Chapter 1: A herb shop, Xingyi, 2006.
Chapter 2: "Double-Gun Woman" with her family.
Her son-in-law, Lin Xiangbei, with daughter and grandchildren.
Chapter 3: Workers of 148 Corps, 1950s, Shihezi.
With survivors of 148 Corps, Shihezi, 2006. (Photo Kate Shortt)
Chapter 4: Oil pioneers, north-west China, 1950; and in Hezheng, 2006.
Chapter 5: Acrobats practising, 1950s, and on tour, South America, 1990s.
Chapter 6: The news singer reciting, 2006.
Traditional tea house, 2006. (Photo Kate Shortt)
Chapter 7: Lantern workshop, Nanjing, 1950s, and a lantern-maker, 2006.
Chapter 8: A survivor of the Long March, 1947 and 1987.
Chapter 9: General Phoebe as a child, Chicago, 1933, and in Beijing, 2006.
Chapter 10: A policeman with his family, Zhengzhou, 1960s and 2001.
Chapter 11: A shoe-mender woman, Zhengzhou, 2006. (Photos Kate Shortt)
(Unless otherwise indicated above in brackets, photos are from the author's collection and supplied by kind permission of interviewees.)