persistent problems of young people that have long-term social
consequences. One of these problems is the increase in unwanted
pregnancies among teenagers. A National Research Council study
noted that in 1987 about a million teenagers became pregnant,
resulting in some 470,000 births, 400,000 abortions, and 130,000
miscarriages. Of special concern has been the disproportionate
increase in pregnancies among girls under the age of 15. Unwanted
pregnancies in this young age group have serious implications for
both the long-term development of the young mother and the normal
development of the infant. The evidence indicates that early
pregnancies handicap young women educationally and vocationally
and limit their future options.
Another area of concern is DRUG ABUSE among young people. Surveys
indicate that most American teenagers have at least tried
marijuana, and many young people also use a variety of other
mood-altering chemicals and drugs. Drug use appears to be
declining among high school students, however, although ALCOHOL
CONSUMPTION by young people has been steadily increasing,
particularly in the younger age range. Evidence seems to indicate
that drug use--including alcohol--is experimental and transient
for most young people and occurs most often in groups.
A third area of concern is the increasing rate of SUICIDE among
young people. In the United States in 1985 suicide was the third
most common cause of death in this age group, following accidents
and homicide; in 1965 suicide ranked fifth. The peak ages for
suicide attempts are from 15 to 19. Estimates indicate that as
many as 100 people may attempt suicide and fail for every one who
succeeds. Suicide attempts by young people are often signals of
distress and pleas for help with some personal crisis. Even when
the attempt seems half-hearted or manipulative, it should be taken
Ruth Teeter
Итак, основной проблемой современной молодежи стали СЕКС, НАРКОТИКИ и САМОУБИЙСТВО.
Для более детального рассмотрения обратимся к той молодежи, которую привлекают именно удовольствия и по этой причине она предпочитает скрепы первого списка, а именно те, которые создают социальные проблемы.
ХИППИ. Вот заимствованное из той же Grolier энциклопедии описание поведения той части молодежи, которая в свое время получила название ?хиппи?.
"The hippies rejected the traditional family in favor of other
arrangements based on love. In practice, a person lived for
however long he or she wished with whomever they wished, in
couples or in groups known as communes. Sexual relations in these
groups might occur whenever mutual attraction was strong enough.
Hippies strove to live in the present, to "go with the flow," and
to "hang loose," rather than to be "uptight." The quasi-religious
nature of psychedelic experience led many young people to forms of
mysticism. Oriental philosophies, such as yoga, Zen and Tibetan
Buddhism, and the Chinese I CHING (Book of Changes), were studied,
and their more easily accessible aspects were absorbed. Others
followed Western occult pursuits, such as astrology, tarot,
palmistry, and witchcraft. In 1966, after LSD was banned, its
advocate, Timothy LEARY, founded the League for Spiritual