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Кельтская Шотландия - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 19


Источники и ранние исторические произведения

The Acts of the Parliament of Scotland

T. Rymer. Foedera.

J. Bain. Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland.

A. Lawrie. Early Scottish Charters.

C. Innes. National Manuscripts of Scotland.

F. Palgrave. Documents and Records illustrating the History of Scotland.

J. Stevenson. Illustrations of Early Scottish History.

D. Patrick. Statutes of the Scottish Church.

A. O. Anderson. Sources of Early Scottish History.

Gildas. De Excidio Britanniae.

Adamnan. Life of St. Columba.

William de Glasgow. Carmen de morte Sumerledi.

Chronica de Mailros.

Chronica Regum.

Chronicle of the Picts.

Chronicle of Dalriata.

Chronicon Coenobii S. Crucis.

Duan Albannach.

John Fordun and W. Bower. Scotichronicon.

Annals of Ulster.

Annals of Tigernach.

Book of Armagh.

Book of Leinster.

A. O. Anderson. Scottish History from English Chronicles.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

Ailred. Vita Niniani. Eulogium Davidis. Relatio de Standardo.

Aethelward. Chronica.

Annals of Durham.

Annals of Lindisfarne.

Bede. Chronicon. Historia Ecclesiastica.

Benedict of Peterborough. Gesta Henrici II.

Chronicon de Lanercost.

Eadmer. Historia.

Florence of Worcester. Chronicon.

Gesta Stephani.

Henry of Huntingdon. Historia Anglorum.

Roger Hoveden. Chronica.

Jordan de Fantosme. Chronique de la Guerre.

Nennius. Historia Brittonum.

Matthew Paris. Chronica Majora. Historia Anglorum.

Symeon of Durham. Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiae. Historia Regum.

N. Trivet. Annales.

Turgot. Vita St. Margaritae.

Walter of Hemingburgh. Chronicon de Gestis Regum Angliae.

William of Malmesbury. Gesta Regum Angliae. Historia Novella.

Annales Cambriae.


Grettis Saga.

Olaf Tryggvison's Saga.

Orkneyinga Saga.

St. Olaf's Saga.

Saxo Grammaticus. Gesta Danorum.


Tacitus. Agricola.

Современные историки

J. Hill Burton. History of Scotland.

A. Bellesheim. History of the Catholic Church in Scotland.

G. Grub. Ecclesiastical History of Scotland.

J. Cunningham. Church History of Scotland.

W. C. Mackenzie. The Highlands and Isles of Scotland.

E. W. Robertson. Scotland under the Early Kings.

Cosmo Innes. Scotland in the Middle Ages.

V. Gordon Childe. The Pre-history of Scotland.

R. Munro. Pre-historic Scotland.

A. Black Scott. St. Ninian. A. Boyd Smith. The Pictish Church and Nation.

W. Douglas Simpson. The Celtic Church in Scotland. The Historic St. Columba.

J. Dowden. The Celtic Church in Scotland.

R. L. Bremner. The Norsemen in Albann.

A. W. Brmgger. Ancient Emigrants.

J. Johnstone. The Norwegian Account of King Haco's Expedition.

J. Fergusson. Alexander III.

M. F. Moore. The Lands of the Scots Kings in England.

J. MacKinnon and J. A. R. MacKinnon. Constitutional History of Scotland.

I. F. Grant. Economic History of Scotland. Social and Economic Development of Scotland before 1603.

R. W. Billings. Baronial and Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland.

D. MacGibbon and T. Ross. Castellated and Domestic Architecture of Scotland. Ecclesiastical Architecture of Scotland

J. Stirling-Maxwell. Shrines and Homes of Scotland. W. M. Mackenzie. The Mediaeval Castle in Scotland. С Oman. The Art of War in the Middle Ages. H. Waddel. The Wandering Scholars.


R. H. Hodgkin. History of the Anglo-Saxons. J. H. Ramsay. The Foundations of England. The Angevin Empire.


A. S. Green. History of the Irish to 1014.

E. Curtis. History of Mediaeval Ireland, 1110-1513. S. Gwynn. A History of Ireland.


Knut Gjerset. History of the Norwegian People.


E. Lavisse. Histoire de France.

F. P. R. Guizot. Histoire de la civilisation en France.


С. Oman. The Dark Ages.

T. F. Tout. The Empire and the Papacy.

The Cambridge Mediaeval History.