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Chapter Twelve: Nixon, Kissinger, and International Business

All roads lead to Hope …Bob Hope that is. President Richard Nixon was connected to Bob Hope also — it seemed like everyone was. President Nixon used me sexually from approximately 1969 until he resigned in 1974. I was with him in many different places and sometimes Henry Kissinger was with us also.

Henry Kissinger never used me for sex; it was always strictly mind file use. At times, Nixon participated with Henry in utilizing and accessing my computerized "government mind files," but both functions (sex and mind files) could not be used at the exact same time, there had to be time in between uses.

The Council

The Council accessed me many times without the knowledge of the politicians who were enjoying my services. In this way, the Council was having direct access to information channels with and about influential people, like presidents, governors, senators, foreign leaders, and celebrities.

Looking back, I was likened to a satellite orbiting around the globe, used by then Governor Reagan (for sex and messages), President Nixon (for sex and messages) and Henry Kissinger (for mind files). Later, the Council would access me and send me back to the politicians with different messages and motives than the ones originally intended by the Government.

The Council had me delivering messages between President Nixon and Governor Reagan. The Council worked them together and was able to effect powerful change and legislation to suit their own needs, by manipulating the two of them.

Sometimes there was a problem if I was programmed by two different factions for the same event and was instructed to target two different people-or worse yet, the same person. In this situation, I would carry programmed messages from two different groups, with one group's message contradicting the other group's message. This type of situation created terror and confusion in my inner system of personalities, and I was usually punished by one or the other faction for not delivering the information correctly.

This happened at a Gubernatorial Ball during this same time frame. The Mob/CIA had one set of instructions I was to deliver to President Nixon, and the Council had a whole different set of messages for Nixon. The Council programmed me way in advance for this Gubernatorial Ball, but the Mob's/CIA's programmed instructions came to me last and closest to the event.

Like a jammed computer, I sat in a chair in the corner, afraid to move, until a Secret Service agent came over and hand signaled me as he rubbed his finger under his nose a few times, cleared his throat and said, "Are you lost, little lady?"

The Secret Service agent's prompting got me "back on track" and I was triggered into action. I delivered the message from the Mob/CIA instead of the Council's message.

This particular occasion was around a time when the Mob/CIA wanted to control a drug line going through Nicaragua and Paraguay to the United States (Chicago). They were trying to ignite terror in that area, via civil unrest, in order to create a situation where the United States would be persuaded to go into the foreign country to supposedly "protect them." What would really be happening is they would just be opening up a «legal» but hidden drug pathway into the country so they could have free access to their drug sources.

In light of this set of covert 'goals, the Mob/CIA programmed me to approach President Nixon after this gala event and after sex, report how admirable I would find him and our government if he would authorize our troops to go in and help the Nicaraguans-to give them the aid that they so desperately needed. Per program, I relayed innocently and sincerely that I felt it was our duty as a free nation, concerned with maintaining freedom for all people, to aid those less fortunate, since we held so much power. I continued persuading Nixon that all Americans would be proud to have a president who was so conscientious, reminding him that other presidents before him had gone down in history as heroic defenders of democracy and freedom.

It was a very "patriotic speech," a slick story, intended to appeal to his well-known sentiments. He seemed to fall for it; at least he seemed inflated and inspired by it.

Although I did not have the ability to comprehend or make decisions on my own behalf due to the mind control I was under, the delivery of the Mob/CIA message was a fortunate choice for my personal safety. The Council was more forgiving but to get caught not delivering a message from the Mob/CIA was like stealing the drugs or money at a drug deal. There were severe consequences, and often I was violently punished. When they debriefed me in order to get the information about what I had or had not delivered, and what the reaction was of the person receiving the message, I operated like a machine, with no defenses of self-preservation and no ability to lie. So I reported exactly what happened and ended up getting beaten up or tortured in some way if I made a mistake. They were very brutal.

I was in yearly attendance at the Celebration or Birthday Party of the Elephant, the Republican Party — the GOP. The large room was decorated with red, white, and blue banners; the decorated tables set for dinner and celebration. There was also a large stage, decorated for the political speakers. It was crowded, noisy, and people were taking pictures with camera flashes going off all over the place. I was sent in to be a sex/espionage agent.

It was strange to see people there I knew like Governor, and then later, President Ronald Reagan or Senator Pete Wilson, only I was programmed to not consciously recognize them. In fact, I was programmed not to be able to even see them at all. "Just ignore them," were the rules …unless they approached me. Although I obeyed my orders at the time, the fact that I was Multiple Personality Disordered allowed other parts of me to not only «see» them but register these occasions into photographic memory as I had been trained.

Sometimes at these conventions, I never made it out of the back of a limousine or was restricted to a separate room away from everyone. Men, usually politicians, were brought to me for quick sex. They called this activity by names that are not appropriate to print here.

This particular evening, I was programmed to target President Nixon. I wore a blue, off-the-shoulder dress with a diamond necklace. I probably looked like just some other young girl, partying at the convention. There were other slaves there also, to perform quick sex for other politicians. I don't know if the Council was also accessing them.

Pat Nixon accompanied President Nixon, so he had to break away from her to have a «quickie» with me in a back room. Nixon did things like that before he got depressed with the Watergate scandal. After that he started acting old and beaten down. It was like the life just went out of him.

President Nixon accepted me with smiles because he was grateful for the times I had been able to help him quickly recover from depression or negative emotional states. I could perk him up so he felt better and could more efficiently function in his important job. At least that is what they always told me.

The Council made sure I had the road paved to President Nixon, free and clear, and over time he listened to me despite the fact that I was only 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22 years old. I helped him with what they called "his difficult times," until the end when he had to resign the Presidency.

Henry Kissinger Took Up Residence in My Brain …and Never Paid Rent

In the late 60's and early 70's the mind control programming technology was advanced, but certainly not as advanced as it was in later years. Instead of being hooked up electronically to a machine that could automatically program information into my mind files, like is available today, my programmers used the less efficient, but only tried and true method available at the time. They used my programmed ability to have personalities who were equipped with photographic memory, read or scan documents to memorize them. To accomplish this a personality was put into a receptive mode and told to look at a document as a whole, like I was taking a picture of it in its entirety. That way, later on, I could look inside my mind files, see in my mind's eye the picture of the document and read it to Henry or report whatever information he requested. For Henry, it was like having his own invisible laptop computer (within my mind files) available whenever he needed information.

In the beginning when I was first being programmed with mind files, Henry took me to different places with filing cabinets, and instructed me to go through certain file drawers to digest information. He put me in the mode to store data in coded mind files and then left me to absorb information.

The "government mind files" that I possessed were created from being put into rooms in Washington, DC at the National Archives, Pentagon, State Department, the Federal Reserve building, Rocketdyne/Rockwell in California and other places. I was also instilled with information at military bases around the United States regarding top secret project's. So, I had the latest information regarding top secret experiments and defense and space information if Henry needed it for reporting to others at meetings. Kissinger arranged a special clearance to get me into these top security places. He also took me into some private offices at night in the dark. We had to be very quiet while I digested huge amounts of private party information.

Some of the files I have been able to identify are information regarding: history; foreign countries; travel information; federal and state documents; visual orientations to certain locations; maps of foreign countries, including information on climate, terrain, ocean access, mountain access, etc.; individual person's profiles listing preferences, perversions, place of residence, friends and connections; a postal file where those involved all over the globe could log on to send or receive messages from each other; peace talks files; foreign leader files; research findings and experimentation files; strategic logistics files; banking systems files; etc. It was a wide and vast assortment of information to be accessed easily by Henry. There were hundreds of files and many new files were added over the years from different agendas between the Council and Henry.

Kissinger was more familiar with how to access the information than anyone else because he created my internal system. He knew how to access me for different functions, in addition to keeping the plan of the global elitists organized. This form of communication allowed them to secretly communicate around the globe at times when they didn't want anyone to be able to publicly associate their connections. I not only kept rooms full of information, neatly tucked away in my brain for easy access, but it gave Kissinger and others an advantage as it appeared they were less prepared and had less data at their fingertips than they actually did. No need to carry armfuls of books and brochures. He just brought me along and utilized me when it was time to recite information he wanted on any subject he had programmed into me. Plus, he and others who knew my programming could instill and retrieve arcane 'e-mail messages' from around the globe, often with the latest top secret knowledge gleaned from classified experiments and projects or messages in regard to the New World Order agenda. I was a REAL robot.

At one time, Henry had a dark wooden desk with a glass piece covering the top of it and his big chair squeaked when he sat down. There were lots of wooden floors where Henry took me initially — "old culture" places. Nothing was ever really new looking in those days but that changed over the years.

Henry brought me into his office, sat me down at a chair across from his desk while he pulled file after file out of his filing cabinets, and laid them open on the desk in front of me. Then he said, "Quickly memorize this data, we're going to a meeting." He would also categorize the data by saying, "File this under A-3," or whatever name or code number he labeled it. He meticulously named each file and when he would loan me out to people he would tell them the file identifier so they could access the information they needed. He usually would leave me alone with the files to memorize. When he returned, we went to the meeting.. Henry rationalized this, saying this way he didn't have to hold trivial details in his mind but could save it for more important matters, such as strategizing. That's how I heard him explain it to others who knew about the mind control technology.

At times he would hand me top-secret documents and say, "Record document #1-12," and then he would leave me alone to photograph them in my memory. Later when he needed specific wording from one of them he would call me over and, if he wasn't talking to someone or in the middle of something, he would have me read the information from my mind aloud to him. If he was in a meeting or was busy he instructed me to write the information on a note pad and then later when he needed it he would pick up the pad and read the information from it or refer to it and people present would just think I was his secretary or aide. This happened for years.

At night, Henry snuck me into lots of top secret places where documents were stored and gave me a flashlight and instructions to go through and memorize documents. He let me into these places and then would leave me alone, recording documents into mind files, often for hours at a time. Later he came back to get me. There were times he was sweating when he returned and was in a real hurry to leave, even if I was right in the middle of a document. Then, when we got into the car he would sigh like he was relieved. He would become very nervous, though.

Henry always readied me for the Rockefeller Christmas parties, but so would a group of other men who were sometimes with him and knew how I worked. It depended on who was to attend the party. When they obtained that information, they went about strategizing and deciding what I should say to whom. The Rockefellers have been in a position of power for a long time. Kissinger seemed to work hand-in-hand with them often, in order to "satisfy their goals in the most efficient manner."

There were times Henry loaded me up with information specifically for someone and then I would be the secret liaison between the two. This occurred between Henry and Pete Wilson. Pete was often Henry's California arm. This way Pete could carry out his wishes without it being known where the instructions were coming from.

The White House

When important meetings were held at the White House, sometimes Henry took me along if he felt there might be information that was «crucial» to have at the «ripe» time. He told people I was in training or some other excuse. One time he even had me write information on a napkin under the table so as not to be noticed. This specific napkin event occurred around 1971, because I remember that I had my hair done up with a hairpiece full of curls on top. I was 20. Henry had my clothes ready for me; usually very tailored, conservative, dark clothes, most often a navy blue jacket, skirt and low navy heels, or a disguise. He laid my clothes on the bed in a room with two twin beds with white bedspreads — the bumpy kind. He told me to get dressed and left the room, closing the door behind him. Later he returned to get me.

At other White House dinners, I wasn't present at the table with the other guests, but Henry was. When I didn't fit into the plan of the evening in order to sit at the table, Henry still «prepped» me and kept me in the kitchen or another room in the White House, close to the dining room so he could come and access me if necessary, without anyone knowing. So I sat there in 'park mode' and watched the White House kitchen staff cook and serve. At those times I was dressed like a kitchen staff member with a black skirt and white blouse, so I didn't look out of place. Henry explained that if I didn't stand out no one would notice or pay attention. My "attire," as he called it, was never meant to call attention to my presence but instead was to make me fit in and look like I belonged. Over the years Henry parked me in some pretty strange places. When he would arrive to access information, I would scribble it on a piece of paper he would take with him, or if it was brief he would access me verbally and would simply remember what information he extracted. Henry often said, I was his "left brain," so he could use his mind for more important matters.

At times while I was sitting with he and others in the dining room, Henry would often leave the table to go make important phone calls. He would either leave me at the table to smile and be pleasant, but instructed me to avoid conversation, or he would take me with him to obtain further input via the telephone. Sometimes he would carry his linen napkin from the dining table and looked pretty dumb but no one seemed to notice.

The White House was a place I was taken to in order to "do a job" on certain leaders — some foreign, some domestic. I was given very clear suggestions and instructions on who to target and how to go about it. I was briefed on their likes, dislikes and preferences and was told certain phrases or key words to use throughout the conversations I was programmed to have with them.

Henry was often invited to the White House when the President was entertaining foreign guests, even after Nixon wasn't President any longer. They felt, and rightly so, that Kissinger was well versed and knew many of the cultural customs of foreign dignitaries so the risk of making a faux pas could be avoided. Henry was confident and seemed to know everything about foreign policy. When he was invited to a dinner with a foreign dignitary that the Council wanted to have me privately entertain later on in the evening, he wouldn't use my mind files at the end of the evening so I could be used for sex.

Henry secretly knew that messages conveyed to targeted individuals during the 'behind-the-scenes' sex stuff meant more to people because then they psychologically interpreted and categorized personal experiences such as sex in with their memories of personal or family experiences. Thus the message became stored as more valuable since it wasn't strictly business. Henry said combining his messages with sex would store it in a different part of the brain, with the personal experiences being filed with more importance emotionally and so it would carry more weight or influence.

Usually arrangements for a sexual encounter with me were made secretly between Henry and the foreign guest. Then the guest and I would be limoed away somewhere to a hotel or taken to another place. But most of the people at the White House gathering were unaware this took place as we would all leave separately, and rendezvous at another location later on. Or, Henry would have a limo waiting and I would enter and wait. Usually I was put in the limo first and waited for the dignitary. Then we would spend a few hours or the whole night together, while I dropped a preprogrammed message at the perfect time to the leader. Then I was flown home.

One day I was in the White House delivering a message to Nixon from Kissinger. Nixon and I were standing in a large room where there were some tables lining the walls and couches and large rugs covered the wooden floor. Old pictures dotted the walls, fresh flowers were in beautiful vases and heavy drapes covered the windows. I guess Nixon thought we were alone as we stood facing an oil painting on the wall by a long table. Dick had his arm around me as he was inputting a reply back to Henry through me. A hand on my right shoulder was standard procedure to encode incoming messages and Nixon was doing it all properly, however, halfway though the message, his daughter Trisha came into the room.

She looked very pretty in her nice dress, but she didn't know I was there and when she called out, "Dad," it startled her father and I, and, in turn, she was surprised and shocked. It was one of those very awkward situations where it appeared she instantly summed up the whole situation and thought her father was being romantic with me. Nixon acted extremely guilty and stammered uncomfortably until he finally introduced me as someone from the State Department. She didn't seem to buy his explanation and left the room annoyed and upset.

Nixon said to me, "Don't worry about her, I'll take care of this." But he said it with his hand still on my right shoulder, so instead of it just being a casual statement meant for me, it actually became part of the his message to Henry. After that Henry began to devise a way for messages to be encoded without having to touch my shoulder in order to avoid these types of situations.

International Assignments

There were times I was flown to foreign countries so Henry Kissinger or President Nixon could utilize my computerized "mind files" at meetings they were attending publicly or later privately. On the flight to these countries, it was my job to make the President comfortable. I took off his shoes, rubbed his feet, pampered him and brought him anything he wanted. Secret Service agents surrounded him.

When I flew with Kissinger and Nixon was not there, I was told to sit or sleep quietly next to him. Henry often slept on the airplane. Nixon did not.

I believe that the Secret Service agents at times knew what I was really doing sexually with Nixon because occasionally they witnessed when I came on to him. Like one time when I leaned over and put my head on his shoulder and reached down to unzip his pants, a Secret Service agent who was just walking up from behind, laughed and said, "Excuse me, Sir." At this point Nixon took my hand away and quietly said to me, "Later, dear."

Beijing China

There were dirty waterways in some parts of China and the streets in some areas where I was taken were dirty. One square was full of flags in the courtyard. I was there on foreign assignment with Henry Kissinger. I flew independently and was taken to a hotel by a Secret Service agent. The Secret Service registered me in the hotel under a phony name with a phony passport. Henry met me there. Usually I flew privately on a chartered jet with Henry, but this time it was last minute notice so we flew commercially but separately.

We were there to swing a deal with the leader of China. Henry told them I was a foreign correspondent and we sat at a long table with lots of Chinese men and I sat next to Henry. I always sat to Henry's left for his convenience in tapping me with this left hand leaving his right hand free to write or smoke his cigar. He told me to smile, look pretty and "take it all in," which meant record data into my mind files. He notified me who to zero in on and "listen intently" to. He also used access codes to refer to my mind files. No one knew that I was a high tech programmed computer that was carefully and precisely recording details and spewing information when my mind files were accessed and called upon.

President Nixon's Loyal Friend Bebe Rebozo

BeBe Rebozo was President Nixon's good friend. He was present on many occasions when Nixon used me for sex. One such time was in Miami, Florida. I was flown into Miami and taken by limo to the beach where I was to meet Nixon.

As usual, I was put into isolation before my use with VIP's and this time was no different. BeBe Rebozo and his men took an active role in my «preparation» for Nixon.

Rebozo was violent and cruel to me, slapping and hurting me. He took me to a totally dark, windowless, cement room and left me there, naked and alone in the dark. Before he left, men injected drugs into my lower arm and left me for hours without food, water, or clothes. This was before I had children, so they could not yet use that powerful maternal bond to keep these programmed secret events amnesiac, like they did later on. Because of this, the physical torture to me during this time was accelerated, but was never as painful as the things they later did to my children in order to "keep me in line."

Rebozo dressed in fancy expensive suits and wore gold jewelry. Subconsciously I hated him.

On this occasion, Rebozo came and released me from isolation and took me to a restroom to clean up. I showered and put on the bikini they left for me and soon was readied for action with Nixon.

I don't know exactly where we were because I was programmed never to look or notice our location, but I was taken to President Nixon at a private beach house. My instructions were to "tease him, please him, ease him and help him relax in the sun." It was on this private beach, watched from every angle by the Secret Service, that I seduced Nixon. I was laughing and joking with him as I undressed him from his suit, tie, and dress shoes. Then we slipped into the water while I further seduced him. After he was satisfied, I was removed and taken somewhere to get «prepared» for an evening event with the President.

Nixon had dinner in his room and I accompanied him while he ate, then satisfied him sexually and was taken away. Nixon was not as passive sexually as Reagan was. He made an effort and took initiative. He preferred the missionary position. I suggested we keep the light on, but he always wanted to turn the lights out, so he did. I never slept in the bed with Nixon after sex — it was his rule. I never did spend the whole night with him, like I did with some of the others. I was instructed to wait until he was asleep and then to very quietly notify the Secret Service agent at the door to the suite. The agent took me out of the room and I was flown directly back to California with all details of the event carefully tucked and hidden away within the personalities programmed for Nixon. Per program, I slept the whole flight home.

In the beginning years with Nixon, I was programmed to make him happy and to satisfy him in the ways I had been trained and programmed to. Just as the Council anticipated, over time, Nixon's trust built in relation to me, paving a way for me to be used in ever more influential circumstances with him.

There were times I was taken to Key Biscayne, Florida, to service Nixon. He was with BeBe Rebozo there and it seemed that BeBe was in charge of the events that occurred while we were on his turf.

Each time, Rebozo put me into isolation in a small cement room and slapped me around before he left me alone in the room naked, cold, and hungry, in his words, "to get ready for 'the boss," as he called Nixon. Rebozo would tell me how "the boss" deserved respect and whatever it took to make him comfortable. He spoke in broken Mob language. He acted like a really tough guy and was very loyal to his friend Nixon.

When he came to release me from isolation, BeBe instructed me, "make yourself presentable," and I was cleaned up and dressed. Then, I was taken by limo to a beach that had palm trees on it. We arrived at sunset. Since I was programmed not to notice where I was geographically, I had no way of knowing where I was, but at times I overheard others speak of our location and that information was stored along with memory of the event. We pulled up to a very secluded house where there weren't a lot of other people around. The house was on the beach and a lawn surrounded by a short fence led out to the ocean.

Miami meant more serious business, but Key Biscayne laced pleasure with business. Deals between the Mob, Council, Rebozo and government officials or other interconnected mob factions took place in Miami or Key Biscayne.

At times, the "big guys," very important or influential people, would join in the business and pleasure at Key Biscayne. Connections were big business with the Mob. I was instructed to sit with the guys and make them happy by giving them whatever they wanted.

Men with guns stood in windows in the back of the house to guard Nixon. The Secret Service let the Mob protect Nixon up close and they kept guard further away. I think Rebozo arranged this protective situation but I do not know why it was set up like that. Rebozo was very protective of Nixon; he even rode in the back of the limo with Nixon while I was with him. BeBe was only nice to me when Nixon was around and he made it very clear that he didn't trust «dames» and that I was only there because Nixon wanted me to be. BeBe watched protectively when Dick and I went for a swim together. Rebozo did not go in the water. I guess he didn't want to get his guns wet! He never was without them.

During these times, I was instructed to come on to Nixon, and thoroughly and enthusiastically excite him. He liked it and said I was "good for him," and that I helped him a lot when he was upset. Nixon said I could pick him up when he was down and refresh him. I was programmed to be funny and silly, without a care in the world. Nixon said I made him laugh.

Rebozo was most often present when I downloaded Council messages to Nixon. BeBe seemed to understand "the language" and so Nixon wanted him to be present when I relayed memos because he always had to make the decision and give me an answer before I could go back. That was the rule. I gave the message to Dick and BeBe; then the three of us stayed together until they were able to come to an agreement. Usually it was a yes or no question. But no one could leave until I was uploaded with the return message.

When it was time for me to leave Key Biscayne, an agent whose job it was to prepare me to go home, took me out for a walk on the beach. He bent down and holding up a shell he picked up in the sand, 're-minded' me that all events that happened there were now out of my head and forever locked in the shell. To finalize this compartmentalization of my experience, he threw the shell out into the surf, in an effort to keep the memories hidden from my conscious mind. From there, I was helicoptered to an airport and flown home. This all happened before I was married at age 20.

Watergate Created a Depressed President

During Watergate, Nixon had a very hard time. He looked gray and dismal, and it was very difficult to cheer him up. But after a drink I could lighten him up a little. I teased President Nixon in his down months, telling him how cute I thought he was when I saw him on television, even when he was in deep trouble and was being publicly challenged over the scandal. Due to my programming, I was not really able to ever «see» him when I watched television, but was programmed to say that. The things I would say to him were so opposite the truth that, as he said, he found my statements "refreshing and funny." These statements seemed to be just an added bit of entertainment to cheer up old Tricky Dick. In those days, it wasn't much else with Nixon; just delivering sex and messages.

BeBe Rebozo loved Nixon dearly. He was very protective of him and had tender, emotional moments with Nixon that I was present to witness. BeBe cried when Nixon told him he had to step down from the Presidency. I can still hear BeBe now as he said, "Oh no, Boss, not after everything you've worked so hard for." He touched Nixon on the shoulder and was genuinely concerned as if it was happening to him. That always confused me about Mafia guys — they would torture or kill someone one moment and then turn around and show deep, caring concern for one of their own the next. To them loyalty was everything.

Henry Kissinger was not involved with BeBe Rebozo. Henry was "too intellectual" for BeBe. Kissinger said he did not like to mingle with the Mob. When Kissinger was present it was strictly business, concentration, work and strategizing. Pat Nixon was never around at these times either.

Richard Nixon was manipulated by the Mob and by the Council. He was part of their intricate network and when Watergate came down, he was the most dispensable. They viewed Kissinger as more important, someone they vitally needed to protect and so their strategy dictated that Nixon would take the public fall.

I was not sent to sexually service Nixon after he resigned the Presidency.

International Mind File Postal System

Henry created a mental postal exchange system inside my head. He created it first visually by telling me that there was a large box in my head with separate boxes inside of it and they each had a different key. He explained that there were rows of numbered boxes positioned layer upon layer. Programs were attached to numbers or people, places, or documents, etc., which were attached to numbered boxes. George Bush wanted always to be #1 in everything so Henry had to change someone else's number to give George the #1 box. This system worked like a post office so that people had a box and they could receive or send information at their box. This system was the way the higher ups kept their communication clear and anonymous when access was necessary. It kept the Council's messages clear for me to deliver accurately or to receive a message to take back to them. It kept messages clear and straight to be delivered between people who were involved and who didn't want to be identified as knowing, or communicating with, each other. I met with and delivered messages to the Council, at times, on huge ships out in the middle of the ocean.

I was most often helicoptered to ships, hotels, islands, or wherever I was to deliver this anonymous information. Once the information had been exchanged, I was helicoptered back. Henry created the programmed system for these communications. He was the mastermind of lots of their plan, and used me to further it. Kissinger, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Thatcher, Mitterrand, Trudeau, Gorbachev, Salinger, Ford, Nixon, etc. all participated.

Sex Paves the Way for Diplomatic Relations

I was briefed, in advance, about the customs of the countries we visited, in an effort to further diplomatic relations. At many foreign meetings I was told, "be invisible, and smile when smiled at." I was also instructed to hang back, be quiet and just listen, unless I was cued to report information. I was further briefed in detail if I was to be sent in on a foreign leader or diplomat. In addition to all the sex training I had acquired over the years, Henry added his 'two cents. He said in many foreign countries lovemaking is an art form. Henry expounded, "To the degree you can match that slow deliberateness, is the degree that you can sexually gratify your partner." Henry spoke of sex like the art of eating. He didn't show any emotion, or embarrassment; it was something he instructed me about very openly and plainly. He explained that the slower and more deliberately a person performed sex, demonstrated their level of self-esteem, selfassuredness and that, as a woman, I had to balance that with a fair amount of shyness, in order not to appear bold. Shyness was what Henry said would soften what otherwise would appear as being too forward.

With one leader (a king) I was sent to, Henry had me say, "May I have the honor, Your Highness, of pleasuring you in the American way? We have many means of pleasure." Henry said this was to deeply seal an attitude that America equaled pleasure, so diplomatic relations would go smoother. He often called it, "paving the way to diplomatic relations," and he used sex as a means to accomplish that. The statement quoted above also allowed me to ask for permission, so as not to break cultural rules without having set up a framework for taking the King into a different experience. I was told to strictly avoid oral sex until close to the end and then feel out if it was appropriate or would be accepted.

Henry said, "I wish I could give you precise instructions, but the research team is only able to get certain data. Some is not available so I will have to trust your judgement along the way in some of these areas." And oral sex was one of those areas. In front of me, Henry explained to his research team that to get in close enough to someone who would have knowledge of that level of intimate detail about a target would be a risk he would not want to take. I overheard him say, "She will have to be briefed on the cultural mores and then her own expert skill and timing will have to take over in limited areas such as, if or not to offer oral gratification." The research team was present often when I was prepared or briefed for an assignment because each would often have their area of expertise to instill into me, especially in the area of foreign relations and cultural differences. The research team even had foreign members who Henry heavily relied upon for certain «key» countries he was targeting. These men often had been born in the foreign country and so could easily and accurately relay all customs. Henry explained, "Every country of the world has different customs and our job is to ensure that you are fully aware of those customs before you are sent in." The members of the team changed at times as we moved on to different countries.

Henry had many ethnic traits, yet was polished to an almost non-cultural bias on the surface, so as not to be encumbered by his ethnicity. He treated each person as a challenge to face and beat, even if they were from a culture he couldn't understand until he studied it. The more exotic and different the culture, the better. Then, he would go to extremes to study it, in order to emerge the victor because he would understand them totally, often understanding them more than they did themselves. Henry usually won, and most people, totally unaware that there was a game of wits going on, would have sex with me for the night and not even know to take the message bait when I threw the line out. They were what Henry called "simpletons." And he said he despaired of them. At other times he was grateful for «simpletons» if they were in strategic positions and he could use them in the power and control game. Then he did what he knew best researching until he devised the ideal strategy, and finding the best person to pull it off. When he knew, he put the strategy through whomever would deliver it with the most favorable outcome. Within me he had two distinctly different agents — one being Susan, the serious, conscientious, motherly, intellectual, organized, loving and understanding type, and, Sharon, the clever and often humorous and entertaining sex slave and friend of the elite.

The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization (WHO) was a cover for bringing together an inside group of people whose purpose and intent was much different than what was generally thought and publicly portrayed. Lots of illegal activity went on without detection and across borders internationally as this inside group hid its covert operations under masked projects, purportedly for world advancement. Among other things, it was also a cover for drug deals, child prostitution, heinous experiments on human beings, illegal sales of babies, etc. Some of the players I saw participating were a select group of politicians, celebrities and leaders worldwide.

I sat in on many meetings. I heard Ted Kennedy speak, as well as Henry Kissinger, and there was a group of women who worked for the WHO that did not seem to have a clue about what was actually going on behind the scenes. Many were naive, honest, pliable people and actually played into the hands of the corrupt inner group without being aware that they were being used.

Masked behind the publicized "do good" activities were illegal ventures intended to fund this corrupt group, with their secret, hidden motives and agendas. So while the United States appeared to be having benevolent beliefs and actions, these activities were put into motion. They sent a group to «aid» children in foreign countries, but behind the scenes what was actually taking place was a masked drug connection or some other illegal enterprise that brought top dollar to this group of self-selected men who seek to eventually control the world.

Some meetings of the WHO were televised, but the agenda the public saw and heard was not the complete agenda that was secretly carried out.

I heard and recorded into my mind files, the words that a man spoke. He was standing at a microphone in a large room filled with row upon row of stationary, red upholstered wooden chairs, arranged in a semi-circular shape. I was there for Henry's usage of stored data in my "government mind file system." I suppose an individual at these meetings who was not aware of this type of technology; using human beings for storing and hiding information known only to the National Security Agency and others, would have just assumed I was an aid or secretary to the UN, or an assistant to Kissinger.

One day I heard a man state, "Mr. Speaker, I would like to speak to the issue of free trade, internationally, between countries." Most of the free trade these men were REALLY alluding to was in illegal drugs (cocaine, heroine), pornography, prostitution, and weaponry. They used anything that would cull large sums of money to fund their causes and their desires with no thought of the human or financial cost to others — like the violation of basic human rights — and had no regard to others' pain and suffering. These men had no scruples, no compassion or ability to empathize with the feelings of others; instead they were self-seeking and ruthless — without conscience.

The following is an example of the kinds of flashes and memory retrieval that continued to flood into my mind. One day, Bobby Baker, House Appropriations Committee was at a meeting. He was wearing a light tannish-brown suit and he argued with everyone about everything, and Henry felt he disrupted their meetings so that nothing ever got accomplished. Henry didn't like him at all.

At another meeting, I heard, "Mr. Speaker, I would like to address the subject of the arms control race," Baker said. Then he spoke of his concerns about Russia escalating the arms race, that they were gaining speed and technology at such a pace that we the United States would be in serious jeopardy and at a disadvantage if we didn't set up immediate appropriations for arms research and arms production. Baker appealed to the United States' fear of being "taken over," in order to get money appropriated for arms; when in fact, much of the funding was not used for what it was designated for, but instead was used in hidden, covert activities for the benefit of the Council and those politicians that were supported by the Council.

At the time, the World Health Organization was often an excuse to bring together people from all over the world. This created an opportunity for the "inside group" to secretly meet and intertwine their agenda with the public agenda of the WHO. Those in attendance who were unaware of the New World Order agenda, were also unaware that there was a small cadre of people dominating the group and making sure they had enough key players on the panel or board so they could win when votes were cast or decisions made.

In those years, I was not able to understand these people or political issues in the general historic way that the public remembers or understands. My perspective was solely from my personal experiences. I was generally programmed to not listen to political information I heard or saw. Consciously, as my programming dictated, I was not interested or involved in politics or public news in any way. So this information comes to you, the reader, from my personal experience at these or other meetings. After I downloaded this data from my mind, I actually had to ask others, or research to find out what the common public historical belief was, as portrayed by the news media back in those years.

I believe most California Governors that I worked with were a part of the WHO and other such groups. It seems to me that these men and their functionaries, who seek control, hook into every individual and key organization that they can use in order to maintain control of their interests. They were strategically placed, often under the direction of Henry Kissinger and others, in order to insure they got what they wanted, when they wanted it. It was like a game to them, and they were all on the same team, in the same way a crime syndicate operates.

Nuclear testing sites, Energy Commission, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, House Appropriations Committee on Foreign Trade, and the Trilateral Commission, were just some of the organizations whose meetings Kissinger took me to, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Henry used my mind files at meetings of the Trilateral Commission. We sat at a table with a group of men. There were microphones sitting on the table. What went on behind the scenes at these meetings often had nothing to do with what was outwardly portrayed. There were meetings within meetings and secret meetings were held behind the scenes of other credible public meetings. Often, the Council (not to be confused with the CFR) was involved in directing the way things went although no one knew they had any part in the outcome.

They all spoke their lies publicly, often directed by Kissinger the strategist, Hope the entertainer, and the Council from behind the scenes.

Kissinger as Global Mastermind

I was in Henry's office often in my final years of High School, while he worked heavily with Nixon on foreign relations. I would meet him in New York or in Washington, DC. Sometimes the team would brief me a month in advance for different assignments, but Henry always said, "It works best and is most ideal when she is prepared directly before the assignment and then goes from here." There was very little I knew to do on my own because the team had usually filled the agenda in order for me to deliver culturally specific or personally specific words and physical acts to entice the target. The team heavily researched every detail and it sounded, from their conversations, like they used separate espionage agents to collect some data they didn't want to ever be connected to or associated with, as it would have completely blown their cover. Henry used every means available, even down to manipulating a person through his or her own religious beliefs.

Henry's strength was that he was able to remain detached and able to pull from a wide variety of cultural differences in order to create the end product. Whereas, he explained, most Americans just went in to grab for the product and failed, due to their lack of cultural understanding. Henry said to me, "The closer you can align yourself with the subject in every way, the more successful you will be. Therefore you have to know him or her as well as possible before you are sent in and that is our job. You will only need to be the actress, the point person carrying out our plan. You will think only in this area we are working in. All else will fall away as you are focused only on this one particular area. You are beautiful, young, and have expanded sexual capabilities and we will supply the rest. All you have to do is receive the instructions." Henry Kissinger groomed me to be culturally adept with each foreign dignitary he sent me in to be with. He said, "This is where the success rate lies — firmly in cultural understanding first, then complying with their culture's mores second, and third, is equally your physical attractiveness and your sexual expertise." Henry told Nixon in my presence that this was the reason for my success and he told Nixon that sometimes it took him hours to have his researchers gather the data necessary on a foreign target in order to begin to prepare me for the assignment.

At one particular meeting, we sat at a large table with a group of men and I was seated next to Henry. President Nixon sat on the other side of Henry. Henry did not smoke his cigar at this meeting.

Nixon told him it was much too sensitive a meeting and for some reason Henry complied and didn't smoke. He usually smoked regardless of who objected.

At key junctures in the meetings, Henry would reach over and push his finger into the top of my hand. In response, I began reciting my programmed information or message. The message I delivered at this particular meeting was in Chinese or Japanese and, since I did not consciously speak these languages, I had no way of knowing what the content of the message I was delivering was. At this specific meeting, the foreign leaders listened to my message, and spoke back directly to me. Although I did not understand, I smiled and looked at them as if I was very interested, like I had been instructed to do. An interpreter would then translate the foreign leaders' response and then Nixon or Kissinger would speak. At other meetings, sometimes the interpreters were women but mostly in that country they were men.

Whatever messages I delivered seemed to be a softening agent in the talks because the foreign leaders always smiled or laughed. Sometimes, they were touched so deeply by whatever it was I was preprogrammed to say that they took my hand with tears in their eyes. Due to my lack of conscious knowledge of the different foreign languages, I do not know what it all meant.

If anyone ever questioned where Henry got me and how I was so advanced for my young age, Henry told them I was a child prodigy and that I had completed my university training abroad at a very early age and was good at my job, but socially shy. That explanation served to keep them from asking me questions later that I could not answer. Henry usually took me out of the meetings when they were over, in order to avoid situations where I would appear ignorant, should anyone ask me questions with any substance to them. For the truth was that I attended public high school and later junior college and was of average intelligence. I just had the advantage of programmed capabilities that served the interests of my controllers.

After we broke for lunch, Henry took me to a pay phone and dialed a number, and the person at that location began giving me additional data in the foreign language. I was instructed to remember what was said, verbatim. Each subject was given a marker number for identification. Henry took the phone, talked a bit, and jotted notes in a small black book, before he hung up.

These foreign talks really challenged Henry Kissinger and the Council, but they had done their homework. Kissinger did the same sort of diplomatic work with Reagan when he became President.

At many of these talks those representing our country said we were creating peace, but what they were really doing was opening up trade with these foreign countries because we needed resources they had. Our leaders turned it around to make it sound like the United States was doing them a big favor and we were being gracious to them. Expensive gifts were often sent ahead to foreign leaders, to arrive just before the President did, but I think that is as far as the real favors went.

There were times at night in foreign countries, when I was programmed to have sex with Nixon. Then I was returned to sleep in Kissinger's room. Even though I was being used like a machine, I still had very sensitive olfactory senses and Henry Kissinger was at times nearly intolerable to share a room with because he smelled so bad from cigar smoke or gaseous explosions that erupted from his body.

I was taken in and out of Russia during the Nixon years with Kissinger to attend NATO meetings, SALT talks, peace talks, and the secret hidden meetings of the Council. Henry brought me to the meetings to recite any pertinent information I had stored in my "mind files."

It was easier to justify my presence to people like Nixon's wife after I started working with Henry. They would explain I was at a meeting because of my work with Henry or in preparation for an international trip. It worked the same way with Reagan, justifying my presence for business reasons, but I was mostly there to pass messages or keep the President happy …whatever it took.

There were times when I was limoed to the airport and when Nixon stepped off the plane after a foreign trip I would be in the back of the limo waiting for him. I was told to crouch down so there wouldn't be any way of spotting me and then Nixon would get in and give me a message for Henry or I'd give him a message and often we would have sex later. He would go to the White House and shower and freshen up and I'd be held in a "state of suspended animation" unless there was another job for me to do. I'd sit blankly for hours in the same place until I was directed that it was, "time to move into action."

Henry Plays Chess with Real People

During those years my work with Henry Kissinger and others continued, although Henry had to begin taking more of a back seat position in the public eye for awhile after the Watergate scandal. His position within the outskirts of the Council did not change. He was an important man for them and they utilized him because he was an expert strategist. I do not know exactly what that meant but I heard many men say that about him over the years. I guess it means Henry knows how to get people to move around and do things he says without them ever knowing they are being manipulated or controlled …like a puppet master or chess master.

Henry knew how to think ahead in regard to key moves with key players. I watched him. It was akin to watching him play chess with real people. He knew how to get the desired outcome by motivating certain key players. He used researched information gathered on targeted individuals to manipulate them however he wanted, through their own weaknesses, addictions and/or obsessions. Targeted people did not even know that they were being influenced because he sent in people like me who looked naive and innocent, like they were just being kind or nice or sexy and cute or whatever was called for, but it was not really what was happening because there was always an ulterior motive beneath the seduction act or plan. Henry and the men in suits always sent in the perfect match. They hired whatever kind of girl or woman would turn their target on. Obviously, I was not «hired» or paid, I was just slave labor. I saw lists of "programmed slaves," with numbers by their physical descriptions, programmed expertise and usage capabilities, so they could be matched perfectly for certain situations. Unfortunately, their identities were in code.

Henry said if you really wanted someone to believe you about something that was not true, you convey it the first time as a Freudian slip. Then you attempt to conceal the fact you made the slip, but you make another Freudian slip. Then you try to say what it was you were originally going to say and they believe the first statement regardless of your attempt to simply state the truth. Then Henry said the last line saves your neck legally.

One day, I sat next to Henry Kissinger as we were seated before President Ford. Henry always said that he had to work harder than with any previous president to «guide» Ford where they wanted him to go. He said Ford kept going off in his own direction. Henry said he was glad Ford was not in office long. He said Nixon was easier for him to work with and guide.

Henry thought Reagan was a «bimbo» and "stupid ignoramus." Those were the words I overheard him use to describe Ronald Reagan to a group of men. But, when we met with the Presidents he never let on his true feelings. Instead, he always «acted» the role of diplomat all the way around so that the plans of the Council could be carried through as easily as possible.

Henry Kissinger was known for looking at documents with a "magnifying glass." He was able to find loopholes and incorrect wordings that would not be to their advantage in agreements, treaties, etc., before the United States signed. He was very thorough. Often, I sat by him the whole time he was reviewing a document so he could reach over and tap me to gain access to some needed information stored in my mind files.

Henry was very slow, deliberate and methodical. He thought that way, talked that way and moved that way. He ate European-style with his fork upside down, like I was taught was bad manners. And, he was obsessed with business. He was usually very serious; I do not believe I ever truly saw him have any fun. He avoided social occasions whenever possible, attending when necessary to further political agendas or the cause of the New World Order.

In the beginning Henry had to install huge amounts of data into me, but as time went on he didn't have to place in as much because the database was already in place. I heard him explain this to people who were "in the know." I also overheard him say that a man might have served the purpose better because there were certain times he said my presence as a woman was questioned when the subjects were sensitive. I am sure they remedied this situation by programming more males for the job. Henry was less interested in how I looked and more interested in how I worked. For mind file use he programmed me to dress very tailored and conservative. They dressed me in attire to fit specific assignments.

There must have been other girls and women being used for the same thing, in the same ways, because I heard Henry compare me, saying I was more reliable than the others-more able to capture the details and never make mistakes. He used to say he was saving me for the important assignments because of my reliability. I now believe the fact that I was poly-fragmented contributed to my success. I could only be used on a limited basis because he was afraid there might be questions asked. To others, I just looked like I was smart. They did not know I wasn't operating in a conscious state, but instead had been programmed, drugged, and electroshocked to maintain THETA brainwave patterns used to retain the vast amounts of data and keep it hidden from my conscious mind.

He was proud of himself for the way he had loaded me up with data and could access my mind files in public without others knowing what he was doing. He used different techniques over the years but one he was most proud of was what he called "time programs."

Some mind files were organized by a numerical system and Henry could access them by calling out a certain number. He combined this concept with the time of day in order to remain less conspicuous. He would point to his watch and say, "It's 1:30," and that would correspond to file number 130 in my system of mind files and gave him automatic access to that particular file. Henry thought the time reference to accessing my files was brilliant. Using this method, no one could tell that he was doing anything other than simply stating the time of day for that particular day or some other hypothetically scheduled date. This way his uninformed peers would not be able to find out what he was doing and what type of secret technology he possessed.

Henry had to be very cautious with whom he shared information about me. Most people did not carry the clearance to be allowed to know about the top secret government projects that created such technology as programmed, robotical slaves. People saw me working with him at meetings and other places, but very few knew how I worked or that I was a government programmed robot. The only ones who I knew were aware of this technology were certain top politicians, Bob Hope, some of his 'cronies, and the Council. Henry kept the technology very, very secret and if there were any problems with me while we were in public, he would escort me out of the room and go about resorting and/or refiling my mind files to get them straightened out.

Henry gave me instructions at times from a closed circuit television before I was flown to DC, and at other times he waited and instructed me while I sat next to him at a round table with other men present. These four or five other men in suits knew exactly what was going on and why I was being briefed. At times, each of them would have different input to instill into my head. After each had put in their information, I was told, "And when the time is right, it will all come out just like clockwork." These were the words they used to program the correct delivery of the material they had just instilled. They said I was doing a good job in getting information from people as well as delivering information.

There were times when I was let out of the limo and escorted into the White House by a Secret Service agent. This agent knew he was just «acting» as my escort for the evening, and would conveniently disappear when I was targeting some man (or woman) I was told to give a message to, and then the agent would reappear to take me home after I was finished. I was often dressed in very sexy evening gowns, gloves, and high heels. Sometimes the dresses were totally backless and I would be dressed in sexy nylons, undergarments, just in case my assignment required later evening sexual attention. I was taken to a beauty salon and had my hair, nails and make up done before being dressed. Sometimes the Secret Service agents took me to get ready.

There were times Henry gave me little pills and instructed me to slip them into my glove to use if the person I was targeting was not cooperating in giving up information. I rarely found the pills necessary. After sex the men seemed to listen intently to the words I was saying to them and would open up and give me the information I was instructed to get. Henry explained to the men in suits that I could say things after sex that "influenced the men deeply."

It was at the White House that I did my best work and met the people whom I was to influence or as they called it…"seed." Over time I learned that seeding meant to drop an idea that would start an individual thinking in a certain direction that would support my controller's position. For example, information that would influence a person's thinking about upcoming legislation, or information (false or true) in regard to key individuals (politicians, leaders, wives, husbands, etc.).

The White House was an easy place to work because there were so many side rooms we could secretly slip into. Sometimes I would get some «target» into a room, like an office and lock the door behind us and seduce him right there. The men usually got very excited, especially if it was their first escapade. I would assure them that this little secret was safe with me because Senator so and so (my escort) wouldn't like it if I was fooling around either. This assured them that 1, too, had a good reason to keep the secret to protect myself, which usually made them feel more willing to take the risk. Sometimes I had to take the targeted person outside the building to another location and have sex with them. That was a little trickier, but I could do it.

As far as I know, the «targets» never did know that in having sex with me, they were really being taken advantage of, or politically raped and coerced by the Council itself-five men in suits who cleverly installed their own agenda. In this way, the Council controlled money and/or coerced many people in key places, often without the person ever being aware of it.

Henry usually seemed very proud of me after I delivered messages or extracted information successfully from people. He acted like a greedy old man when he debriefed me. Often, he insisted on debriefing me himself because he said the words that came out of me were «fresh» in the first debriefing and were key to issues at hand. The debriefings could take up to an hour for just one evening spent with a targeted individual.

Henry said I helped him do his best work.

Accompanying Henry to Foreign Countries

Sometimes when Henry and I traveled internationally the time difference worked in his favor. For instance, we could leave after I got out of school on Friday, reach our foreign destination the next morning and it would still be Friday when we arrived. Henry worked it so I wouldn't miss more school than necessary, and he made sure I slept on the 8-12 hour flight. We always flew first class when we flew as private citizens. At other times we flew on military or government aircraft during times he was in public office. There were occasions when I would leave school and fly with Henry, or my mom would put me on a plane and I would meet Henry somewhere like New York and then we would fly the rest of the way together. Once seated on the flight, he would press the top of my hand and I would go to sleep as commanded. When he pressed my hand in surroundings where I had been commanded many times for the same thing, he didn't have to give commands — like sleep. I automatically knew, so over time, things became pretty routine. I didn't eat while we were out of the States, when we only went for one meeting and were gone 24–48 hours. He would simply tell the stewardess I was sleeping and my sleep was more important than food. So she would bring him food and I would sleep. And although I was asleep, I was aware of what happened around me; I was recording, as commanded.

There were occasions that we didn't fly back in time for me to go home and I was taken by limo directly to Taft High and dropped off a block away from the school to walk the rest of the way, just before school began on Monday morning.

Henry took me to France, at times to Marseilles in the South of France, to meetings of the elite. We often met with bankers, as well as other leaders and key businessmen. They met at round tables and each pulled papers from their briefcases to share. Henry sat his briefcase by his side on the floor because he had me and had little need for papers unless they were presented merely for the effect that it would have to help influence someone. If papers were needed, he always had the best, the neatest, cleanest, most professional paperwork money could buy. Everything was planned for effect. He gave varying reasons for my presence, explaining when asked who the young lady was, that I was his personal secretary and that I was advanced far beyond my years and was quite a help to him. When he began the meeting, if none of the men objected to my presence; as instructed, I sat next to Henry and took notes. While I appeared to simply be taking sketchy notes in shorthand at the meeting, when he debriefed me later on, he had me recite, verbatim, what each and every man said at the meeting. Henry liked for me to be present at meetings when he felt that sort of information could later be important for his use. Henry loved to come out of meetings and go immediately back to his room to debrief me. He would sit at a table writing diagrams as I recited what I had heard. Then he would have more data to use to strategize with. If there was to be a second follow-up meeting, he would be on top, ready to drop his carefully planned ideas and solutions into the meetings with foreign leaders or businessmen. Henry called this "International Business."

At times when I was sent alone, he said the information he got was better than if he had gone himself, "because it is distilled," he explained. So he sent me to many locations as a "presidential model" to Presidents, and to many leaders at parties at the Rockefeller's and Bob's, and also sent me abroad. I knew whom I was to target, because Henry had shown me a picture before. I was sent to foreign embassies to entertain foreign ambassadors that were working for Henry. Often they worked for the United Nations in order to have some peace-loving humanitarian effort that justified the U.S. presence in a foreign country, and then Henry and the others would go about doing their real business.

There were other times we traveled by trains in different countries like Russia and Henry would debrief me in his private compartment. We slept on the train and traveled to meetings during the daytime. Henry said the food was bad, so he would often bring some of his own food in a brown paper bag that he kept in his briefcase. At the meetings he didn't need papers because I was with him. People thought he was really smart and had an excellent memory because of that. It got to the point where I could literally "read his mind," as he termed it, and give him a simple answer on paper that others wouldn't see and then he would take off on the data or idea.

We also traveled to China (both sides), Japan, England, France, Italy, Israel, Germany, and wherever else he needed to go to do his "International Business." Often when Henry was extended an invitation to attend a social event in a foreign country, he declined saying he was tired and suggested they take me instead. Then he got what he really wanted anyway — the information from them without having to expend social energy to get it. Then, before I went he loaded me up with questions to ask the leader and instructions about the stance I was to take sexually with him or her. Dressed in appropriate clothing, I was off. There were bullfights with leaders in Spain, polo games to watch Prince Charles, and golf with others. The events I attended were indigenous to the individuals and their countries.

At the end of trips abroad, if there wasn't a McDonald's to help me remember that I was really in California (wink), then there had to be some type of trauma to seal the experience off from my conscious awareness. Henry had others perform the trauma; he wouldn't do it. He said it was out of his league. So the men that accompanied him "took care of me" when the need arose. When we finally arrived at McDonald's, I was usually starving. There, I was told I was in Woodland Hills in order to “re-mind” me to forget. McDonald's spelled safety and the end of my assignment.

Because I was a robot, and so, "security proven," I was allowed to function as the go between for Henry and the Council. They even gave me things to bring back to Henry that couldn't be safely delivered any other way. I was flown to remote places to meet with them and then flown back for debriefing by Henry. He always seemed so pleased with the information, like he was getting just what he wanted. The Council often sent messages to people directly, bypassing Kissinger. When I would deliver the message I would tell them it was from "the group." That was how the Council often identified themselves to insiders who knew how the group functioned, but didn't know their actual identities. Over the years they changed their 'nickname' so as not to be conspicuous.

From my perspective, no one in government office knew as much about mind control as Henry Kissinger. They might have been told "the basics" but it didn't seem like most of them were aware of the extent to which a person could be enhanced with programming and used especially that an individual could possess the capability of organizing and recording the conversations of a whole group of people at a meeting.

Kissinger: The Council's Top Dog

One time at a Gubernatorial Ball, Henry got very mad at Ted Kennedy because Ted tried to take me off to another room to have sex with him. Henry got very angry with Ted who was a Senator at that time and threatened him with exposure if he did not back off. As a result, Kennedy left me alone, at least for that evening. At other times Ted Kennedy forced me into very violent and sadistically torturous sex. It was often scary for me when Henry wasn't around to make sure certain people didn't rough me up.

Bob Hope didn't seem to care or at least he didn't watch me as closely as Henry did when I was with him, but Henry did not seem to know this. Bob lied to him sometimes about who I was seeing, and sometimes Bob used me with people Henry wasn't supposed to know about. Bob had his own separate interests in using me with people who would benefit him but Henry told Bob what to do as far as government issues went. Bob was just a useful servant who had a lot to offer …connections, money, fame, and slaves. Bob suited Henry's needs to a tee, handling the social scene and celebrities. Bob's social elite contacts greatly added fuel to Kissinger's long range plans as he found places to use different people of influence in strategic positions. He just waited for the right opportunity to arise.

Henry didn't view the President as anyone necessarily having any power. He knew how they were manipulated and he liked to be the one who was pulling the strings. He told me once that ambassadors to foreign countries have more power and control than the President of the United States. I didn't understand then what he was talking about, but just listened and nodded.

Henry was the top dog as far as the Council was concerned. He had the mind they needed that could so carefully strategize plans far in advance and so he usually got the desired results. In the Council's eyes, Rockefeller was more dispensable because he had money and power but didn't have the mastermind that they saw in Henry. So Henry was given everything he needed in order to fulfill their plan. If he wasn't in office it didn't much matter — he always had access to the person sitting at the reigns of political power. Behind the scenes, Henry controlled decisions and actions taken by the State Department in matters of foreign relations, always attempting to bring about a situation where the Council was in total control globally. They saw it as a game, a lifelong plan, with the outcome hopefully being that, finally, this generation of the global elite would succeed in the game that their forefathers had not been able to pull off. It created ambition and drive among them.

All I saw these men do was manipulate and control people by covert means. It seemed that most people they targeted had no idea they were even being manipulated or set up. When a country needed some shoring up, messages, or coercion to further the implementation of their plan, then they would send Henry or me or both of us, depending on the importance of the situation. I was merely an extension of Henry, delivering "strategic influence" in ways he said he never could. He felt that he would have more influence with many of the men he wanted to coerce or manipulate to see or do things his way by sending in a soft, cuddly, human sexual toy. He often joked with insiders that his sphere of influence was limited but he could use me to get in those "hard to get places." Henry said I could make those men twist into a pretzel and so he used me in many foreign countries to tap into vast resources, the human resources he needed to puppet. He felt that those human resources would lead to natural resources and that's where the money would be. Henry was often referred to among the insiders as a "genius of his time." So the presidents came and went but Henry was there behind the scenes molding me, with Bob's help, for the Council benefit. Mind control was the secret weapon that Henry perfected over the years.

Usually the individual would be so busy focused on what was planned that he would miss the hidden agenda that was taking place. Henry loved this tactic. Sometimes these guys would be taken into Henry's confidence (the oldest trick in the world to get people to be on your side, and feel important so they will cooperate) and told I was an espionage operative, but he didn't tell them my capabilities so they wouldn't be able to imagine what I was really doing or what I was capable of.

Henry and Bob often did deals together, sometimes involving «influencing» our troops overseas, or influencing a Senator, Governor, celebrity, a President, or a world leader. Sometimes Henry Kissinger told Bob Hope to make certain connections for me in regard to people I was to be placed with in and out of California.

"I am the light of the world. He that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

John 8:12