Alcoholism touches everybody’s lives—not just the people suffering from it, but their families and friends as well. It takes a great toll on our society.
If you are afflicted by alcoholism and my story resonates with you, then please look into The Sinclair Method. It might help you as it did me.
If you know of someone suffering alcohol addiction, then please share my story or information about the availability of The Sinclair Method with him or her. Dr. Eskapa’s book, The Cure for Alcoholism, is available from BenBella Books (also the publisher of this book) and there are countless resources on the Internet.
The Sinclair Method saved my life. It’s my sincere hope that it will help many others as it becomes more widely known as a treatment option.
I’d love to hear your stories and help, as best I can, anyone suffering from this disease. You can reach me on my Facebook fan page, at www.claudiachristian.net and at claudia@babylonconfidential.com.
We all have monsters to battle, and, if nothing else, I hope this book lends hope to those who are walking a similar path to mine. Have faith, forgive yourself. I wish you every strength and much light on your journey toward peace.