Mr. Clifford Cormany, an F.B.I. Polygrapher (now of Cormany Polygraph Services, Greensboro, Ga. 30642) and I spent half a day together in a hotel room at a Jacksonville, Fla., hotel, allowing Mr. Cormany to ask me any and every sort of question imaginable about my stories. This lie-detector test was independently arranged and paid for by Nash Entertainment, a Los Angeles based maker of reality television shows, which had me come out to be part of one of their programs.
This session with Mr. Cormany was the most intimate I’ve ever been with anyone in a hotel room without sex being involved. Cormany listened to these stories, had me write them out in front of him. Then I read the documents over with him aloud, signed each page, and swore to their total accuracy, as well as to my desire to tell him the entire truth.
Then began a four-hour process, during which he hooked me up to a Polygraph machine, a “lie detector.” Testing me for honesty, he asked me his series of questions based on all that we had covered… not once, but three separate times, stopping the process between each series, so that he might, out of my range of vision, determine if he had “valid tape.” The questions for each of the three sessions were mixed up, and asked in a different order so that I could not anticipate which question would be coming next. A technique, I assume, to enhance any residual anxiety on my part, making it harder to fool the machine.
I was pronounced to have told the whole, unaltered truth.