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Guests of the Ayatollah - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 11


Abadan oil refinery

Aban the thirteenth



ABC News review of Pahlavi’s life

Abdi, Abbas

AC-130 gunships

activism. See demonstrations

Afghanistan, Soviet invasion of

African-American hostages. See also ethnicity, race, and racism; Jones, Charles; Quarles, William released

Agah, Ali

Ahern, Tom

after returning home



capture of

charged with spying for CIA

coping and response to captivity

Daugherty and

destruction of sensitive files

Ebtekar and


and capitulation

Laingen and

moved downstairs

moved to Tehran mansion guesthouse

opening vault door

prospect of death

release and return home

report to Turner

Roeder and

Simon Farzami and


suicide considered by


Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud


Chuck Scott and

Bowden’s search for


Alavitabar, Alizera

Algeria, as intermediary for negotiations

Algerian diplomats

Algiers, meeting in

Ali (friend of Metrinko). See Sharsar, Ali



American-Iranian Crisis Resolution Committee. See also Forer group

Amir Kabir University

School of Mechanics

as strictly Islamist

Anders, Bob

Anderson, John

Anglo-Iran Oil Company

Arafat, Yasir

artists in Iran

Asgharzadeh, Ibrahim

as author of embassy takeover

interview with


Asquith, Christina

assassination attempts

Assembly of Experts

Ayatollah in the Cathedral, The (Kennedy)

Bahktiari, Teymour

Baltimore Evening Sun

Bancroft, Ken

Bani-Sadr, Abolhassan

accused of being CIA agent

Brzezinski on

Carter and

CIA’s effort to recruit

claimed U.S. did not live up to its part of bargain

downfall as foreign minister

elected president

Hamilton Jordan’s letter to

on hostage crisis

on hostage takers


Khomeini and presidency of

on need for U.S. to “apologize”

paranoid tendencies

powerlessness and isolation from religious hard-liners

as president

on release of hostages

on return of shah

secret plan and

on seizure of Iran embassy in London



and transfer of hostages to Foreign Ministry

and UN commission to study shah’s crimes

on United States

“washing his hands” of hostage mess

barber shop in Mushroom Inn

Barnes, Cort

Barrow, Robert

Bassiri, Victoria

Bazargan, Mehdi


Beckwith, Charlie

adding men to assault force

authorized to slip two men into Tehran

background and description of

“Bob” and

Carter and

Christmas 1979 and

concern for secrecy

Delta Force and. See also Delta Force; rescue mission

Eagle Claw and

list of concerns

meeting with Logan Fitch

reaction to hostage crisis

reconnaissance flight and

rescue mission and

Vaught’s communications with

Behesti, Mohammed

Belk, Bill

allergic reaction to insect bite


escape attempts

Hohman and

hunger strike


Kalp and

Limbert and

“marvelous coup”

mock execution and

moved to separate room

release and return home

stole radio from guard

Subic and


“Big Ali”

Bijon Apartments, Tehran

Bitaraf, Habibullah

blacks. See African-American hostages; ethnicity, race, and racism

“bladder planes”

Blucker, Robert

Bluff, Pine

“Bob” (CIA officer)

books written by hostages

bordbari (toleration), Iran as land of

Bourget, Christian

process negotiated by

Boykin, Jerry

“Bozo” (guard)

Bradlee, Ben

Bremer, Jack

Brethren, bribes


British embassy

Brown, Harold

on military action

rescue mission and

Brzezinski, Tadeusz

Brzezinski, Zbigniew


Carter and

criticisms of

initial optimism

meeting at Algiers with Yazdi and Bazargan

placed national interest about lives of hostages

proposal to seize Kharg

proposed steps to tighten noose around Iran

rescue mission and

on Soviet Union and Afghanistan

Bureau. See also Khomeini, inner circle

Burruss, Lewis H. “Bucky”


rescue mission and

Bush, George H. W.

Bush, George W.

Revolutionary Guards cheering

Byers, Joe

C-53. See Sea Stallion helicopters

C-12 aircraft

C-130 aircraft. See also rescue mission

Cadell, Pat


Canadian embassy, U.S. embassy workers hiding at (“Canadian Six”)


Capucci, Hilarion

Carney, John

Carter, Hodding

Carter, Jimmy

admitting shah to United States

Algeria, Iranian financial assets, and

American criticisms of


announcement of release of hostages

anticipation of hostage crisis

asked not to make “hostile statement,”


Bani-Sadr and

banned oil purchases from Iran

banned travel to Iran

on blockade

broke diplomatic ties with Iran

Brzezinski and

call for allies to join in trade embargo

call for review of visas of Iranians in U.S.

Camp David meetings

change of mood

on commission to study crimes of shah

crackdown and “tough tactics”

criticisms of. See also rescue mission, aftermath and ramifications

Darrell Rupiper and

Daugherty on

electoral primaries and

expelled Iran’s diplomatic mission

false report of 10-day deadline set by

families of hostages visited by

fear of hostages being harmed

“final offer”

first informed about hostage crisis

froze Iranian assets

Gallegos interview and

Ghotbzadeh and

Hamilton Jordan and

hostages’ letters and appeals to

initial reaction to hostage crisis

Iranian hostility toward

and Iranian wealth in American banks

Iranians deported by

and Iran’s bait and switch tactics

Jody Powell and

and Khomeini’s new list of demands

Kissinger on

at loss about how to approach Iran

media and

middle-of-the-road approach

moving toward military action

oil crisis and


political cabinet


Precht and

preparation for war

presidential election and

defeat. See also “October surprise” theory

press conferences

public support for

reconnaissance flight authorized by

reluctance to “apologize” for U.S. actions in Iran

reluctance to make threats

reluctance to take military action

rescue mission and

aborting the mission

and concern about killing Iranians

and families’ reactions

insistence on right to call it off

reaction to learning about its failure

Sadeq Khalkali on

sanctions proposed by

secret meeting and plan

on sending Clark and Miller to Tehran

on the shah

shah’s death and

shah’s meetings with

State of the Union address

and threat to execute hostages

Torrijos regime in Panama and

United Nations and

weakness and timidity

Carter administration. See also specific topics

contrasted with Pahlavi monarchy

Casey, William


“Central Committee”

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). See also “Bob”; classified documents

activity in Iran

Ahern and

briefing to rescue mission about location of hostages

communication with persons inside vault

conspiracy theories and

Daugherty and

Ebtekar on

“Farm” in northern Virginia

Graves and

overthrowing revolutionary leaders

rescue mission and, See also rescue mission

Chamran, Mahdi

chancery, U.S. embassy, See also vault

serving as anti-American museum

Cheney, Dave

Chicago Tribune


of 1979

of 1980

Christmas cards

Christmas celebrations

in 1979

in 1980

Christmas greetings, televised. See also Christmas celebrations

Christopher, Warren

Algeria, Iranian financial assets and

rescue mission and

Church, Frank

church and state, separation of

Clark, Ramsey

Clark Air Force Base

Clark/Miller mission

classified documents and equipment, destruction of

seized by Iranians

clergymen. See also ministers visits with hostages


ascendency of


liberal vs. conservative

Coffin, William Sloane

Cold War

communications vault. See vault

communiqué read over radio

conspiracy theories. See also “October surprise” theory

CIA and

consular section

Cooke, Donald

Abbas and

mock execution and


“Crimes of America” conference

Cronkite, Walter

“cultural revolution”

Cutler, Walter

Daily Mail of Charlestown, West Virginia

Daugherty, Bill

after returning home

Ahmadinejad and



books read by

Bruce German and

CIA and

compromises made by

coping and response to captivity




Iran-Iraq war and

Jim Schaefer and

in Komiteh

medical exam

moved after failed rescue mission

moved to chancery basement

political/diplomatic aims

Queen and

relations with guards

In the Shadow of the Ayatollah


Tom Schaefer and

Victoria Bassiri and

Davis, Rodney

Declaration of Independence

defense attaché

Delta Force. See also Beckwith, Charlie; rescue mission

after failed rescue mission

men who made up (Delta “operators”)


democracy. See also election(s)


closing embassy during

demonstrators. See also hostage takers


Limbert’s negotiations with

troops open firing on leftist

“We only wish to set-in”

“den of spies.” See also “spies” U.S. embassy as


Desert One. See also rescue mission

d’Estaing, Giscard


diplomatic immunity


disintegrator. See classified documents and equipment, destruction of Donaldson, Sam

Doyle, Ray

dust storms (haboobs)

Dwyer, Cynthia

Eagle Claw


Ebadi, Shirin

Ebtekar, Nilufar (“Mary”)

on the American people, background

Barbara Timm and

Daugherty and

Hashemi and


Hohman and


interviews and media appearances

Iran-Iraq war and

Koob, Swift, and

Metrinko and

“October surprise” theory and

Roeder and, on the shah

Takeover in Tehran

Tom Schaefer and

on United States

as vice president

economic sanctions against Iran

EEIs (Essential Elements of Information)


Election Day

speculation about secret deal to free hostages before

election(s). See also under Carter days before U.S. presidential, in Iran

electoral primaries

embassy, U.S. in Iran. See also Islamabad, U.S. embassy in bracing itself for the worst

as “den of spies”

documents seized from



locking its doors

model of, constructed at CIA “Farm”

number of staff


persons released from

physical description

prior harassment of

professionals stationed at


as source of all evil

as symbol of Western imperial domination

ties with provisional government


why the diplomatic mission wasn’t simply asked to leave

in Islamabad

in Pakistan

embassy takeover, See also hostage taking; plan

author of. See Asgharzadeh, Ibrahim

command to begin

goals of

nonviolence of

England. See Britain

Englemann, Bob

Entezam, Amir

escape attempts

escape contemplated by hostages

Sheikh-ol-eslam, Hussein “Gaptooth”

Ahern and


Daugherty and

final words to hostages

Ghotbzadeh and

Golacinski and

Hohman and


Essential Elements of Information (EEIs)

ethnicity, race, and racism. See also African-American hostages

Evin prison, Tehran


Fallaci, Oriana

families of hostages

and Carter administration’s actions

media and

meetings with

Penne Laingen as spokesperson for

question and answer sessions

threats to harm

Family Liaison Action Group (FLAG)

Farhang, Mansour

“Farm,” CIA

Farsi, Americans fluent in

Farzami, Simon

February takeover

Federal Reserve Bank

Fenton, Thomas

“Ferret Face.” See “Rat Face”

Fitch, Sandi

Fitch, Logan

rescue mission and

White team

“five-man council”

FLAG. See Family Liaison Action Group flag



Foreign Media Guide Centre

Foreign Ministry. See specific topics transfer of hostages to. See hostage transfer

Foreign Ministry guesthouse, Christmas ceremonies at

Forer, Norm

Forer group

Fort Benning

Fort Bragg

Fort Stewart

Fourth of July. See Independence Day

Francis, Fred



Gallegos, William


during invasion


release and return home

gangs. See khomiteh

“Gaptooth.” See Sheikh-ol-eslam, Hussein

Gast, Phillip C.

Genscher, Hans-Dietrich

German, Bruce

mock execution and

Germany, West

gerogan-giri. See hostage taking

gerogan-girha. See hostage takers

Ghapour, Reza

Ghotbzadeh, Sadegh

American journalists and


background and overview

Bani-Sadr and

Brzezinski on

on Carter’s breaking diplomatic ties with U.S.

criticisms of

enemies and risk of assassination

as foreign minister


attempted resignation

driven out of power by hostage takers

Hamilton Jordan and, on hostage takers

on the hostages

Khomeini and

negotiations over hostages

powerlessness and isolation from religious hard-liners

secret plan and meetings. See also under hostages, release and return of suggestion of assassinating shah (“Point #1”)

on United States

Gillette, Sam

Golacinski, Alan

after failed rescue mission


assessment of risk to embassy

attempt to send out secret message

Belk on


cell at Evin

Don Cooke and

guards intimidated by

Hermening and

Howland and


marines and

mock execution and

plan in case of invasion

release and return home

response to invasion

response to protests


threats to kill

William Howard and

Golacinski, Pearl

Goldwater, Barry


Graves, Bonnie

Graves, John

accident while being moved and escape attempt

accused of being CIA agent

background and overview

capture of

Kupke and

mock execution and

release and return home

“Great Aban 13th” exhibition

Great Satan

Carter as

United States as

Gregory, Dick

Gross, Kathy

Guardians Council

Guests of the Revolution (Koob)

Gumbleton, Thomas

guns in embassy. See weapons in embassy

haboobs (dust storms)

Hall, Cheri

Hall, Joseph

accident while being moved and escape attempt

after returning home



at Christmas party


food and

mock execution and

Mohammed and

Montazari and

mood swings

moved to basement chancery office

Queen and

release and return home

religion and

Subic and

on television

Hall, Zane


“Hamid the Liar”

Haney, Eric

Hansen, George

Hanson, Phil

Hashemi, Mohammad

Ebtekar and


Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Akbar

Hercules, C-130

Hermening, Kevin

after returning home

attempt to send out secret message


Christmas 1979 and

Christmas cards from

communication to reporters at press conference


Easter service and

protests and

release and return home

Rupiper and

Subic and

on television

visit from mother. See also Timm, Barbara

Hermening, Richard. See also Timm, Barbara


Hohman, Donald

Belk and

hunger strike

Ode, Queen, and

Holland, Leland

Iran-Iraq war and

Limbert and

release and return home

Holmes, George Jr.

Holmes, George N. Sr.

hostage crisis. See also specific topics books on

public obsession with

schools of thought about how to deal with

“hostage fatigue” in America

hostage-rescue force. See also Delta Force

hostage takers (geroghan-girha). See also Muslim Students Following the Imam’s Line; specific topics

attacks on United States


criticisms of

demand for “hearing” before Iranian people

Iran’s view of

lack of knowledge of embassy bureaucracy


press conference to announce outing of CIA officers

refusal to let UN commission to meet with hostages

speaking in euphemisms

threats to kill hostages


feelings about hostage taking

hostage taking (gerogan-gir). See also embassy takeover

anticipation of

Iran’s memory and current attitudes regarding

spiritual adviser to. See Khoeniha

hostage transfer, proposed

hostages. See also specific topics after returning home

celebrity and awards


to be dealt with by Iran’s parliament. See also hostage transfer

as happy “guests” of the ayatollah

hoaxes perpetrated and games played by

illness. See also specific hostages

invited to White House

Iran’s options in how to deal with

“moral sadness”

moved to other locations

after rescue mission

Tehran mansion of Bahktiari

national interest vs. interests of

physical assaults and beatings of

putting them on trial

release and return of. See also Canadian embassy

deadline for

final negotiations and agreement on

rumors about

secret negotiations for securing

rooms ransacked

secret communications between

secret communications with outside world

threats to kill. See also SAVAK

trying to sue Iranian government

views of their captivity experience

who are now deceased

Housseini, Akbar. See also Akbar

Howard, William

Howland, Joan (Walsh). See Walsh, Joan

Howland, Michael

Golacinski and

Iran-Iraq war and

Isfahani and

Laingen and

moved to Tehran mansion

plan in case of invasion

release and return home

rescue mission and

television viewing

hunger strike

Hussein, Saddam. See Saddam Hussein

Independence Day, International Communications Agency (ICA)

International Court of Justice

interrogations. See also under specific hostages

Iran. See also specific topics

double-talk in


instability and chaos in. See also revolution, Iranian

inverse nature of

as land of bordzari (toleration)


persons fleeing

political power and decision making in

separation of mosque and state in

Iran-America Society

Iran-Iraq border accord of 1975

Iran-Iraq war

Iran National Works

Iran Working Group

Iranian embassy in United States

Iranians. See also specific topics


Iraq. See Iran-Iraq war; Kuwaiti newspapers; Saddam Hussein



Ishimoto, Wade

Islam. See also Shia Islam

U.S. war against militant

Jerry Miele and

Kupke and

Limbert and

obsessed with uncovering plot to assassinate Khomeini

religion and

on United States

Victoria Bassiri and

Islamabad, U.S. embassy in

Islamic constitution

Islamic Revolution. See revolution Iranian

Islamists. See also mullahs vs. nationalists

Israel. See also Zionists

J3 Special Operations Division

Jaffe, Hershel


Jennings, Peter

Jewish hostages

John Paul II, Pope

Johnson, Dewey

Johnson, Jessie

Johnson, Lillian

Jones, Charles

Jones, David

Jordan, Hamilton


Bourget, Villalon, and, solution worked out with

Ghotbzadeh and

Henry Precht and

hosted Ghotbzadeh’s emissaries in White House

Omar Torrijos and

Panama and

presidential election and

reaction to embassy takeover

rescue mission and

on UN commission

journalists. See also media


expelled from Iran

in Tehran


Joyce, James

July Fourth. See Independence Day

Kalb, Marvin

Kalp, Malcolm

after returning home


Belk and, escape attempts

Limbert and

at morning meeting

political/diplomatic aims

karmozd (banking fees)


Keane, David

Kennedy, Edward M.

Kennedy, Louise

Kennedy, Morehead “Mike”

Keough, Katherine

Keough, William



in Komiteh

letter from, published anonymously in U.S.

mock execution and

moved after failed rescue mission

Keramat Mosque

Khalkali, Sadeq

Khamenei, Ali

Khan, Reza


Kharrazi, Kamal

Khashani, Mashalla

Khatami, Mohammed Reza

Khoeniha, Mousavi

Ban-Sadr on

endorsement of takeover

on Khomeini

as spiritual adviser to hostage takers

Khomeini, Ahmad

Khomeini, Imam Ruhollah (Ayatollah)



Asgharzadeh and

on Ashura

Bani-Sadr’s presidency and

Bazargan and

call for “cultural revolution”

on Carter

Carter’s relations with

Christmas cards hostages made for

conditions for releasing hostages

daughter in Germany


did not want to sever ties with U.S.

on embassy/hostage seizure and hostage takers

encouragement of “attacks” on America

erosion of authority of

in exile in Paris



inner circle and spiritual regimen in Qom


on Majlis

Mousavi Khoeniha on

Muslim Students and

oil cut-off threatened by

ordered Revolutionary Guards to clear embassy


pictures of

plots to assassinate

political activity and power

Precht’s letter to

on rescue mission

return to Tehran

rise of

sanctions and

secret plan and

on shah’s crimes

on shah’s move to Panama


and transfer of hostages to Foreign Ministry

on United States

Waldheim and

on Western-yearning Iranians

women and

Yazdi and

“Khomeini Hilton”

“Khomeini Hole”


King, Kim

Kirtley, Steve

Kissinger, Henry

Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier

Komiteh prison

Koob, Kathryn


foreign service career

Bill Royer and

Christmas 1979 and

contemplation of escaping

Easter gifts received

Ebtekar and, as go-between for Washington

Guests of the Revolution

Hamid and

hopes of release



Iran-Iraq war and

Jerry Miele and

learned about failed rescue mission

moved after failed rescue mission

moved to Tehran mansion

relations with guards

release and return home

religion and

sending messages with her eyes

solitary confinement

Swift and

on television

Koppel, Ted

Kupke, Rick


capture of

informed about invasion

John Thomas and

letter to Carter

mock execution and

moved to top floor

release and return home

on roof

in vault


Kurds, rebelling

Kuwaiti newspapers

Kyle, James H.

Laingen, Bruce

after returning home

Ahern and


appointed chargé d’affaires



cable from

change in keepers

Christmas celebrations and

conference room

diary/journal entries

on diplomacy/dialogue between nations

expectation of release

on Forer

Ghotbzadeh and

Golacinski and

Howland and


instructed Swift to let in protesters

Iran-Iraq war and

on Iran-U.S. relations

on Khomeini

letter to Bani-Sadr

at morning meeting

moved to Tehran mansion



ordered guards not to shoot


prayer meetings and

release and return home

rescue mission and

response to invasion

on revolution

secret messages to Washington from

on shah’s entry to United States

television viewing

treated as emissary

Valentines received by

Yazdi and

Laingen, Penne

Lambrakis, George

Lauterbach, Steve

slashed his wrists

on television

Lavasani, Hassan

Lavasani, Mohammad Hussein

Lawrence, Paul


Lee, Gary

leftists. See Iranians, Western-yearning

letters. See mail

Lewis, George

Lewis, Paul

Lijek, Cora

Lijek, Mark

Limbert, John Jr.

after returning home


Belk, Hohman, and

books read by

brought to vault

capture of

on Carter

Charles Jones and

on Christmas 1979 event

conversations with guards

escaping contemplated by

expectations of rescue

hopes for release


Iran-Iraq war and

Kalp and

on Khomeini

Kupke, Graves, and

learned about rescue attempt

learned that provisional government resigned

Lee Holland and


love for Iran

medical exam

mock execution and

Mohammed and

Montazari and

moved after failed rescue mission

moved back to chancery

moved to private home

moved to top floor of chancery

negotiation with demonstrators

political views

relations with captors

release and return home

response to invasion

on revolution

room at Komiteh

on television


threats to kill

Limbert, John W. Sr.

Limbert, Parvaneh

Linderman, Jimmy


“Little Ali”


Long, Wayne

Lopez, Jimmy

capture of

mock execution and

release and return home

shorted out electricity in chancery

Luce, Clare Boothe

Lugar, Richard

MacNeil, Robert




from hostages. See also under specific hostages

from strangers


Khomeini on

Mandani, Ahmad

Maples, Ladel

marines. See also specific marine hostages

“Mary.” See Ebtekar, Nilufar

Masirah, Oman

Mass, materialism

McAfee, Carl

McBroom, Bud

McGovern, George

McGuire, B. J.

McKenna, Frank

McLain, James

Meadows, Dick

media. See also newspapers; television; specific topics

Carter and

decline in coverage of hostage crisis

families of hostages and the

interviews of hostages. See also specific hostages

rescue mission and

viewed by Iranian students as an ally

medical care for hostages

Mehrabad Airport

Metrinko, Harry

Metrinko, Michael

after returning home

Akbar and

Ali Sharsar and


attacks on Khomeini




Behrouz Sharsar and

books read by

boredom and despair

Christmas events and

clergymen and

correspondence with Bowden

daily life during captivity

food and

Ghotbzadeh on

guards’ hostility toward

Hamilton Jordan and

handcuffed for two weeks


invitation to visit Germany

Iran-Iraq war and

letters from family

letters to parents

Limbert and

love for Iran

moved after failed rescue mission

moved from consulate waiting room to chancery basement

moved to Tehran mansion



at Qasr prison

in “punishment” cell

reaction to initial protests

reaction to invasion

read that hostages escaped

release and return home

religion and

return to Evin

on the revolution

Roeder and

solitary confinement

“spy document”

suspected of spying

Swift and

view of his behavior in captivity

Meyer, Edward C.

Miele, Jerry

suicide attempt

television film of

military options of U.S. See also United States, punitive options against Iran

Miller, Scott

Miller, William

mining the harbors

ministers. See also clergymen

American, seeking “spiritual resolution” to crisis

Miramar Naval Air Station

Mirdamadi, Mohsen

mock execution of hostages

Moeller, Mike

Mohammed (guard)

monarchy, Iranian/Persian. See also Pahlevi monarchy

Mondale, Walter

Montagne, Elizabeth

Montazari, Husayn-ali

Moore, Bert

“moral patriotism”

Morefield, Dorothea “Dottie”

Morefield, Richard


on being released

capture of

cell at Evin

Ebtekar and

moved from embassy to a basement

Rupiper and

morning meeting

mosque network

Mossadeq, Mohammed

Moston, Gary




Mushroom Inn. See also specific hostages

library at

Muskie, Ed

Muslim Students Following the Imam’s Line. See also hostage takers

Khomeini and

Nabavi, Bezhad

Naimipoor, Mohammad

National Security Council

National Students Day

native Americans

naval blockade


Needham, Paul

Nelson, Jack

New Year, Iran’s

New York Daily News

New York Times

News-Tribune of Tacoma, Washington

Newsom, David Dunlop

newspapers. See also specific newspapers


Nimitz aircraft carrier

nuclear war, fear of


“October surprise” theory

Ode, Bob


Ann Swift and, background

Bruce German and


Christmas events and

Coffin and

diary entries

expected Carter to attempt rescue

Hamid and

health problems

Hohman and

mock execution and

moved after failed rescue mission

relations with roommates

release and return home

on television

view of his behavior in captivity

visa applications and

Ode, Rita


and the shah

oil crisis

oil exports, Khomeini’s threat to cut off

oil facilities, plan to destroy Iran’s

oil purchases from Iran, banned by Carter


O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip”

Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza (shah)

assent to power

background and overview

Bani-Sadr on

Bruce German on

calls for return of the

from Americans

from hostage takers

from hostages

from Khomeini


critics and criticisms of


downfall. See also revolution Iranian

entry to United States

Carter and

consequences of

factors that weighed in favor of

warnings about

Yazdi and

financial assets

Gallegos on

international commission to study crimes of. See also under United Nations

Limbert on

Metrinko on

move to Egypt

move to Panama

opinions about allowing him to stay in U.S.

state-sponsored assassination of


U.S. support for

as (violent) dictator

volunteered to leave U.S.

William Quarles and

Pahlavi monarchy

Pakistan, U.S. embassy in

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)


effort to extradite shah from

shah’s move to

Panama City

Paquin, Donald C. See Ahern, Tom


Peace Corps. See also Limbert, background

Peacock Throne

Pentagon. See also rescue mission, planning

chiefs’ meeting in “Tank” at

Persian Gulf

warships in

Persinger, Greg

accident while being moved and escape attempt

after returning home

books read by

at Christmas party

Gallegos and


mock execution and

tear gas released by

Petty, Les

Phoenix Gazette

Pittman, Chuck

plan, the

origin of

Plotkin, Jerry

release and return home

on television

“Point #1” (suggestion of assassinating shah)

police, Iranian. See also embassy takeover

complicity of and lack of response from

political organizations, rival

Powell, Jody

rescue mission and

power outages

Powers, Gary


prayer meeting, Precht, Henry

Ali Agah and

Cy Vance and

eviction of Iran’s diplomatic mission

Hamilton Jordan and

Khomeini and

Limbert and

Martin Kalb and

pro-Khomeini demonstration and

on release of hostages

press conferences

primaries. See electoral primaries


protests. See demonstrations

“punishment” cell

Qaddafi, Moammar

Qashqai, Khosrow

Qasr prison

Qom. See also under Khomeini

Quarles, William

Queen, Jeanne

Queen, Richard

Akbar and

background and overview

capture of


destruction of visa plates

dislike of Iranians

Easter service and

food and


Hohman and


Inside and Out

letters to family

mock execution and

Mohammed and

Montazari and

moved to basement chancery office

moved to Zurich

pictures of

published in magazines

release and return home

religion and

signed petition for return of shah

slipping into dream world

“Queenie” (female hostage taker)

race. See African-American hostages; ethnicity, race, and racism

Radio Tehran

Rafsanjani. See Hashemi-Rafsanjani Akbar

Rajaeefar, Farouz



“Rat Face”

Rather, Dan

Razaee, Mohsen

Reagan, Ronald


announcement of return of hostages

Carter contrasted with

Carter’s communications with

criticisms of Carter

elected president. See also “October surprise” theory

hostage agreement and

on hostage takers


invited hostages to White House

on negotiations

as president

presidential campaign

Tom Ahern on

“Red Barn”

Red Cross representatives

Red Element

Redeye missile launchers

Regan, Regis


rescue mission. See also Delta Force aftermath and ramifications

appeal of

challenges, problems, and skepticism regarding

problem of intelligence

confidence in and readiness for

congressional investigation

dry run/dress rehearsal

execution of


broken chopper and mechanical problems in helicopter

desert landing and transfer from plane to choppers. See also Desert One

explosion and fire

final decision to launch

German-speaking team

hostages learning about failed

injuries and fatalities

as last resort

media coverage

nonlethal riot control agents

option to call it off at last minute

planning and preparation

Red, White, and Blue teams

“requirements” and “conditions”

White House blamed for failure of

Reseneh Yar

reshveh (success fee)


Iranian. See also “cultural revolution”

causes of

and postrevolutionary struggle

viewed retrospectively

nature of

Revolutionary Council

hostage transfer proposal supported by

Revolutionary Council Command

Revolutionary Guards (Pasdoran)

Reza, Gholam

Rezazadeh, Tahereh

RH-53D. See Sea Stallion helicopters

Rhyne, Jim

Rice Bowl. See also rescue mission

rival factions and political organizations

Robinson, Neil

Rockefeller, David

Roeder, David

on Abbas Abdi

after returning home

Ahmadinejad and

Christmas celebrations and

Ebtekar and

Golacinski and


family threatened during

Iran-Iraq war and

mock execution and

release and return home

Roosevelt, Kermit

Roosevelt Gate

Rosen, Barbara

Rosen, Barry

Abbas Abdi and

after returning home


capture of

at Christmas party

denounced as spy

The Destined Hour

directive from ICA

mock execution and

release and return home

response to invasion

Roeder and


Simon Farzami and

on television

Rosenfeld, Stephen S.

Roth, Philip

Rowan, Ford

Rowe, Jesse

Royer, William

as go-between for Washington

moved after failed rescue mission

release and return home

Rupiper, Darrell

Sadat, Anwar

Saddam Hussein

war against Iran

safe, captors’ efforts to open

Saliman, Marcel

San Diego Evening Tribune

Saudi Arabia

Saunders, Harold

SAVAK. See also mock execution of hostages

Savory, Carl

Schaefer, Jim

Schaefer, Tom

Schatz, Lee

Schell, Jonathan

Schlesinger, James R.

Schmidt, Helmut

Schoomaker, Pete

Scott, Charles

after returning home

Ahern and

Ahmadinejad and

Akbar and





Iran-Iraq war and

letters to

mock execution and

moved to Tehran mansion

Pieces of the Game

release and return home

standoff with guard



Sea Stallion helicopters. See also Delta Force; rescue mission

Seiffert, Ed


Seyyedinejad, Mohammed Ali

shah of Iran. See Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza

Shaplen, Robert

Sharer, Donald

Ahern and

Iran-Iraq war and

Shariati, Ali

Shariatmadari, Hossein

Sharshar, Ali

Sharshar, Behrouz


Shia Islam. See also Islam; revolution Iranian

obsession with martyrdom


Sick, Gary

Sickmann, Jill

Sickmann, Rocky

after returning home

captured, diary

“Hamid the Liar” and

Hostage, A Personal Diary

release and return home

Sistani, Ali

60 Minutes

Ski Mask

Smith, Burr

Smith, E. K.

Socolow, Sandy

solitary confinement. See also hostages, moved to other locations, after rescue mission

South Africa

Soviet Union


invasion of Afghanistan

“spies”. See also “Bob”; Central Intelligence Agency; “den of spies”

hostages suspected of being

“Spy Den documents”. See also classified documents and equipment

“spy documents”

St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Stafford, Joseph

Stafford, Kathy

State Department

Kupke’s conversation with

State Department building, pro-Khomeini demonstration by Iranians outside

State Department information at embassy

Strengthen the Unity

student captors. See hostage takers

“Students Day” demonstration

Subic, Joseph

after returning home

Christmas card for Khomeini

Christmas party and

escape plan

Golacinski and

Hall and

Hermening and

Hohman and

Kalp and

release and return home

on television

suicide attempts and suicidal thinking

Sun-Times in Chicago

Swift, Ann



Easter gifts received

Ebtekar and

hopes of release

instructed to let protesters in

Iran-Iraq war and

Laingen and

learned about failed rescue mission

Limbert and

moved after failed rescue mission

moved to Tehran mansion

release and return home

suspected of being spy

on television

Swiss ambassador



Tabatabai, Sadegh


prison in

Taheri, Kamal

Takht-e-Jamshid Avenue

Taleghani, Mahmoud

sons of

Taleghani, Mehdi

Taleghani Avenue

“Tank” at Pentagon, chiefs’ meeting in

tap code among hostages

tear gas

Tedford, Terri

Tegucigalpa, Honduras


Americans visiting

historical changes in


Tehran Times

Tehran University


hostages on

hostages watching Iranian

television and video cameras in embassy

television coverage of hostage crisis. See also specific topics

Terminal Equipment Replacement (program)


terrorists, negotiating vs. refusing to negotiate with

third path, idea of the

Thomas, John

Thomas, Stanley E.

Timm, Barbara

accusations from hostage takers


Carl McAfee and

Carter and

hostages’ families and


rescue mission and

State Department and

in Tehran

visiting Hermening

motivated by opposition

written correspondence with Hermening

Timm, Ken

Tomseth, Victor

accused of knowing about rescue mission


Golacinski and

Howland and

on Khomeini

letter to Tehran newspaper

moved to Tehran mansion

release and return home

rescue mission and

“Students Day” demonstration and

television viewing

Torrijos, Omar


traffic barred by mob

Trattner, James

travel ban, Carter’s

Trudeau, Garry


Turner, Stansfield

Twin Otter

“Two Shirts”


United Nations (UN)

commission to study Iran’s grievances against U.S.

Security Council

United Press International (UPI)

United States


fear of and hostility toward Iranians and Iran

Iranian assets in


Iranian hostility toward

Iranian students in

Iranian views of Americans and. See also Great Satan

Iran’s grievances against. See also Pahlavi, entry to United States

protesters in

punitive options against Iran. See also military options

relations with Iran

war against militant Islam

University of Tehran. See Tehran

University uprisings. See demonstrations

Uttaro, Jerry

Valeriani, Richard

Vance, Cyrus


Bani-Sadr and

diplomacy and

Hamilton Jordan and

meetings with families of hostages

rescue mission and

on shah’s leaving U.S.

supported negotiation rather than rescue attempt

Vaught, James B.


hiding in

Iranians’ attempts to enter

whether or not to voluntarily open door

Villalon, Hector

process negotiated by Bourget and

visa applicants

released from embassy

visa applications

visa plates, destruction of

visas of Iranian nationals in U.S., crackdowns on

Wadi Kena, Egypt

Waldheim, Kurt

Wallace, Mike

Walsh, Joan

Walsh, John

Walton, Lyle

War Powers Act

Ward, Phil

warehouse basement. See Mushroom Inn

Washington Post

weapons in embassy

dismantling and disposing of

wedding, Iranian

West German Goethe Institute

WHIO (radio station)


Wilcox, Jennifer

Williams, Wesley

Wiznitzer, Louis


dress code

released from embassy

role in embassy takeover

women guards. See also specific guards

women hostages. See also specific women


writers in Iran

X, Mr.

Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed

Yazdi, Ibrahim

“Year in Captivity, A” (CBS special)

Youth Palace


Zeisman, Paul


Zumwalt, Elmo Jr.

Zurich, Switzerland