Zemlya i pravo, Petrograd, 1917, 240pp.
Che-ka-materialy no deyatel'nosti chrezvychainykh komissii, Berlin, 1922, 255pp.
Sotsialist-revoliutsioner, Paris, 1910-12, 4 nos in 2.
K voprosu o vykupe zemli, St. P, 1906, 40pp.
Revoliutsionnye dni v Petrograde (25 Feb-7 March, 1917, O.S.).
Fakticheskii otchet' po materialam russkikh gazet'. (Comp: V.Chernov), London, (1917), 24pp.
The Russo-Polish Corflict, New York, 1945, 36pp.
As Editor, et al: Delo Naroda, Petrograd, 1917-18, 296 nos, suppressed
A storehouse of information. Editorials are anonymous but Chernov has
signed those of his composition in the file preserved in the Russian
Archives Abroad at Prague.
"Istorik ili isterik?", (Volya Rossiya, 1925, No.3, 92-119).
Portrait in Niva, Petrograd, 1917, No.4, 258 and No.19, 290.