Steve Keshner has spent the past fifteen years flying Boeing 747 aircraft throughout the Middle and Far East. Following the demise of Tower Air, which was based out of JFK in New York City, Keshner accepted employment flying B747’s Internationally for Polar Air Cargo, headquartered in Long Beach, CA.
Steve Keshner is also the author of:
The Tai Stick Sting, a farce written in 1983.
A Night at the Opera, a one act play, written in 1999.
Selections of his Haiku poems have been published in the Honolulu Advertiser and in the Mainichi Daily News, of Tokyo.
Mr. Keshner has begun work on:
FREIGHT DOGS: The Other Side of Glamour (due out December, 2001.)
An anthology of Haiku poetry, Cry Hawaiian Blues, will be published by booksonnet.com in 2002.
Full size / full color Photos:
Full size / full color copies of the unauthorized photos of the TWA-800 reconstruction can be obtained by sending a twenty-five dollar check, along with a return address to:
P.O. Box 4522
St. Augustine, FL 32085-4522
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