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«Викинги» на Марсе - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 12

Список литературы

1 Аксенов С. И. и др. Марс как среда обитания.— Проблемы космической биологии, М., «Наука», 1976, т. 32, 232 с.

2 Вдовин В. В. Расчет тепловой динамики поверхности Марса.— «Космич. исслед.», 1977, т. 15, вып. 2, с. 238-247.

3. Изаков М. Н. Структура и динамика верхних атмосфер Венеры и Марса. — «Успехи физ. наук», 1976, т. 119, № 2, с. 295-342.

4. Изаков М. Н., Морозов С. К. Структура и динамика экваториальной термосферы Марса. — «Космич. исслед.», 1976 т. 14, вып. 3, с. 476-478.

5. Истомин В. Г. и др. Эксперимент по измерению состава атмосферы на спускаемом аппарате космической станции «Марс-6». — «Космич. исслед.», 1975, т. 13, № 1, с. 16-20.

6. Козырев Н. А. Спектральные признаки существования снега и льда в атмосфере Марса.— «Изв. Гл. астрон. обе», 1964, т. 23, вып. 5, № 175, с. 72-74.

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8. Кондратьев К. Я. Сравнительная метеорология планет.— Л. Гидрометеоиздат, 1975. 48 с.

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11. Краснопольский В. А., Крысько А. А., Рогачев В. Н. Ультрафиолетовая фотометрия Марса на спутнике «Марс-5».— «Космич. исслед.», 1977, т. 15, вып. 2, с. 255-260.

12. Сурков Ю. А., Федосеев Г. А. Аргон-40 в атмосфере Марса. — «Космич. исслед.», 1976, т. 14, вып. 4, с. 592-597.

13. Ajello J. M. et al. Mariner 9 ultraviolet spectrometer experiment: bright-limb observations of the lower atmosphere of Mars.— "J. Atmos. Sci.", 1976, vol. 33, N 3, p. 544-552.

14. Anderson D. L. et al. The Viking seismic experiment.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1318-1321.

15. Aronson J. R., Ems lie A. G. Composition of the martian dust as derived by infrared spectroscopy from Mariner 9.— "J. Geophys. Res.", 1975, vol. 80, N 35, p. 4925-4931.

16. Вaird A. K. et al. Minerologic and petrologic implications of Viking geochemical results from Mars: interim report.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1288-1293.

17. Biemann K. et al. Search for organic and volatile inorganic compounds in two surface samples from the Chryse Planitia region of Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 72-76.

18. Biemann K. et al. The atmosphere of Mars near the surface: isotope ratios and upper limits on noble gases.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 76-78.

19. Bills B. G., Ferrari A. J. Mars topography harmonics and geophysical implications.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstract of Papers", March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 31.

20. Breed С. S. Terrestrial analogs of the Hellesponts dunes, Mars.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 2, p. 326-340.

21. Burk S. D. Diurnal winds near the martian polar caps.— "J. Atmos. Sci.",

1976, vol. 33, N 6, p. 923-939.

22. Сapen С F., Jr. Recent seasonal and secular variations of Martian albedo features and their photometry.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30— April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 32.

23. Capen C. F., Jr. Martian albedo feature variations with season: data of 1971 and 1973.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 213-230.

24. Сареn Ch. F. Recent seasonal and secular variations of martian albedo and their photometry.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstr. of Papers", March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 32.

25. Сarr M. H. et al. Preliminary results from the Viking orbiter imaging experiment.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 766-776.

26. Chamberlain Т. Е. et al. Atmospheric measurements on Mars: the Viking meteorology experiment — "Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc", 1976, vol. 57, N 9, p. 1094-1105.

27. Сintala M. J., Head J. W., Mutсh T. A. Characteristics of fresh martian craters as a function of diameter: comparison with the Moon and Mercury.-"Geophys. Res. Lett.", 1976, vol. 3, N 3, p. 117-120.

28. Сlark В. С et al. Argon content of the martian atmosphere at the Viking I landing site: analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 804-805.

29. Clark В. С et al. Inorganic analysis of martian surface samples at the Viking I landing sites.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1283-1288.

30. Сonrath B. J. Influence of planetary — scale topography on the diurnal thermal tide during the 1971 martian dust storm.-"J. Atmos. Sci.", 1976, vol. 33, N 12, p. 2430-2439.

31. Сulls J. А., Вlasius K. R., Farrll K. W. Mars: new data on Chryse basin landforms.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30 -April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 31.

32. Сulls J. A. et al. North polar region of Mars: imaging results from Viking 2.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1329-1337.

33. Dobrovolskis A., Dzurisin D., Ingersoll A. P. What Viking can tell us about the Martian volatile budget?— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 32.

34. Fanale F. P. Martian volatiles: their degassing history and geochemical fate.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 179-202.

35. Farmer С. В., Da vies D. W., La Porte D. D. Viking: Mars atmospheric water vapor mapping experiment — preliminary report.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 776-779.

36. Farmer С. В., Da vies D. W., La Porte D. D. Mars: northern summer ice cap — water vapor observations from Viking 2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1339-1341.

37. Farmer С. В. Liquid water on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, No 2, p. 279-289.

38. Greeleу R. et al. Mars: wind friction speeds for particle movement. — "Geophys. Res. Lett.", 1976, vol. 3, N 8, p. 417-420.

39. Hargraves R. B. et al. Viking magnetic properties investigation: further results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1303-1309.

40. Hartmann W. K. Problems of martian paleoclimatology.— "Space Res. 15. Proc. Open Meet. Work. Groups Phys. Sci. 17th Meet. COSPAR, Sao Paulo, 1974". Berlin, 1975, p. 629-630.

41. Hess S. L. The vertical distribution of water vapor in the atmosphere of Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 269-278.

42. Hess S. L. et al. Preliminary meteorological results on Mars from Viking 1 lander.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 788-791.

43. Hess S. L. et al. Mars climatology from Viking 1 after 20 sols. — "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 78-81.

44. Hess S. L. et al. Viking-1 meteorological measurements: first impressions,-"Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc", 1976, vol. 57, N 9, p. 1150-1151.

45. Hess S. L. et al. Early meteorological results from the Viking 2 lander.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, No. 4271, p. 1352-1354.

46. Hess S. L., Mitchell J. L. Mirages on Mars.-"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 42-48.

47. Hide R. Motions in planetary atmospheres.— "Quart. J Roy. Met. Soc", 1976, vol. 102, N 431, p. 1-23.

48. Horowitz N. H., Hobby G. L., Hublard J. S. The Viking carbon assimilation experiments: interim report.-"Science", 1976 vol 194, N 4271, p. 1321-1332.

49. Huguenin R. L. Mars: chemical weathering as a massive volatile sink. — "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 203-212.

50. Huguenin R. L. Surface oxidation: a major sink for water on Mars. — "Science", 1976, vol.. 192, N 4235, p. 138-140.

51. Hunt G. E. A new look to the Martian atmosphere.— "Proc. Roy. Soc", 1974, A, vol. 341, p. 317-313.

52. Hunt G. Physical observations after Viking lands.— "New Scientist", 1976, vol. 71, N 1007, p. 28-30.

53. Iversen J. D., Greeley R., Pоllаск J. В. Windblown dust on Earth, Mars and Venus.-"J. Atmos. ScL", 1976, vol. 33, N 12, p. 2425-2429.

54. Iversen J. D. et al. Saltation threshold on Mars: the effect of inter-particle force, surface roughness, and low atmospheric density.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 3, p. 381-394.

54a. Kattawar G. W., Young A. T. Planetary isophotes as a clue to aerosol characteristics.-"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 2, p. 367-376.

55. Кerzhanоviсh V. V. Mars 6: improved analysis of the descent module-measurements.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 1-25.

56. Кieffer H. H. et al. Infrared thermal mapping of the martian surface and atmosphere: first results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 780-785.

57. Kieffer H. H. et al. Martian North pole summer temperatures: dirty water ice.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1341-1344.

58. Кieffer H. H. Soil and surface temperatures at the Viking landing sites.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1344-1346.

59. Кieffer H. H. et al. Temperature of the martian surface and atmosphere: Viking observations of diurnal and geometric variations.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1346-1352.

60. Кlein H. P. et al. The Viking biological investigation: preliminary results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 99-105.

61. Lee B. G. Mission operations strategy for Viking.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 59-62.

62. Levin G. V., Straat P. A. Viking labeled released biology experiment: interim results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1322-1329.

63. Levine J. S. A new estimate of volatile outgassing on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 165-169.

64. Lumme K. On the surface brightness and geometric albedo of some martian areas.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 1, p. 69-82.

65. Maeglу W. J. Saltation and martian sandstorms.— "Revs, of Geophys. and Space Phys.", 1976, vol. 14, N 1, p. 135-147.

66. Malin M. С Age of martian channels.-"J. Geophys. Res.", 1976, vol. 81, N 26, p. 4825-4845.

67. Martin J. S., Young A. T. Viking to Mars. Profile of a space expedition.— "Aeronautics and Astronautics", November, 1976, p. 22-47.

68. Mass C, Sagan С A numerical circulation model with topography for the martian Southern hemisphere.— "J. Atmos. ScL", 1976, vol. 33, N 8, p. 1418-1430.

69. Masson P. Structure pattern analysis of the Noctis Labyrinthus-Valles Marineris regions of Mars.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 49-62.

70. Masursky H. Martian channels.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers" 30 March— 4 April 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 30.

71. Masursky H., Crabill N. L. The Viking landing sites: selection and certification.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 809-812.

72. Masursку H., Crabill N. L. Search for the Viking-2 landing site. — "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 62-68.

73. MсСоnnell J. С The atmospheres of Mars and Venus. A comparison. — "Atmos. Earth and Planets. Proc. Summer Adv. Study Inst. Univ. Liege, 1974", Dordrech-Boston, 1975, p. 761-767.

74. MсElrоу М. В., Young Y. L., Nier A. O. Isotopic composition of nitrogen: implications for the past history of Mars' atmosphere.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 70-72.

75. MсElrоу М. В. et al. Composition and structure of the martian upper atmosphere: analysis of results from Viking.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1295-1298.

76. MсElrоу М. В., Young Y. L. Oxygen isotopes in the Martian atmosphere: implications for the evolution of volatiles.— "Planet, and Space Sci.", 1976, vol. 24, N 12, p. 1107-1114.

77. Metz W. D. Viking (1): end of the first phase of 70's space spectacular.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4268, p. 819-820.

78. Michael W. H., Jr. et al. Viking lander location and spin axis of Mars: determination from radio tracking data. — "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 803.

79. Michael W. H., Jr. et al. Mars dynamics atmospheric and surface properties: determination from Viking tracking data.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1337-1339.

80. Mоriуama S. Effects of dust on radiation transfer in the Martian atmosphere (III).— Numerical experiments of radiative-convective equilibrium of the Martian atmosphere including the radiative effects due to dust.— "J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan", 1976, ser. II, vol. 54, N 1, p. 52-58.

81. Moroz V. I. Argon in the Martian atmosphere: do the results of Mars 6 agree with the optical and radio occultation measurements?— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 159-163.

82. Mutch T. A. et al. The surface of Mars: the view from the Viking 1 lander.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 791-800.

83. Mutch T. A. et al. Fine particles on Mars: observations with the Viking 1 lander cameras.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 87-91.

84. Mutch T. A. et al. The surface of Mars: the view from the Viking 2 lander.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1277-1283.

85. Neuкum G., Wise D. U. Mars: a standard crater curve and possible new time scale.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4272, p. 1381-1386.

86. Nier A. O. et al. Composition and structure of the martian atmosphere: preliminary results from Viking 1.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 786-788.

87. Nier A. O., McElroy M. В., Yung Y. L. Isotopic composition of the martian atmosphere.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 68-70.

88. Nier A. O., McElroy M. B. Structure of the neutral upper atmosphere of Mars: results from Viking-1 and Viking-2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1298-1300.

89. Оhring G. A technique to deduce atmospheric temperature and constituents profiles from a planet's limb radiance profile.— "Icarus", 1975, vol. 24, p. 388-394.

90. Оwen Т., Вiemann K. Composition of the atmosphere at the surface of Mars: detection of Argon-36 and preliminary analysis.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 801-803.

91. Owen T. Volatile inventories on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 171-177.

92. Owen T. et al. The atmosphere of Mars: detection of krypton and xenon.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1288-1293.

93. Pang K., Ajello J. Mars' ultraviolet absorption band and compositional implications.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers." March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 32-33.

94. Pang K., Ajello J. M. Complex refractive index of martian dust: wavelength dependence and composition.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N l,p. 63-74.

94а. Рlеsкоt L. К., Кieffer H. H. The infrared photometric function of Mars and its bolometric albedo.-"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 2, p. 341-359.

95. Pollack J. B. et al. Estimates of the wind speeds required for particle motion on Mars.-"Icarus", 1976, vol. 29, N 3, p. 395-418.

96. Pоllаск J. B. et al. Calculations of the general circulation of the mar-tian atmosphere for the season of the Viking lander mission.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30-April 4. 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.

97. Pollack J. B. et al. Winds on Mars during the Viking season: predictions based on a general circulation model with topography.— "Geophys. Res. Letters", 1976, vol. 3, N 8, p. 479-482.

98. Seiff A., Kirk D. B. Structure of Mars' atmosphere up to 100 kilometers from the entry measurements of Viking-2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1300-1303.

99. Shоrthill R. W. Physical properties of the martian surface from the Viking-1 lander: preliminary results.-"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 805-809.

100. Shorthill R. W. et al. The "soil" of Mars. (Viking-1).-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 91-97.

101. Shorthill R. W. et al. The environs of Viking lander 2.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4271, p. 1309-1318.

102. Soderblom L. A. Viking orbital colorimetric images of Mars: preliminary results.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 97-99.

103. Soffen G. A., Snyder C. W. The first Viking mission to Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 759-766.

104. Soffen G. A. Status of the Viking mission.-"Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 57-59.

105. Tobias O. Volatile inventories on Mars.— "Icarus", 1976, vol. 28, N 2, p. 171-177.

106. Toulmin P. Ill et al. Preliminary results from the Viking X-ray fluorescence experiment: the first sample from Chryse Planitia, Mars.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4260, p. 81-84.

107. Tyler G. L. et al. Radar characteristics of Viking 1 landing sites.— "Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 812-815.

108. White B. R. et al. Estimated grain saltation in a martian atmosphere.— "J. Geophys. Res.", 1976, vol. 81, N 32, p. 5643-5651.

109. Woiceshyn P. M., KHore A. J. "Bora-type" density current winds as a triggering mechanism of the Great Martian Dust Storms.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papres". March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.

110. Young А. Т., Kattawar G. W. Planetary isophotes as a clue to aerosol characteristics.— "Amer. Astron. Soc. Division for Planetary Sciences. 7th Annual Meeting. Abstracts of Papers", March 30-April 4, 1976, Austin, Texas, p. 33.

111. Young L. D. G., Young A. T. Interpretation of high-resolution spectra of Mars. IV. New calculations of the CO abundance.— "Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 75-79.

112. Yung Y. L. et al. Photochemistry of nitrogen in the martian atmosphere. -"Icarus", 1977, vol. 30, N 1, p. 26-41.

113. Zurek R. W. Diurnal tide in the martian atmosphere.-"J. Atmos. Sci.", 1976, vol. 33, N 2, p. 321-337.

114. Viking-1. -"Science", 1976, vol. 193, N 4255, p. 723-724.

115. Viking (II): water, ice and argon-three puzzles resolved.— "Science", 1976, vol. 194, N 4268, p. 924-926.

116. Visual passage to Mars.-"Optical Spectra", 1976, vol. 10, N 9, p. 45-49.