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Why My Third Husband Will Be a Dog: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 21

Betty and Veronica

I realized the other day that I don’t care about superpowers because I didn’t read those comics as a kid. To me, Superman and Batman were for boys. Girls had Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, the blonde and brunette bombshells of the Archie comics. I loved those comics and still remember their many valuable lessons.

What were they?

Here’s Betty and Veronica’s Lessons For Girls.

Before we begin, let me remind you that Betty and Veronica were best friends who went to Riverdale High School. They were both gorgeous, impossibly curvy, and permanently seventeen.

But their personalities were very different:

Betty was poor, but nice and natural. She wore her canary-yellow hair in a bouncy ponytail and dressed like a tomboy. In fact, Betty has her own webpage these days, which reveals that she sews her own clothes. The website sums her up as “your average small town girl,” and her blog (of course, she has a blog) contains salsa recipes.

In contrast, Veronica had money, and was mean and spoiled. The website says that she’s “gorgeous, sophisticated, sexy and very RICH.” (The capitals are theirs; I save my capitals for better things.) Veronica is also “ambitious” and “confident.” Veronica writes in her blog: “only three weeks of school left-must buy summer clothes!”

By the way, neither girl is described as smart. Anywhere.

What have we learned, so far?

Lesson One: Poor people are better than rich people. Blond people are better than brunette people. Black people don’t exist. Unlike Betty, who lives with her normal family, Veronica lives with her father, a family situation which is borderline creepy. Mr. Lodge is most often found sitting in a club chair, reading the newspaper and waiting for his daughter to ask him for things. She calls him Daddykins. He always says yes. Lesson Two: Single parents produce messed-up kids. Betty and Veronica form the distaff base of a love triangle that peaks in Archie Andrews. The storyline of every comic is the same-Betty and Veronica, theoretically best friends, scheme, plot, and deceive each other in order to win Archie. Lesson Three: Even your best friend can, and should, be ditched for a guy. Which girl do you think Archie chooses more often-sweet, uncomplicated Betty or neurotic but sexy Veronica? You guessed it. Lesson Four: Men dig crazy. The website admits that: “Betty is extremely devoted to Archie, but sadly is most often playing second fiddle to her best friend Veronica for his affections. Through every crazy loving scheme to win Archie’s love, Betty always remains completely unaffected, loyal and sweet.” Of course she does. How Betty of her. Lesson Five: Nice is a waste of time. But here’s something I never understood. Why do Betty and Veronica want Archie so much? He’s not attractive. His hair is orange, parted in the middle, and he has cross-hatches for sideburns. His nose looks like a jellybean. Lesson Six: Any boyfriend is better than no boyfriend at all. Archie doesn’t even have a good personality. He’s not smart, and that’s fine with him. The website doesn’t apologize for the fact that he “brings home average grades from school.” On the contrary, in all respects, Archie is a “typical small town boy.” Lesson Seven: Mediocrity rocks! But Archie does have a “good, solid family background.” Lesson Eight: Learn to settle. So, growing up, who did I want to be-Betty or Veronica? I’ll tell the truth. I knew I was supposed to want to be Betty, but I secretly wanted to be Veronica. Lesson Nine: It’s okay to be superficial. It didn’t matter what Betty or Veronica wanted to be when they grew up. In the comics I remembered, they didn’t want to be anything but with Archie. However, the website has more recently assigned them career aspirations, because women have the vote now. Lesson Ten: History can always be revised. If you remember it otherwise, you’re wrong. So, what are the career goals of these two? The site says, “Veronica would someday like to run Lodge Enterprises.” Presumably that’s her father’s business, or a Mafia front. Knowing Veronica as I do, I wouldn’t put it past her. Veronica could be an excellent crime lord if she’d stay out of Neiman Marcus. Lesson Eleven: Nepotism is a fancy word for born winner. Finally, what’s Betty’s career plan? “Betty’s goal is to become a famous writer.” Lesson Twelve: Follow your dream, in case you’re a Betty.