat network

9/11 attacks. See September 11 attacks

1920 Revolution Battalions


Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), situation of, in Afghanistan See also specific organizations

North African community

Northern Alliance

Northern Ireland

al-Nujaifi, Atheel

Nur Muhammad (Light of Muhammad) group

Nuri, Riyadh


Obaid, Nawaf

Obama administration

Obama, Barack

al-Obeidi, Abdel Qader

al-Obeidi, Sheikh Khalid

Odierno, Raymond

Office of Mujahideen Services

Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA)

Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA)

Oil reserves, in Iraq

Oil revenue, sanctions imposed on

Oil-for-food program

Ollivant, Douglas

Omar Mosque

Omar, Mullah

“Omar” name, targeting Sunnis based on

al-Omar, Sheikh Nasser bin Suleiman

Operation Arrowhead Strike 9

Operation Close Encounters

Operation Fard al-Qanun (Rule of Law)

Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment

Operation Mountain Fury

Operation Sawlat al-Fursan. See Charge of the Knights campaign

Operation Seventh Veil

Operation Together Forward I

Operation Together Forward II

Operation Valhalla

Organization of the Islamic Conference

Organized Movement of Islamic Call and Jihad

Orphans, number of

Osama bin Laden. See bin Laden, Osama

Oslo accords

O’Sullivan, Meghan


“Our COIN Doctrine Removes the Enemy from the Essence of War” (Gentile)



and Afghanistan

double game played by

new U.S. strategy for

religious schools in


Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

Palestinian refugee crisis See also specific refugee camps

Palestinians and Palestinian refugees

fleeing Nahr al-Barid refugee camp

granting citizenship to, issue of

as jihadists


numbers of, in Iraq

opposition to early coalition of in Lebanon

relocation of

shift in treatment of, in Iraq

status of

staying out of internal Lebanese conflict

as the Sunni army

in Syria

uprising of, in Jordan

See also specific leaders/people and organizations

Parwan province

Pashtun ethnic group, size of


Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)

Petraeus, David

Pew poll


Political participation See also Elections

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)


files kept on

treatment of


in Afghanistan

in Lebanon

men detained in, on scant evidence

number of men who spent years in

during peak of the surge, number of Iraqis held in

in Saudi Arabia


in Syria

See also specific prisons

Progressive Socialist Party

Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs)

Provincial Reserve (PR)

Provisional auxiliary police

Public Distribution Service


Qabbani, Mufti

Qanbar, Abud

Qaqa’a Mosque

Qartarneh, Yasar

Qasim, Abdul Karim

Qasim, Sheikh Naim


al-Qeisi, Sheikh Dhafer

Qiba Mosque

al-Qiblawi, Abu Jaafar

Qutb, Sayyid



Radical Islam, spread of

Radio Sawa

Rafidein Brigade

Rahman, Omar Abdel

Rahman, Sheikh Muhamad Abdel

Ramadan, Mustafa (Abu Muhamad/Abu Shahid)


al-Ramah, Basil Muhamad

Ramah, Muhamad Qasim Sulaiman

al-Rantisi, Abdel Aziz

Rashas women’s prison

Rashid, Sheikh Khalid

Reconciliation efforts


Red Cross, Lebanese

Reese, Timothy

Refugee camps. See specific camps

Refugees. See Exiles; Iraqi refugees; Palestinians and Palestinian refugees

Refugees International

Republican Guard

Republicans and Democrats

Resistance fighters. See specific resistance groups and leaders

Resistance, honorable, defined

Rice, Condoleeza

Ricks, Tom

Rifai, Osama

Riffi, Ashraf

Rite of passage for young jihadis

Rogers, Chris

Rohde, David

Rolling Stone

Rougier, Bernard

al-Rubaei, Muafaq

Rumsfeld, Donald


Russian embasssy attack



Saadeh, Antoine

Sabean minorities

Sada Camp

Sadat, Anwar

Sadda dam

Saddam City See also Sadr City

Saddam City security prison

Saddam University

Sadr City

Sadr Current

Sadr, Imam Musa

al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir

al-Sadr, Muhammad Sadiq

al-Sadr, Muqtada See also Mahdi Army

Sadrein camp

Sadrists See also Mahdi Army; Sadr Current

al-Saedi, Sheikh Abdel Karim


“Safawis” epithet

al-Saghir, Jalaluddin

as-Said, Nuri

Salafi chanting

Salafi Current

Salafi Mujahideen movement



Salahedin Camp

Salahuddin Brigades

Salam Mosque

al-Samarai, Sheikh Ahmad Abdel Ghafur

Samarra shrine attack

Sanctions, impact of

Sattar, Sheikh. See Abu Risha, Sheikh Sattar

Satterfield, David

Saudi Arabia

and Afghanistan

and Al Qaeda

aligning with Jordan

apprehension of

and Fatah al-Islam

ignoring involvement of

interference and money from, effect of

and Lebanon

and the March 14 coalition

regional rivalry between Iran and

sectarianism in

Saudi proxies

Sayyaf, Abdul Rasul

al-Sayyid, Ridwan


ban on attending

religious, in Pakistan

teaching jihad ideas in

Schwarzenegger, Arnold

Secret prisons

Sectarian cleansing See also Iraqi civil war


artificial, in Lebanon

and Basra

blaming Americans for

continued slaughter due to, aspects of the

degree of, diminished

descent into

dividing the militias, effect of

in the Education Ministry

in Egypt

elections that enshrined

frustration over, potential for continued

in the government

history of

and identity politics

of the Iraqi Security Forces

and Jordan

and Lebanon

as more covert

overt, receding of

perceptions based on

in the police force

provoking in the regional, possibility of

regional, rise in

rise in

and Saddam

sign of shift away from

during the surge

Syria and

in universities towards students

U.S. occupation promoting

See also specific geographical areas

Sects, religious. See specific sects

Secure Plus security company

Seidiya Guard

Selection bias

Sepp, Kalev

September 11 attacks

Sermons, impact of


Shab-e-Barat holiday

Shah of Iran

al-Shahal, Sheikh Dai al-Islam

Shallaq, Fadil


See also Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of Sham/Levant)

al-Shami, Abu Anas

Shanshal, Falah Hassan

Shaqis, recruitment of

Sharikat al-Sadr (Rays of Sadr) newspaper

al-Sharman, Muhamad Mahmud

Sharon, Ariel

Sharqiya television

Shatila refugee camp

Shawish, Zuheir

Shawkat, Asef

Shehab, Fouad

al-Sheikh, Fattah

“Shiite crescent,”

Shiite Hizballah-Iranian model

Shiite House

Shiite militias

accusations against

in Amriya

cease-fire of

depending on Al Qaeda for protection from

and ease of integration into the ISF

Hizballah training, media accusation of

linked to Iraqi Security Forces

other targets of

and the road to civil war

treatment of Palestinians

See also specific militia groups and leaders

Shiite mosques See also specific mosques

Shiite pilgrims

Shiite Political Council

Shiite revival

Shiite shrines See also specific shrines

“Shiite south” label


actual representation of Sunnis and

American perception of

beliefs held by

common epithet involving

divided, and U.S. strategic interests

empowerment of

failed uprising against Saddam by

in the first outbreaks of civil war

as the first target of AQI

important holidays of

moderate, losing

and mosque attendance

new Saddam of the

periphery vs. center

preferred burial site for

reported missing on the Internet

Salafi view of


as the winners

Zarqawi’s warning to

See also specific Shiite leaders/people and organizations

Shiite-Sunni conflict/violence. See Iraqi civil war; Sectarian cleansing; Sectarianism; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

“Shock and awe” doctrine

“Shock therapy” techniques

Shoter, Faris Sayid Hassan

Shrine of Ali

Shuhada Mosque

Shuqair, Wafiq

Shurufi Mosque


Siniora, Fouad

al-Sistani, Grand Ayatollah Ali

Slocombe, Walter


Soccer, views of

Social engineering

Solagh, Bayan Jabr


Sons of Iraq (SOI) See also Awakening program/groups

Soviets/Soviet Union. See Russia

Special Republican Guard

Stalin, Joseph

Status of Forces Agreement

Straw, Jack


al-Sudani, Abdul Falah


Suicide bombings

Suleiman, Michel

Suleiman, Muhamad Haidar

Sunna, the, Salafis view of

“Sunni Arab” label

Sunni Endowment

Sunni militias

believed to be lying dormant

building, in Lebanon

cease-fire of

escalation between Mahdi Army and

funding for, significant source of

new, creation of

other targets of

paid by the U.S. military

See also specific militia groups and leaders

Sunni mosques See also specific mosques

Sunni newspapers

Sunni revival

“Sunni Triangle” label


American perception of

changing attitude of

coup attempts by

global fatwa calling on all

lack of alternatives facing

loss accepted by

and mosque attendance

overrepresentation of

percentage of, comprising the Muslim world

periphery vs. center

reported missing on the Internet

Salafi belief about Shiites view of

as the second target of AQI


Sunni-Shiite conflict/violence. See Iraqi civil war; Sectarian cleansing; Sectarianism; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)

Supreme Iraqi Islamic Council

Suyuf Allah group

Swindell, Sean


accused of helping Al Qaeda

blamed for major terrorist attack in Baghdad

closed borders of

exiles in

Fatah al-Intifada in

and Fatah al-Islam

foreign fighters from

and the March 8 coalition

patrolling the borders

political and military domination of Lebanon

population of

and sectarianism

and starting jihad in Sham

U.S. threat toward

Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP)



Tactical Humintelligence Team

Taha, Abu Salim

al-Taha, Sheikh Ahmad

Tahash, Muhamad Mahmud

Taif Accords

Tajik-dominated government

Tal Afar

Talabani, Jalal


origins of the

and the resurgence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, aspects of

speedy defeat of the, in 2001, 464

symptoms before the fall of the

al-Tamimi, Abu Azzam

al-Tamimi, Sheikh Safaa

Tariq al-Jadida area

Tawhid and Jihad group See also Al Qaeda

Tawhid Brigade

Tawhid (Harakat al-Tawhid al-Islami) group

Tawhid movement

Tawhid (Unity) association

Team Ironhorse

Team Prowler

Tel al-Zaatar refugee camp

Terror in the Hands of Justice (television show)

Terrorism vs. freedom fighting, difficulty distinguishing

Thar Allah group

Thuwar. See Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)

Tigris River, banks of the


Tikriti Mosque (Fardos Mosque)

Time magazine

al-Titi, Muhamad Jamil

Together Forward I and II,

Torture device, popular

Townsend, Steve

Treaty of Portsmouth

Tribal elders in Afghanistan

Tribal leaders, shift in treatment of See also specific leaders

Tribal militias See also specific groups

Trinquier, Roger

Tripoli See also specific districts and neighborhoods

Tripoli Brigades


Turki, Prince

al-Tuweijiri, Sheikh Abdullah


Um Al Qura Mosque (Um al Maarik)

Um Qasr, fall of

Um Qasr prison

al-Umama, Sheikh Adnan

Umayyad dynasty

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)

UN Security Council

United Arab Emirates

United Iraqi Alliance

United Nations

United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFL)

United States

as adopting Al Qaeda’s worldview

Afghani view of

comparing Saddam to the

continuing involvement of, in spiraling violence

and control over Saddam’s execution, issue of

demanding compensation from

failure of the, to question the invasion

focus of the, from the beginning of the occupation, issue with

ignoring involvement of

influence of, loss of, due to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

international community waiting for leadership from, on the refugee crisis

and Iraq, previous relationship between

Iraqi views of the

Jordanian jihadis view of

Lebanese views of the

and Lebanon

military alliance backed by

perceptions/views held by the

planners and observers, exaggerated claims of

presidential campaign in the

push by, in Palestine and Lebanon

response to Iran’s nuclear intransigence

sermon blaming the

and shifting support between sects

and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

and the Taliban, previous relationship between

trepidation in, over the Iraqi elections

victory for, magazine declaring

See also specific U.S. government agencies, institutions, and people

Unity, calls for


sectarianism in the

as targets

See also specific schools

University of Baghdad

University of Haifa

University of Jordan

University of Technology

University of Zarqa

U.S. Army, manual for See also U.S. troops

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

U.S. Combined Arms Center (USACAC)

U.S. Defense Department

U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

U.S. embassy, Afghanistan

U.S. Government Accountability Office

U.S. House Armed Services Committee

U.S. Marine Corps.

in Afghanistan

manual for

See also U.S. troops

U.S. National Security Agency

U.S. National Security Council (NSC)

U.S. occupation

actions during, giving a bad name to democracy

based on a vision

COIN theorists’ failure to question the U.S. invasion and

demographic changes brought by, article warning of

failed, strange epitaph for a

focus of the U.S. administration from the beginning of the, issue with the

impact of, aspects of the

incompetency of the

and making major decisions without Iraqi input

new security plan for

opposition to, from the beginning

role shift during the

stated goal of the

suffering brought on by

as a systemic imposition of violence

See also specific aspects related to the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan

U.S. Senate

U.S. Special Forces

U.S. State Department

U.S. troops

in Afghanistan, number of

cease-fire with

change in behavior of, for the better

changing role of the

COIN manual for

continuing presence of, as a constant implied threat

decline in casualties of

films of the resistance against

Iraqi views of

leaving more, than previously agreed, talk of

legitimizing withdrawal of, need for

onerous presence of

power dynamic between the street and

provincial presence of, expected reduction of

questioning the approach of

recruiting by

withdrawal of, timetable for, issue of

U.S. troop surge

in Afghanistan

airstrikes during

alleged success of, problem with the

and the battle over Amriya, aspects of

costly toll of the

and the eclipse of the Mahdi Army, aspects of

initiating the, and the move toward Iraqi-based solutions, aspects of

Maliki benefiting from

overview of the, and its influence

purpose of the

reduction in violence falsely attributed to

timing of the

Usbat al-Ansar (The League of Supporters)

al-Utaibi, Juhayman

al-Uzri, Abdel Karim




decline in levels of

extreme and indiscriminate

future, and the Bush administration legacy

increase in, in areas of U.S. expanded operations

purpose of the

self-sustaining cycle of

shift in the source of

spiraling, continuing U.S. involvement in

systemic imposition of

triggers of

Volcano Brigade


Wahhabi Mosque (Abdel Rahman Auf Mosque)


See also Sunnis

Wardak province

Warlords, U.S. backing of, and reliance on

Wasfi, Muhamad Abu Muntasar


Washington Post

Weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), issue of

West Point

Widows, number of

Wilder, Andrew

al-Windawi, Mouayad

Winds of Victory (video)

Wolf Brigade

Wolfowitz, Paul


in Afghanistan

attending markets, issue of

with “bad” reputations, targeting

clothing covering, in Jordan

held as hostages by Americans

imposing strict interpretation of Islam on

militias and

in prison, treatment of

using, in anti-regime operations

World Trade Center bombing


Yakan, Fathi

Yamin, Firas (Abu Omar)

al-Yaqoubi, Muhammad

Yaqubi Camp


Yarmuk refugee camp

Yazid (son of Muawiya)


Younes, Kristele



al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab

See also Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

al-Zawahiri, Ayman

al-Zeidi, Muntadhar

Zeinab (daughter of Ali)

Zia ul-Madaris al-Faruqia religious school

Zionists, perceived strategy of