Nixon and Reagan talked a lot together. I know because I was there a number of times when that happened. They even talked at the White House after Reagan became President. One time, Reagan was sitting at his desk in the oval office when Kissinger escorted Nixon in. Kissinger greeted Reagan by saying, "Mr. President, Dick is here to talk with you. He has some very useful information on foreign policy that will help us." Then he added quietly, "Now I know as you do that no one is to know where this information came from, but I thought you should be informed."
"Sure, have a seat Dick." Reagan said. Nixon smiled awkwardly as he held out his hand to Reagan.
Initially, Reagan didn't seem too happy, as if he had some reservation, but appeared to quickly work through his feelings, and gathering more acceptance, reached out and shook Nixon's hand.
Nixon said, "I have information on some key foreign policy that needs to be implemented before the year's end to insure smooth diplomatic relations with Russia and Saudi Arabia and a few other minor European Countries." Standing there in his light brown suit, Nixon looked pretty nervous.
Kissinger said, "This information may be key to unlocking broader and deeper foreign relations, especially with the Soviets."
Reagan leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head. Then, he closed his eyes. I could see what he did because Henry had placed me off to the side by the wall on a wooden bench, in my «parked» mode, waiting for further direction.
"Russia will be an ally if we can provide the following." Kissinger said.
"Guns (munitions), corn and," Nixon added, following his comment with a laugh like this was absurd or something, "they would like free surplus wheat and grain — whatever we have in the stockades. We wouldn't have to go to any expense. These surpluses have already been subsidized by our government, so there will be no further cost to us. It's all just a layout on paper with no money exchange, just surpluses in exchange for information."
"What sort of information?" Reagan asked.
"The sort of information that is held in top secret abeyance. It will have to be approved by the higher-ups." Nixon said, continuing, "If we don't agree, there could be dire consequences for our country. The higher-ups said we have no idea the havoc that will be created if we don't comply with their requests. There's little to lose — just some excess surpluses."
"So you're saying I need to authorize the transfer of these surpluses?"
"Yes, Sir," Kissinger said, "the others will take care of this information on their end. You need not be worried with the details, they will be taken care of and if there are any loose ends, I will personally see to it that they are wrapped up." He handed Reagan a piece of paper to sign. "We need your authorization for the shipments."
Reagan put on his glasses, picked up a pen and signed the paper Kissinger set before him. "Dick, I appreciate your help in this matter. Foreign policy always came so naturally for you and I appreciate your continued interest." He leaned back in his chair again.
"Anything I can ever do to help." Nixon said, standing and offering his hand to Reagan again. Then he turned to Kissinger, shook his hand and left saying he would see himself out the side door.
Henry sat down across from the President, leaned forward and with great seriousness, looked down at his folded hands, "I don't have to tell you how damaging this would be to the American public if it got out that Nixon was advising us on foreign policy."
"No, no of course not Henry. Look, I have a meeting at 10 with the White House Staff. I appreciate your help with this foreign policy. We all have our strengths and weaknesses." He smiled apologetically to Kissinger and reached out to shake his hand good-bye.
Henry stood up, shook Reagan's hand, completing the handshake by putting his other hand over the top of their handshake. I don't know what that meant, if anything. Then Kissinger nodded to me and we walked out to a waiting black limo. Lots of times in DC I waited in the limo for Henry while he went in and out of places. We were all over the place. Henry had keys to lots of offices. I don't know why, but he did.
Lots of times I sat in on the meetings Kissinger had with Reagan and others, so I could report back to the Council (in a debriefing) accurately, exactly what was said and done at different meetings.
Some countries wouldn't take anything except guns in exchange for their drugs. Reagan knew all about it-Costa Rica, El Salvador, Jamaica, and other countries. Reagan cooperated with the Council fully, doing everything they asked. He okayed American ships to meet with Soviet tankers to exchange guns. Sometimes drugs were laundered through several foreign embassies so they couldn't be traced to their original source and then the American guns would be transferred to Russia, China, Japan, etc.
The Council members were kingpins of drug coordination and money laundering down through specific American corporations in order to get political favors and laws enacted in their favor to keep their top companies. AT&T was one of them. The Council insured the financial success of these companies so they could continue using them as fronts for their operations. The Council is at the top of the powerbrokers. Each President went along with them or they are killed like JFK was.
My mind files were filled with information on guns, armories, and statistics on where the guns were located and the inventory. Involved foreign dignitaries or leaders could access this information in my mind files so they could know what was available to trade, then they would send me back with a message regarding how much the gun supply could wield or buy in exchange for drugs. Then I would be debriefed by the Council and prepared with a return message for the foreign leaders. From what I witnessed, illicit drugs and gun running backed much of the American economy.
Reagan was not in any way unaware of the arms deals we made with foreign countries as he publicly portrayed. I know because the Council sent many arms trade messages through me to him and then he would give me the message and the Council would retrieve it through debriefing me. This was a message I gave him from the Council: "Mr. President, the Council sends their amicable message to you. Arms will go to Iraq in exchange for hostages." Sometimes after I delivered the recited message, Reagan got really nervous and paced back and forth. But finally he would give his answer for me to take back to the Council. Usually it was just a "yes." Lots of times Reagan made the decision without Bush's knowledge. For some reason I felt like Bush really knew what was going on. Reagan always seemed so uninformed, he never seemed to know what was happening and he made many decisions blindly without knowing the details.
There were wooden boxes of munitions on a dock that were to be loaded onto a large ship. I was there to make sure the load of «sugar» got on safely and that payment was made. The men accepting the shipment waited until the men in black police uniforms walked away and then they opened one of the boxes and lifted guns, rifles, and hand grenades out of the packing. Packed on top were bags of sugar to make it look like the whole shipment was sugar, but it was only a cover for what was really underneath. This was a government operation — a highly camouflaged, covered up government operation. A group of American officials were selling munitions to a nation we were at war with. It made the United States government lots of money. They didn't even care that the guns were being used to kill our own soldiers. Noriega was involved. It was a dangerous operation. The orders were that if there was any chance of being caught, the shipment was to be thrown overboard. It was too risky to get caught.
There was also a naval officer that was involved. He was shaking hands with a man that I came with and they were talking privately out of my earshot so I couldn't hear. The officer gave commands to one of the members of the crew to unload the shipment onto the docks and then they rolled the cargo down the docks and stacked it on large carts. I climbed aboard the ship and we left immediately. There was a window of time that was opened to get in and out to complete the deal. It began at 0800. So we left port immediately and were quickly underway. There were some kind of devices on board that rendered our ship untrackable at sea, so that they could not be detected. This way no one would even know that the United States ship had been to the port. Sometimes the big naval or other kinds of ships would unload their cargoes onto smaller ships that would then go into the port to deliver the goods. Our government had very dirty operations. I was sent to deliver messages, many of them in foreign languages to whomever the delivery was going to.
Another time I was used in a drug operation, I was delivered aboard a large Navy ship to an Admiral who was standing behind his desk giving directions to a lieutenant. The blue eyed, heavyset admiral was dressed in a white uniform and hat with navy blue and gold trim. He had on black patent leather shoes and was very brutal. I think his name was Brimhall or something like that. I was ordered to give him oral sex and some of his ejaculate fell onto his shoe. For that he slapped me with the back of his hand so hard that I fell backwards.
We were going out to sea and when we neared Mexico we went into port for "supplies," which meant a drug transaction. There were transactions in the Caribbean, also usually aboard Navy ships. I was on board to service the Admiral and then complete a drug transaction. The Navy ships went the route and to destinations of a major drug cartel. What looked like the defense of our nation or training of our troops was really drug transportation that made lots of money for the U.S. The Presidents were usually well aware of this business. The revenue was justified as funding large projects deemed necessary for American defense. It was all a vicious cycle of lies and manipulations.
I was sent ashore to meet "the man with the parrot" and was usually dressed appropriately for him to recognize me. They dressed me with a parrot shirt to match the parrot man I was meeting. The messages were always different; sometimes I told the man to meet us with the stuff at 0800 at a certain latitude and longitude out at sea off this or that coast. Lots of the deals and the boarding of goods (drugs) took place out at sea. This way no one could detect illegal drug trafficking, as there was no one to monitor the transactions late at night, out in the middle of the ocean.
Everyone in the government that held any position of power was well aware of these drug transactions and their importance to our country's economy. In part, this is what keeps America head and shoulders above the world economically. These ships went all over the world Mexico, Caribbean, Costa Rica, Haiti, Cancun, Cozumel, Cabo San Lucas, Panama, Brazil, even Germany and USSR.
For years, I was used off and on to carry messages. They used lots of different slaves for these activities because, otherwise, someone could get familiar and be detected. I know because I overheard them talking about that type of security and how important it was for the Lieutenant Colonel to widely vary the "pigeons," used for messages. I was taken from my home late at night and boarded onto a ship, did my assignment, and was returned back home late at night. I was just phased back into bed with my husband, as if I'd never left. I was kept at Point Mugu or other bases in isolation, and then debriefed before I was driven home in a sedan to Agoura Hills. Sometimes I was helicoptered to Point Mugu, but always transported late at night. During the drug transports I was always assigned to top men on the ships with orders to please them in any way they desired. Then I was usually taken into the Admiral's or Captain's private quarters. These rooms were nice, but small, and I was told to wait for further instructions or to have sex with him. There were portholes in the room and it was simple but very expensively done, as far as the materials: nice wood, brass and usually decorated in red, white and blue. Sometimes after sex I would sleep in his bed with him until it was time for the transaction. Then he would wake me up and instruct me in what to do, what to wear, what to say. Sometimes there were palm trees on the beaches where we dropped off a load of 'goods, on a remote beach. It was always at a different time, different location; so no one could detect or monitor what was occurring. Sometimes the coast guard in certain locations was involved but not on a regular basis. They must have been individually involved.
On many of these excursions, other factions would interrogate me in an attempt to find out information. They would use bright lights, exhaust me, yell questions, withhold food and pull my hair or take hold of my hair and smash my face into a desk in an attempt to gain information about my job, why I wouldn't talk, who I was working for, endless questions. But nothing would come of it, because they didn't know the keys and codes to access my mind file information, nor did I consciously know.
Some of the big deals I witnessed, involving more international figures, took place in the Hawaiian Islands, like on Maui. And the deals involving Mexico took place in Mexico, often in Mazatlan. While vacationing one year on Maui with my husband, I was taken away from him by men in suits, put on a commercial airline by two Secret Service agents and flown to a location like Jamaica or Costa Rica to deliver a message. I was given a clever disguise, dressed in a tourist costume — a fruit patterned skirt and blouse, with a big straw hat with fruit on top of it, and made to look like an overweight old lady. The place I was taken to was about an hour's drive from the airport by limo, and I was delivered through a dirty and poverty-stricken town full of dark-skinned people, to a harbor seaport, then taken down to the docks to make the deal. This way the person I was meeting on the ship could simply cut the deal and leave by ocean without ever needing to be on land. There were palm trees by the ocean and the coastline area was pretty much uninhabited toward the port. It was a rocky seacoast in many areas with few sandy beaches. I was instructed to deliver the message only to the man in the white uniform who took a hold of my left hand and elbow and asked me if I was lost. A man in a white Naval uniform and hat brought me on board the large ship, momentarily, to receive the message I delivered, "Sir, the bird is flying north." Then he quickly shuffled me off the boat and the Secret Service agents took me away by limo and I was flown back to Maui. I was kept in isolation, without food or water for a day, before I was returned by my husband's side at the pool where we were vacationing at the Hyatt Regency in Maui.
While money was made during those days from the sale of weapons, the Council said guns and munitions would be obsolete by the year 2000. The frequency warfare technology they possess will make guns and munitions powerless because those wielding guns will have their brainwave frequencies altered by the new weaponry to such a degree that they won't be able to think to commit a violent act. Society is being kept unaware of this until these self-appointed overseers of our world have completely stepped up the mind control within the populace. Then the people won't care about having obsolete weapons because they will be under the total lull and control of specific, targeted electromagnetic frequencies. Individuals won't be able to commit crimes against the populace. My controllers spoke about this as, "creating peace on earth, contemporary style." (For more information on this still classified technology read: Angels Don't Play This HAARP, Nick Begich Ph.D.)
Over the years, Henry had me programmed to deliver information regarding the mind control robot technology to different groups of men. These meetings took place my whole life. He or a spokesman introduced me and explained to the audience, which were usually small, pre-tested groups, that I would deliver a very powerful message.
But, the most important message they were eventually to take away with them was that I was a human robot delivering highly technical information and that this was to be the technology of the future.
While I was being introduced, I sat at the front table looking straight ahead, waiting in "park mode." Then I went to the front and initially explained, "Due to the inherent leap in technology, what you are about to see and witness is very real. Along those lines it would be most appreciated if you would hold all of your questions until the end and our moderator will be more than happy at that time to field any questions you might have. Thank you and now we'll begin." Certainly, I was delivering this message verbatim, as preprogrammed and couldn't have thought on my own to answer any questions.
And so I began, "The history of controlling man is old. Could we have the screen turned on please?" I asked the man at the projector.
"As you can see, man was attempting to control his fellow man even in the cave man days. Actually this attempt for control goes back even further." Meanwhile the moderator flipped to a slide showing androgynous man pulling a woman by the hair where he wanted her to go. "So," I continued, "man's control of man is ancient. What is on the cutting edge of technology today is what we choose to call, 'harnessing the mind. Who among us wouldn't like to be able to have instant recall? Or to be able to read and retain information or documents." At this point they flashed slides pertaining to whatever career paths these men were involved in and I had documents pertaining to each field, e.g., legal documents for attorneys, medical reports for doctors, case histories for psychologists, account ledgers for bankers.
"Who wouldn't like to have at your fingertips all the millions of minute details we find we need everyday to function efficiently in our places of employment? Gentlemen, you are not alone in your needs and desires. Since I have not seen a single hand in the room raised, I take this to mean that you, too, could highly benefit from this new state-of-the-art technology in the future of mankind's ability to think clearly, efficiently, and above all, with complete accuracy."
"Sound too good to be true? You will be pleasantly surprised to find that this technology is not only true, but you also could benefit from its use. Other corporations, (or if it was a professional group, I'd mention doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc.) around the country are at this time utilizing many facets of this state-of-theart technology. The computer will one day soon be hardware of the past and the companies that have this new technology will be among those on the leading edge. It will be impossible to compete with individuals or corporations who are currently adapting to our new modes of technology."
"Now, I'm sure you didn't get to your current level of success by using outdated modes of operation. Why no, I'm sure each of you was among the first to own the latest in computer technology. That is what sets you apart from business people (doctors, lawyers, CEO's, etc.) who did not have the foresight that you had to opt for the latest technology has to offer."
After listening to this whole spiel, they were taken to their first demo, and afterwards they were asked to fill out a brief questionnaire. They were asked to fill it out in order to insure the perfection of future presentations. The questions were slanted toward gathering data on each participant's attitude, openness, etc. They were also told they had the right to remain anonymous; however, they were told there was no risk due to the fact that no one else would have access to these questionnaires.
As a final note, I said, "And to thank you, we will be sending every person who takes the time to fill out this questionnaire a very special booklet we've been privy to call, "How To Insure Success in Business: Without Burnout." So gentlemen, please loosen your ties, sit back, relax and enjoy the final portion of today's presentation.
At which time, they were shown some more slides and given a little more information.
After 12 such sessions, if their returned questionnaires kept indicating they were "remaining on track," they were introduced to the higher level of being let in on the secret. Then they were told that I was "a robot" and they too could own one, at very little cost to them. At that point they were asked to, "just sign here for more information and one of our representatives will be glad to further assist you."
These demonstrations took place all over the world, for all different professions, including the scientific research and medical communities. Even as a child of eight, Henry said I demoed so well and had such an enormous impact on audiences that they would have their mouths gaping open, and Henry was so proud of himself. By the time I was eighteen, I had spoken to groups all over the world.
Over time I went to «mini-conventions» for people who owned slaves, where slave tips, slave toys, slave trades, etc. were exchanged amongst this certain group of men. "Men in the know" is how they referred to themselves, who met to share their latest information.
I was there to hand out brochures before I was demonstrated. People loved the continual line of programmed jokes that I spewed out and thought it was hilarious that I was handing out my own brochure, miming like 'a perfect robot. At times both men and women were in attendance. There was some other business I was promoting, initially — not mind-controlled slaves — but that was what really was being promoted under cover at these meetings. Certain pre-selected men were given large wooden, golden keys, each displaying a phrase or word to unlock me. These individuals were allowed to unlock and use me for the evening at pre-specified times. It was explained to these so-called gentlemen that these «keys» only worked for this one night. It was further explained that due to the kaleidoscopic programming effect, that the keys would revolve a band on the outside of my skull and would stop in just the right place so the eyes of the personality specifically keyed would lock in each and every time. I think those men who were given keys were the only ones allowed to know the true nature of my mind control programming. They must have been interested in purchasing "their own." But publicly acceptable business also took place at these events parallel to this subterranean line of business, so that money was made from all angles.
In later years, Kissinger used the movie Working Girl as a scramble in an attempt to keep these memories from being clear to me. It was not only used for me but for lots of other corporate robots like me. Henry said it should sufficiently remedy any problems or questions… should any of us robots begin to remember.
"The kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by force.»
"Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes."