3. CLARK J.C.D. Revolution and Rebellion. State and Society in England in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Cambridge. 1986, p. 21.
4. STONE L. The Causes of the English Revolution, 1529 - 1642. Lnd. 1972, p. 145.
5. CLARK J.C.D. Op. cit., p. 23.
6. CARLTON Ch. Charles I. The Personal Monarch. Lnd. -N. Y. 1995 (1" ed. 1983), p. 52 - 53.
7. Ibid., p. 81 - 82.
8. CLARK J.C.D. Op. cit., p. 37.
9. MORRILL J.S. The Nature of the English Revolution: Essays. N. Y. 1993, p. 303.
10. См.: RUSSEL С The Fall of the British Monarchies 1637 - 1642. Oxford. 1991.
11. MORTIMER I. Revisionism Revisited. - History Today. 2004. March. Vol. 54 (3), p. 38 - 39.
12. SOMMERVILLE J.P. Politics and Ideology in England, 1603 - 1640. Longman. 1986, p. 3.
13. HUDGES A. The Causes of the English Civil War. Lnd. 1991, p. 158.
14. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. XL-XII.
15. Цит. по: Ibid., p. XVII.
16. RUSSEL С The Causes of the English Civil War. Oxford. 1990, p. 185 - 187.
17. SHARPE K. Charles I and the Personal Rule. Yale. 1992.
18. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. XVII-XVIII.
19. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. 52.
20. См.: DURSTON Ch. Charles I. Lnd. - N. Y. 1998, p. 5.
21. Ibid., p. 19.
22. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. 60.
23. Ibid., p. 20.
24. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. 109.
25. RUSSEL С Parliaments and English Politics 1621 - 1629. Oxford. 1979.
26. См.: COGSWELL Th. The Blessed Revolution: English Politics and the Coming of War 1621 - 4. Cambridge. 1989; Conflict in Early Stuart England. Lnd. 1989; CUST R. The Forced Loan and English Politics 1626 - 1628; HUDGES A. The Causes of the English Civil War. Lnd. 1991; SOMMERVILLE J. Op. cit.
27. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. 83 - 84.
28. MORRILL J. S. Op. cit. Ch. 15. Charles I, Tyranny and the English Civil War.
29. RUSSEL С The Causes of the English Civil War, p. 195.
30. CARLTON Ch. Op. cit., p. 153.
31. Ibid., p. 169.
32. В RICE K. The Early Stuarts. Bedford. 1994 (Ch. 7).
33. SOMMERVILLE J.P. Op. cit., p. 117.
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35. RUSSEL С The Causes of the English Civil War, p. 186.
36. FISSEL M. The Bishops' Wars: Charles I's Campaigns against Scotland 1638 - 1640. Cambridge. 1994.
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38. SCHAMA S. The History of Britain. V. 2. Lnd. 2000, p. 114.
39. DURSTON Chr. Op. cit., p. 45.
40. RUSSEL С The Fall of the British Monarchies 1637 - 1642, p. 447 - 448.
41. RUSSEL С The Causes of the English Civil War, p. 188.
42. CARLTON Ch. Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars 1638 - 1651. Lnd. - N. Y. 1992, p. 186 - 187.
43. Ibid., p. 109.
44. STOYLE M. "Memoires of the Maimed": The Testimony of Charles I's Former Soldiers, 1660-1730. - History. 2003. April. Vol. 88. N 290.
45. CARLTON Ch. Going to the Wars, p. 121.
46. DURSTON K. Op. cit, p. 53.
47. CARLTON Ch. Charles I. The Personal Monarch, p. 258.
48. ANDERSON A. The Civil Wars 1640 - 1649. Bedford. 1995, p. 85.
49. CARLTON Ch. Charles I. The Personal Monarch, p. 273.
50. RUSSEL С The Causes of the English Civil War, p. 198.
51. SCHAMA S. The History of Britain. V. 2, p. 184.