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Thanks For The Memories - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 27

Chapter Nineteen: My Programmed Marriage — We’ve Only Just Begun

In my "conscious and public life" I entered junior college at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, just after my High School graduation in February of 1969. 1 worked toward a degree in psychology. Craig's family felt it would be good for him to go away for college so he left for the University of Colorado at Boulder and lasted there for a year. His grades were poor and we ended up spending all of our money on postage and plane fares to visit each other.

After Craig's return to California, he began attending Valley State College, which is now California State University at Northridge, with his eye on an eventual degree in dentistry. I worked a four-day week as a dental assistant for a Woodland Hills orthodontist named Michel N. Jacoby, D.D.S.

Craig proposed marriage in August of 1970, offering me a ring he worked a couple of years to pay for. Our plans were to be married one year later on August 21, 1971. Due to the mind control and cross-programming we were both under, we had no way of knowing that our marriage plans were not really our own. Following the secret plan, my father offered two options. Option one was to have a big wedding. Option two was to forgo the large wedding and, instead, take the money and use it on a lavish honeymoon in Hawaii.

Being a romantic and somewhat traditional with my Christian upbringing, I chose the large church wedding and reception. Craig and I were both surprised when my father informed us that he decided to give us the Hawaiian honeymoon, as well. He arranged an appointment for us to meet with his travel agent and the agent booked us a special package deal that would take us to several of the Hawaiian Islands.

On August 21, 1971, Reverend McKelvey, who at that time had quit being a minister and was selling real estate, married us at the First Presbyterian Church of Encino. Two hundred and fifty people were in attendance. After I walked up the isle on my father's arm, the organist played the song, You'll Never Walk Alone, which was a subconscious message to me that I would always be controlled. I cried during the entire ceremony but when asked, could offer little explanation as to why. My parents went all out on a sit down dinner reception that was held poolside in our newly re-landscaped backyard in Woodland Hills.

In order to keep our secret life concealed, Craig and I were also forced to participate in a separate 'black wedding' that took place before our white wedding. I had to wear a long black dress and a black veil and Craig wore all black including a black shirt with his black suit. It took place outdoors in a park late at night. Reverend McKelvey wore a black robe and married us in this ceremony, also.

But my secret hidden life would not and did not go away. In fact, it continued to exist even on our honeymoon. Of course, the reality of these secret events was kept carefully away from my husband's and my conscious awareness by very powerful programming.

One of the first nights we were in Hawaii, my newlywed husband took me to see Don Ho. Craig and I dressed for the evening and arrived in time for the dinner show. Don Ho appeared on stage, took the microphone in hand, and in his smooth modulated voice, sang Tiny Bubbles. When he was through he asked if there were any newlyweds in the audience. My handsome new husband proudly waved his hand in the air as he put his other arm around me and gave me a big hug. Don Ho congratulated us and requested the waiter bring a special bottle of champagne to our table. The bottle of champagne was a trigger for me to switch into another personality and Craig touched his watch as if adjusting it and that was to trigger and cue me. From then on, I acted from a totally unconscious programmed state. The next thing I knew Craig took me backstage to Don Ho's dressing room where, initially, there was some kind of drug transaction.

Next Don Ho took my hand and said to Craig, "Don't run away so fast. You don't think I am going to let a pretty California thing like this slip through my fingers." He looked directly at Craig. Craig stepped back and Don Ho took me by the hand to another room. Craig followed us. Don Ho ushered me inside, stuck his head back out the door and said to my husband, "You don't mind sharing your beautiful young bride with me do you?"

My bridegroom looked to the ground and said, "No, Sir." Craig looked nervous and agitated, but smiled.

"That's the way I like it — real easy." Don Ho said as he shut the door behind us.

He told me he wanted me to struggle, so it would be like a rape. "You would really like me to rape you though wouldn't you. You really enjoy being f-d. Or are you a virgin …come for me to initiate?" As directed, I ran around the room, escaping his advances until he grabbed me and unzipped the back of my dress. He slipped it off, took off my sandals and said he would go real slowly taking off the rest and that he had a particular liking for pretty bras and panties.

Don Ho laid me on a large couch and began kissing me and then he slapped me and kissed me again. He was really strange. First he was gentle and then the next minute violent. He had been drinking and after he took my bra and panties off he said he needed to "powder his face," and he snorted a line of cocaine. He came over and kneeled on one knee and started having sex with me. He said he loved tight women and he satisfied himself with me fairly quickly but never did take off his pants, just his shirt.

When he was finished with me, I went back out to Craig and Do Ho stayed in the room. Craig took me back to our hotel room.

The rest of our honeymoon we went to several other Hawaiian Islands including Maui. I was used sexually by other political people on other islands.

When we returned from our «honeymoon» we moved into an apartment on Parthenia Avenue in Canoga Park, California. I continued working four days a week for Dr. Jacoby and Craig continued his studies as a pre-med major to become a dentist. Sliced into my 'expanded' duties as dental assistant, were 'special assignments' that began when a suited man, posing as a drug company salesman, delivered tiny implants that I was programmed to cement into the braces of certain 'select' young patients. Most often, they were beautiful young girls. One day, as another dental assistant and I were busily cementing a band on a particularly beautiful 10 year old girl, whose father was an affluent, prominent USC dental professional in the community, I was repulsed when I ran my dental instrument around her tooth and came up with a pubic hair. My assistant and I looked at each other in horror and, although I was under mind control, the obvious connections were made.

In 1973, Craig and I moved to Agoura Hills and my parents gave us a down payment to buy a condominium on Oakpath Drive. It wasn't long until my parents sold their home in Woodland Hills and moved down the street from us. They were always close by.

I was still accessed and used with Nixon, Reagan, Kissinger, Bob Hope and others, as well as in various experimental projects (including dental implant experimentation) and filmed in porn in many locations in California, especially Studio City and Bel Aire.

During his junior year at Cal State Northridge, Craig applied to 20 dental schools around the nation and was rejected at every one of them because his grades weren't high enough to qualify him for entrance. But my father saved the day by calling his rich Uncle Charlie, whom he supposedly hadn't seen or spoken to in over 25 years, to ask him humbly for the favor of helping his son-in-law into USC Dental School. Soon after, my father's «Uncle» arranged for Craig's acceptance to USC Dental School. Charles Lilley Horn, wasn't really my father's uncle but instead a cousin. He was owner of Federal Cartridge Corporation (munitions manufacturer), which later became a major subsidiary of the Olin Foundation, Inc. During the 1960's, as President of the Olin Foundation (a charitable trust established by F. W. Olin, founder of the Olin Corporation), Uncle Charlie contributed sizeable donations to USC and had connections to the school. More on all of this in a later chapter. Upon acceptance to dental school, Craig quit Cal State Northridge, before obtaining his BS degree, and worked full time until he entered USC School of Dentistry.

"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible."

Ephesians 5:13-14

"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger …be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Ephesians 4:31-32