The Kursk is a SSGN (cruise missile armed, nuclear powered) submarine, designated by NATO as an OSCAR II class, commissioned from Sevmash shipyard, Severodvinsk in 1995.
Designed by RUBIN, The Russian State Marine Engineering Design Bureau in St Petersburg, the Kursk was 154 m long and 18m beam over the casing or flood hull, with a 11m diameter internal pressure hull, and of submerged displacement 24,000 tons (surface 11,500t). The submarine structure was of double hull construction with nine interconnected watertight compartments, all being normally accessible except for the reactor compartment № 6 which is passed through via a radiation shield corridor. The outer hull casing comprised 8mm steel plates supported off the pressure hull by webs and struts. The inner pressure hull was an externally ribbed cylindrical form fabricated from 50mm thick high yield steel plate. The void between the casing and pressure hull varied from 1 to 4m within which was located ship’s equipment, sonar and the cruise missile silos. The entire outer hull and conning tower was clad with 40 to 80mm thick synthetic rubber tiles serving to both attenuate machinery noise and reduce the reflective echo from incoming sonar signals.
The power plant comprised two, integrated type pressurized water reactors (OK 650b) each of ~200MW thermal output located in the sealed reactor compartment № 6. The reactors were arranged in line, in foreaft fashion, each in its own pressure sealed sub-compartment. Each reactor pressure vessel was housed within a sealed 25m3 capacity water shield tank that was resiliently mounted to absorb shock from the operational submarine when in battle situations. The steam generators were clustered immediately around the RPV with the main circulating pumps above with just over 1m head to assist in natural circulation in the event of pump failure. Fuel comprised annular elements of uranium-aluminum cermet or dispersion type fuel clad in zircaloy, zoned between 20 to 45% (core equivalent 30%) enriched U-235 of 48 assemblies, totaling about 200kg U-235 per reactor core. Gadolinium burnable poison was integrated within the fuel and control was via boron/hafnium absorbers.
Nuclear plant emergency shut down was via control rod injection by spring and pneumatic drive and core cooling was via a relatively conventional ECS with a supplementary bubble tank. As an ultimate safeguard the entire reactor compartment was capable of being flooded with seawater via valves set into the pressure hull.
The Kursk submarine had an armament capacity for 24 ship-to-ship cruise missiles (SN-19-GRANIT — NATO Shipwreck) armed with 760kg main charge conventional explosive but nuclear capable for low yield warheads. The missiles were housed in individual pressure sealed silos, pitched forward at 40° arranged in two rows of twelve, each covered by six hatches on each side of the sail (conning tower).
Torpedo munitions comprised 24 torpedoes held in open rack magazines, potentially including torpedoes of nuclear capability, firing from 2×650mm and 4×533mm torpedo tubes in the bow (№ 1) compartment. The armaments could also include ASW Harpoon-type rockets and seabed mines also deployed from the forward torpedo tubes.
Kursk was the latest and most modern attack submarine of the Russian Federation Navy, being assigned to the Northern Fleet operating out of the Northern Kola voyaging into the Barents Sea and beyond. With 49,000 shp through the two 7-blade propellers, she could make 28+ knots when running deep and 15 knots on the surface, being capable of full operations at 600m depth.