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Thanks For The Memories - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 26

Chapter Eighteen: Gerald Ford

I called Ford, "Henry," trying to joke with him so he wouldn't be so brutal but he usually was anyway, despite my attempts at humor. Ford began with me early, as he liked young girls. He was into fantasies and often liked for me to wear an eye mask. We had sex often, especially during the time Reagan was Governor of California. He liked violent sex-tying me up, handcuffs, spankings, slapping, and all that kind of S&M stuff. He enjoyed the whips and chains routine, and liked to tie me up with thick black leather straps. He slapped me frequently. Often after he satisfied himself sexually with me, blood would drip down my legs. It was so painful that I felt like I was not only splitting in my rectum or vagina, but the excruciating pain exploded up into my head and out my arms and fingertips. Gerald Ford required violent sex in order to orgasm. He joked about needing, "the chain gig in order to get off." His jokes were very crude. He was in politics a long time and often traveled in political circles. He was "one of the good old boys" and had major Mob connections. He wore his own gun in a shoulder holster and was afraid for me to remove it. "I don't trust you with the gun," he said and he laughed. He was a short President and pretty hairy. While he was violent sexually he still was not as brutal as Ted Kennedy.

Ford wore nice clothes, silk shorts and good quality suits, and he was very proud of them. For some reason, these mob guys were into expensive, quality clothes. I don't know why that was, but image was very important to them. There was lots of mob involvement when Nixon was President and Ford was Vice President, and it didn't stop when Nixon stepped down. Same mob involvement, just a few different players who were close friends of Jerry. Ford had more mob organizations behind him than Nixon did, so he had lots of people to give favors to when he was in the White House. He was very corrupt. He had to be in a wheelchair briefly for something. I don't know what happened but they managed to keep it hushed up. He had a bandage like he'd been shot or wounded or operated on. I don't know exactly what happened, but I felt a little safer when he was in the wheelchair. Unfortunately, he wasn't in it long enough to suit my needs.

Ford didn't treat me like I was real. He often hurt me and was convinced that I was just a machine built for his pleasure. It was true that I was a non-thinking slave that obeyed every command, but it did register within me when I was abused and treated cruelly.

During the time he was Vice President, I remember him attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony. There was a beautiful white gazebo on a large lawn and he was there to cut the yellow ribbon. Gerald Ford participated in many of these grand openings. He was booked into these types of public appearances in order to enhance his image as a 'good citizen. But, in my opinion, he was not. Anyway, he cut the ribbon with a large pair of scissors and then the crowd clapped and cheered and reporters took his picture. Soon he got into a black limo, where I was waiting in the back, and was driven away. I was placed there to deliver a message to him from the Council. Then, I had to get down on my knees in the back of the limo, unzip his pants and give him oral sex. He held onto a stun gun in his left hand the whole time. Just before he orgasmed I climbed on top of him and moved around until he came, after which he activated the stun gun near my tailbone.

He made a bunch of jokes about my name being the same as his daughter's. Like, "You're not supposed to f-k kin," or "That was great Susan Ford." Correcting him, a Secret Service agent said, "You're not suppose to ever use her name, Sir."

Ford smiled maliciously and said, "It's my name, too, and I'll use it whenever I please." He never liked to be corrected or told what to do. Henry Kissinger got angry with him about that, also.

Bob Hope played golf all over the world with his friend, "Jerry Ford." That's what Bob called him. Ford was a much better golfer than Bob, but Bob always shrugged it off and said, "I just had a bad day today." He said that often. The Secret Service stayed close, but let them have their space and they usually played when there weren't other people on the course. When Ford was Vice President and Bob would talk about Nixon or other political agendas, when the talk got heavy Bob would look over to me, point to the cart, and say, "Hey honey, take five," and I'd wait to be called back. Bob said they got very important work done on the course, sometimes more so than what went on during regular work routines.

One time, "Jerry," as Bob always called him, had on a Nixon watch. The round watch had a red, white, and blue band and a picture of Nixon in the middle. It was a caricature; not his real picture and Ford said he looked "kinda stupid." Calling Bob over, Jerry lifted his sleeve to show him the watch and I overheard him say, "This asshole doesn't know the time of day," and he took the watch off, threw in on the green and stomped it with his foot.

With a subtle nervous sort of laugh, Bob said, "You're very serious about this I can see." Bob liked to play it cool with all the politicians, especially presidents. He had a rule about not making negative comments to one politician putting down another. He said, "It is only diplomacy, which is essential in this business."

I was required to have sex with Ford as Nixon's Vice President and as President, but not ever as much as I did with Nixon or Reagan. I had sex with Ford as VP when he and Nixon were in different locations. Bush and Reagan appeared at places together occasionally, but Nixon and Ford never did that I was aware of. Henry Kissinger stayed connected to Ford, but at more of a distance after Nixon stepped down. Ford had connections all over the place. When Nixon stepped down Ford was right there-grinning like a shark waiting for the spoils-he and his mob buddies loved the opportunity to run the country from their perspective. I heard one of them say that at a private meeting. I was present at that meeting with directions to have sex with Ford and give him a Council message after sex.

I went along with Bob on golfing trips to caddy for him at times when he golfed with different presidents. He jokingly called me, "Katie the Caddy." Bob used me as a caddy so that no one could hear the sensitive nature of the conversations he had with prominent people. He often assured his guest at the club that I was unable to think, that I was retarded and that most anything. could be said in front of me and I wouldn't understand. He played me for a retarded person, at times, but other people knew I was really just a robot. Anyway, I had to hand Bob the correct golf club and I was instructed to anticipate his every need. I knew which club he preferred at each hole. I never was allowed to make a mistake and he would always wink at me just before he would swing. He whispered in my ear that it was just for luck. He said I was his good luck charm. He said that often to me in Vegas, too. In Las Vegas he would want me to hold onto his arm while he shot the dice or played Baccarat. Bob's attitude was much different after the game, if he lost. When he won he was in a great mood and would be happy and acted like he was real hot.

I handed Jerry's clubs to him also, but when I did, I'd smile and say, "Mr. President, Sir, how about this one?" He occasionally smoked a small white tipped cigar on the green and had me hold it for him while he swung.

Once while I was holding Jerry's cigar, Bob said to me, "Hey be careful with those magic hands of yours." Sex was always on his mind.

When I handed the club to Bob he would say, "I like that choice honey, let's give her a try." And if he'd miss a shot or screw up he'd blame it on a bad choice of the club or iron I selected. To cover himself, he'd say, "Let's use a seven iron on that next shot, I think it'll be a better choice for the condition of this green." I also got down, put the tees in the ground and set the ball up for Bob and his friends if they wanted or needed it, unless they had their own caddy. The golf course in Palm Springs had a lot of sand on the course.

Bob provided a visor for me to wear on the green and often slapped my bottom and said things like, "I just like to remind myself what's up for later." Other times he'd have me dressed in those little pleated short skirts with the little panties attached. During the course of the afternoon when Bob would stick his head under my skirt, I'd just smile brainlessly and do a 'Tommy Smothers act' and everyone would always laugh. Or, he'd pull my skirt up and mess around with it, showing everyone what he was finding, like the fact that the panties were sewn to the skirt and everyone thought it was so funny. He used me like a sideshow act and told people, "she's the butt of my jokes!"

Often after they finished the course, I had to give Ford oral sex or he'd have sex with me usually standing up backwards. This was extremely painful because of the thickness of his erection, and I could hardly walk later and I often bled afterwards; but he liked best to sit down and receive oral sex. It was always quite a mouthful with him and he'd ram it down my throat by pushing my head down real hard on him. Ford once said, "This is the best part of the game." When he was finished with me my mouth often cracked and bled. Sometimes I did it in the back of a limo or in a side room at the golf course.

Other times Bob would take Ford back to his house and tell him, "Enjoy her." And, he'd leave me alone by the pool with Ford or in a bedroom. When Ford was finished, he'd just leave me abruptly. Then I'd just sit and stare straight ahead waiting for Bob to tell me what to do next.

After I had children, Ford teased me that he may have been the father of my child and he would ask me, "How's junior?" He was responsible for a lot of the mob violence that happened to me during the mid to late 70's. He always wanted to insure that I was 'contained, so he even had his mob buddies come to my home to rough up my children and me.

I was required to have sex with Gerald Ford on Thanksgiving Holidays at Big Bear and Big Sur. One holiday he jokingly said to Bob, "This is one of the things I am most thankful for," and they both laughed. Most of what I «thought» were our family vacations were actually times I spent servicing men from all over.

"When you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it to me."

Matt. 25:40