Mother’s Day is a good time to address the question of Hallmark holidays.
Bottom line, I’m in favor.
As in, two thumbs way up!
By way of background, a Hallmark holiday is defined by wikipedia.com, my guide in all matters, as “a disparaging term, used to describe a holiday that is perceived to exist primarily for commercial purposes.”
In other words, Bah, humbug!
To which I say, Lighten up!
Why celebrate only for excellent reasons? Who can’t be bothered to give a greeting card unless it’s absolutely warranted? Or bring a present unless it’s supremely well-deserved?
I celebrate any and all holidays, commercial or legit, religious or secular, without exception. Life is too short not to celebrate something, plus if you observe all the Hallmark holidays plus the national holidays, we’re only talking about thirty days max, which is still just a third of the time Europeans take for vacation.
So kick up your heels!
Especially on Mother’s Day.
Anyone who calls Mother’s Day a Hallmark holiday has never given birth.