Простой Python. современный стиль программирования - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 348


4. Запишите следующее стихотворение с помощью старого стиля форматирования.

Подставьте строки 'roast beef', 'ham', 'head' и 'clam' в эту строку:

My kitty cat likes %s,

My kitty cat likes %s,

My kitty cat fell on his %s

And now thinks he's a %s.

>>> poem = '''

... My kitty cat likes %s,

... My kitty cat likes %s,

... My kitty cat fell on his %s

... And now thinks he's a %s.

... '''

>>> args = ('roast beef', 'ham', 'head', 'clam')

>>> print(poem % args)

My kitty cat likes roast beef,

My kitty cat likes ham,

My kitty cat fell on his head

And now thinks he's a clam.

5. Запишите следующее письмо по форме с помощью форматирования нового

стиля. Сохраните строку под именем letter (это имя вы используете в следу-

ющем упражнении):

Dear {salutation} {name},

Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our {product} {verbed} in your

{room}. Please note that it should never be used in a {room}, especially

near any {animals}.

Send us your receipt and {amount} for shipping and handling. We will send

you another {product} that, in our tests, is {percent}% less likely to

have {verbed}.

Thank you for your support.




>>> letter = '''

... Dear {salutation} {name},

Глава 7. Работаем с данными профессионально



... Thank you for your letter. We are sorry that our {product} {verb} in your

... {room}. Please note that it should never be used in a {room}, especially

... near any {animals}.


... Send us your receipt and {amount} for shipping and handling. We will send

... you another {product} that, in our tests, is {percent}% less likely to

... have {verbed}.


... Thank you for your support.


... Sincerely,

... {spokesman}