68522.fb2 Китай. Полная история Поднебесной - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 23

Китай. Полная история Поднебесной - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 23

Chang Chung-li. The Chinese Gentry. Washington U. Press, 1955.

Chang К. C. Early Chinese Civilization. Harvard U. Press, 1977.

Chang К. C. The Archeology of Ancient China. Yale U. Press, 1977.

Chen Chi-yun. Hstin Ytieh and the Mind of Late Han China. Princeton U. Press, 1980.

Chen Chi-yun. Hstin Ytieh. Cambridge U. Press, 1975.

ChesneauxJ. and others. China from the Opium Wars to the 1911 Revolution. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1977.

China in Maps / ed. H. Fullard. London: George Philip & Son, 1968.

China under Mongol Rule / ed. J. D. Langlois. Princeton U. Press, 1981.

China’s Examination Hell / tr. C. Schirokauer. Yale U. Press, 1976.

China’s Incredible Find // National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society, April 1978.

Chinese Literature / ed. Mao Tun // Monthly No. 2. Peking: Foreign Language Press, 1964.

Chinese Medicine //Wellcome Historical Medical Museum and Library. 1966.

Chinese Snuff Bottles //No. 3 / ed. H. M. Moss. London: Chinese Snuff Boxes.

Chinese Wit and Humour / ed. G. Kao. N. Y.: Coward — McCann, 1946.

Clark G. Impatient Giant: Red China Today. N. Y.: Ronald Press Co., 1925.

CotterellA. The First Emperor of China. Macmillan, 1981.

Cotterell Y. Y. & A. The Early Civilization of China. London: Book Club Assoc., 1975.

Cotterell Y. Y. & A. Chinese Civilization, Ming to Mao. London: Book Club Assoc., 1977.

Courtier and Commoner in Ancient China / tr. B. Watson. Columbia U. Press, 1974.

Cranmer-ByngL A Vision of Asia. London: Readers Union, 1932.

Creel C. G. The Birth of China. Frederick Ungar, 1937.

Creel C. G. The Origins of Statecraft in China. Chicago U. Press, 1970.

Creel C.G. Shen Pu-hai. Chicago U. Press, 1974.

Danton G. H. The Culture Contacts of the U. S. and China. Columbia U. Press, 1973.

Dardess J. W. Conquerers and Confucians. Columbia U. Press,


Davidson B. and others. Fossil Man in China. Peiping: Geological Survey of China, 1933.

Davis J. F. The Chinese. London: Charles Knight & Co., 1840.

Dawson R. The Chinese Chameleon. Oxford U. Press, 1867.

Dawson R. Imperial China. Hutchinson, 1972.

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De Francis J. Beginning Chinese. Yale U. Press, 1963.

Dillon M. Dictionary of Chinese History. London: Frank Cass & Co., 1979.

Dolby W. A History of Chinese Drama. London: Elek Books, 1976.

Drake F. W. China Charts the World. Harvard U. Press, 1975.

Dudbridge G. The Legend of Miao-shan. London: Ithaca Press, 1978.

EarnerJ. B. The English in China. London: Curzon Press, 1909.

Eberhard W. A History of China. Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950.

Eberhard W. Conquerers and Rulers. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1970.

Eberhard W. Social Mobility in Traditional China. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1962.

Ebrey P. B. The Aristocratic Families of Early Imperial China. Cambridge U. Press, 1978.

ElisseeffD. and V. New Discoveries in China. N. Jersey: Chartwell Books, 1983.

Ellis H. Journal of the Proceedings of the late [Amherst] Embassy to China. John Murray, 1817.

Embassy from the East-India Company… to… China / tr. J. Ogil-by. London: John Macock, 1699.

Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period / ed. A. Hummel. Taipei: Ch’eng Wen Publishing, 1970.

Erotic Art of China / ed. A. Franzblau. N.Y.: Crown Publishers, 1977.

FairbankJ. K. Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast. Stanford U. Press, 1964.

Fan Hong. Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom. London: Frank Cass, 1997.

Fesslev L. and others. China. Time-Life International, 1963.

Fitzgerald P. Ancient China. London: Elsevier Phaidon, 1978.