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Thanks For The Memories - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 35

Chapter Twenty-seven: Education 2000

Las Virgenes School District

Henry once said, "There is nothing more convincing than to have a pregnant woman speaking out for educational issues." He had me speaking to groups that were involved in various aspects of education from the top officials and big wigs down to California State legislators. He said I was fighting to increase the level of education for my future progeny; starting now, so by the time they were in school I could rest assured that they would get the finest education possible.

I began this in 1978 when I was very pregnant with Kelly. He used me in Sacramento to "further legislation for our children's education." And I went to Washington, DC, when it became necessary to take what had been won in California in the way of educational advancement and present it to influential people in DC who could make a difference in furthering this goal. California was the model and once the framework was set they wanted the new educational system to be used nationwide, but that took planning and fortitude. Years of preparation went into this to insure that the nation's children would be ready for the year 2000, when their transformation of the masses would be complete. "…And peace will guide the planet and love will rule the stars …the dawning of the Age of Aquarius." Through programming, this song was instilled within my mind to anchor a lot of this educational activity and to also bring me under a greater influence of my true birth sign, Aquarius. The plan was for my humanitarian interests to be of such a magnitude that I would become internationally known as a leader in ending child ritual abuse. This focus would have served to keep those who found out about this abuse «busy» and distracted with "satanic behavior," and still not aware of mind control, until they could gradually implement the transformation to get people more completely under control. They referred to the time frame after the year 2000 takeover, as "The Great Transformation."

Don Zimring, the Superintendent of Schools for the Las Virgenes School District (LVSD) was heavily involved in deciding which children got special instruction. Each 'special' child in the school had their own program design and was individually monitored so they would get the early training and conditioning they would need to fulfill their destined position within the hidden inner circle framework. I was programmed to report to the LVSD office to see Don Zimring in order to be «instructed» in regard to the «special» children who were in need of individual attention and individual programs. I sat before him in a robotic «sponge» state, while he rattled off profiles of children and special videos or instruction booklets they were to be subjected to. By the time the children hit elementary school they were conditioned sufficiently so that their «programs» could be absorbed readily and easily through just saying a word that opened their access way to special abilities, like photographic memory or rapid learning states. Many women, purposefully placed in teacher and principal positions, were either programmed themselves or just didn't pay attention when a child was removed from class for "special instruction." Children were targeted for their natural talents and abilities. For example, in families who were athletically inclined, or where one or both parents excelled in sports, they put in access codes for "super athletes" and then someone from higher up had the option of stepping in and 'sponsoring' a child with a promising future. Which meant that this "higher up" funded socalled 'special education' for this child, often without the parent's conscious involvement or consent, and from then on had a special interest in how things were taught to the child. Kelly was monitored closely, always having a special tutor to "shore her up." Our controllers viewed her as a young beauty and noted her extremely positive social skills and built upon those. There was an "inner group" of school officials, parents and teachers who were involved in seeing to it that the preconditioned children were groomed in the ways necessary for them to step into future pre-designated positions.

The people behind this scheme have done endless research on the brain in response to everything, including spinning rides at amusement parks, and know just what level of stimulation is needed to make programming most effective. Over the years the research has been tried and tested through the experimentation on children who were targeted before birth. The genetic engineering aspect is highly used and they take into consideration the inherent genetic talents and abilities coupled with just the right training at the right age to produce a "highly advanced child." But, in essence, what they truly have created is a highly advanced robot that has been dehumanized to the point of not being able to think or choose for themselves. They have been robbed of their free will or any real choice in their lives.

The California Capital 'Sexcramento' and Senator Pete Wilson

The organization and framework is large. There were many people involved and the technology over the years has risen to the level where children in the preschools require less trauma and torture in the beginning stages to set in the "cues and programs" that will be built upon in later years. Pete Wilson was very involved with all of this and was set into position in the 1980's. I was sent to Sacramento with Ann Eklund, the principal of Sumac Elementary School, in the early 1980's, to set up these programs through the school districts. Although at the time I didn't know I was participating in this, years later, during a flashback, I remembered boarding a plane with her, getting off with her and being met by a taxi that drove us to offices of the California State Department of Education. It seems that the instructions to implement these "special programs" filtered down from "the top." The higher ups see it as technologically advancing the children, creating "mega minds of the future" for later use within their own system. The children are force fed information into previously set up inner systems of mind files and are trained to be able to accept vast amounts of highly technological information beginning at age three. They are not taught to think, but only to be used and accessed like a computer.

Ann Eklund was highly involved in the project and had been since its inception. The framework was set into great motion in Sacramento in the early 80's between Ann, Don Zimring, Pete Wilson and several officials from Washington, DC. I was flown to DC to speak before a committee meeting to describe how the program was progressing. Sometimes a child would be «demonstrated» to the committee to show the advanced mind technology that was possible. Disbelieving Senators and Congressmen 'in the know, needed to see to believe. The child could be made to perform on cue and recite mega amounts of highly complex technological information. They saw these children as being prototypal descendents of mine. These particular politicians knew how I was used with Henry Kissinger and were «amazed» to know that any similarly conditioned child could possess the same qualities of mind ability. Reagan was also involved and so was Bush. Our instructions for individual children's programming often came from the White House level as many of these wealthy people «adopted» and «supported» children "with promise." These elite overseers viewed the 'special' children as the minds of the future, the future world leaders, preprogrammed with their own wisdom and desires for how they feel the world should be run, based on their own values. GOD HELP US!

LVSD was the No. l pilot program and many funds were approved to be used within the school district, but were actually skimmed off the top to finance a lot of "special programs," really aimed at the children who had been targeted. Children who were targeted were dismissed from class, taken to a room for special attention and were hooked up to special audio tapes, linked with accompanying picture books, in the beginning years, and then later on to computers and sound. Large reels of film were used occasionally when not available on video and it was timely for the information to be "visually cued" into a child's brain. But usually it was done by video or computer. It created complex brain function and set up controls within the child that these people manipulated. They have performed experiment after experiment over the years to develop the most effective equipment to use on children. Much of the funding earmarked for use within the school district was siphoned off to be used for research and to pay technicians to develop and test the equipment, computer programs, etc. During that time, many of the state school funds were misappropriated and used for things other than what they were approved for.

I am pretty sure now that the memories I had of accompanying Reagan to Point Mugu and other places for speeches, was when I was being «demonstrated» to others and was cued to speak about the same technology that was being used with children three, four, and five years old. Reagan used me often for demonstration because he said I stood the test of time, which meant that I had been in operation for over 30 years without a leak, or without a problem. I heard him explain to people that I was so «real» that he sometimes forgot I was a programmed robot. He said he liked that because, "you get all the benefits of a robot with human softness added." He was very proud of the technology and spoke freely about it within a trusted group. I was presented to the military, to politicians, etc., for them to see and witness the technology, and then I presented my pre-programmed information. Many requested private demonstrations of my sexual capabilities in order to become believers. Whenever there were men at the presentations, and usually they were men, there were private one-on-one sexual demonstrations afterwards.

In my head, when I was retrieving these memories, I kept hearing the phrase, "Senate subcommittee meetings on advancing education in America." I remember Pete Wilson speaking and there was a demonstration done on the educational system that had nothing to do with what was actually going on behind the scenes, but they had to justify the large amounts of money that they were trying to appropriate for their secret system. It was all a sham — they knew they would get the money, they knew where it was coming from and how they could get it. It was just a matter of making the steps and actions look like it was all above-board, while behind the scenes they planned the new technology in education, privately. Their attitudes were that other people in the private sector wouldn't be able to grasp what they were doing because they didn't have the required intellect. So, they justified its secrecy this way, feeling this new system was the advancement of society and until people could really see the results in action and how effective these methods of education would be in the advancement of society, they needed to keep the methodology quiet. They used big words to intimidate those people they wanted to leave them alone and they were quite successful at accomplishing that. People who couldn't understand what they were saying would back down and walk away. They used me for this project beginning in the early 80's and didn't care whether I was pregnant or just out of the hospital or what. They just overrode what my personal situation was by using my multiplicity.

Pete Wilson was probably elected governor so that they could pull this whole thing off without any problem. Ann Eklund introduced me to him in the very early 80's and the sexual connection was made, then I was fed information by the Council (from the hotel room in the Holiday Inn or the Marriott) to «deliver» to Pete even in the early years. He jumped though all the hoops they presented to him with no problem and so they kept promoting him just like they did Reagan. Only difference was, Reagan seemed ignorant compared to Pete and I guess that meant that Pete was more knowledgeable and better informed about certain situations, beyond acting in accordance with what the Council wanted. Reagan just acted in accordance, like a puppet with no understanding of what he was doing in so many situations, always worried about the state of affairs of the Nation, but easily calmed and his attention diverted to another subject.

The school district plans were directly tied into the preschool abuse. They made sure they had «qualified» preschools set up in areas near the elementary and secondary education schools so the children would be «prepared» before entering kindergarten. Then the public school system had in place the network of people to carry out the children's "further education." The controllers have people placed in positions, high up, in widely varying areas to fund their plan and to fill the positions required in order to make it successful. They had programmed people in place from the janitor all the way up to the school district supervisors and on into the state and federal government. All key positions were filled to make sure their plan is implemented and failsafe. They moved key people around as needed.

In 1985, not long after my April 12th auto accident, I continued on as coordinator of the carnival at Sumac Elementary. I had been working on it for months. But I was in so much pain that I had to do it with a neck brace and the aid of Percodan. My mother and father even attended, with my father in a wheel chair-all this took place before I remembered any of my past. The funds that came from that little Saturday event were significant enough, with thousands of dollars raised, that the head of the Park and Recreation Department for Agoura invited me to be the fundraiser for the local parks department. Between the money earned by this carnival and the large sums earned by the Agoura Great Race, organized by a friend of mine, the school was able to buy computers, turning a whole section of a stage area into row after row of computers. It was a few years later that I began remembering a little boy sitting at one of those computers working away, 'lost in time. I walked behind him and, as programmed, I intentionally lost my balance and drove my knee into his back in order to further 'dissociate' him, and then I tapped him on his left shoulder twice. There was usually a word command coupled with these actions, something that would cue the child back into a specific mind state or program at a later date. I also remember going up to one of Danny's teachers and saying something like, "Are you going to teach the child about Napoleon?" Napoleon was the key word. I don't know what it did or was suppose to do to the teacher, but it also was coupled with a tap on the left shoulder. Of course, while I know that I didn't consciously plan why I said that, I also wonder who coordinated all of this, cueing me to cue her and some of the students.

This new computer area installed at Sumac Elementary got the 'special' children out of class and gave anyone who wanted to approach them, access to them. They got a permission slip from their teacher and went by themselves to the computer area. Later, in therapy, I remembered pulling a videotape from my purse and coming up behind a child and changing what he was watching on a VCR. Later, they had computer disks that were similarly brought in. These children had been targeted since they were very small. Many children at the school did not receive this "special attention" — only those who were to become leaders in the future and those who were sponsored.

Of course, in the intentionally created reality driven by the mind control I was under, I simply believed that I was a good wife and dutiful mother. I had no way of knowing I was being used in this way.

"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain.

If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin into his nest again, I shall not live in vain.»

Emily Dickinson