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Книга бессмыслицы - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 12

She married a thief,

Which grieved that Old Man of Bohemia.


There was an Old Man of Vesuvius,

Who studied the works of Vitruvius (изучал работы Виртувия /по архитектуре/);

When the flames burnt his book (когда языки пламени сожгли его книгу; burn — жечь, обжигать),

To drinking he took (пить он начал, запил),

That morbid Old Man of Vesuvius (болезненный, нездоровый, с отклонениями).

There was an Old Man of Vesuvius,

Who studied the works of Vitruvius;

When the flames burnt his book,

To drinking he took,

That morbid Old Man of Vesuvius.


There was an Old Man of Cape Horn (с Мыса Доброй Надежды),

Who wished he had never been born (желал, чтобы он никогда не был рожден);

So he sat on a chair (потому он сидел на стуле),

Till he died of despair (пока не умер от отчаяния),

That dolorous Man of Cape Horn (страдающий, унылый).

There was an Old Man of Cape Horn,

Who wished he had never been born;

So he sat on a chair,

Till he died of despair,

That dolorous Man of Cape Horn.


There was an Old Lady whose folly (чье сумасшествие, чья глупость),

Induced her to sit on a holly (побудила ее сидеть на остролисте);

Whereon by a thorn (на котором шипом),

Her dress being torn (ее платье было разорвано; tear— рвать),

She quickly became melancholy (она быстро стала подавленной;become — становиться).

There was an Old Lady whose folly,

Induced her to sit on a holly;

Whereon by a thorn,

Her dress being torn,

She quickly became melancholy.


There was an Old Man of Corfu,

Who never knew what he should do (никогда не знал, что ему следует делать);

So he rushed up and down (носился туда — сюда: «вверх и вниз»),

Till the sun made him brown (пока солнце не сделало его коричневым),

That bewildered Old Man of Corfu (сбитый с толку, озадаченный).

There was an Old Man of Corfu,

Who never knew what he should do;

So he rushed up and down,

Till the sun made him brown,

That bewildered Old Man of Corfu.


There was an Old Man of the South (с Юга),

Who had an immoderate mouth (чрезмерный рот);

But in swallowing a dish (глотая блюдо),

That was quite full of fish (которое было довольно полным рыбы),

He was choked (подавился), that Old Man of the South.

There was an Old Man of the South,

Who had an immoderate mouth;

But in swallowing a dish,