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Книга бессмыслицы - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 14

They gave him a hatchet,

Which grieved that Old Man of the Dee.


There was an Old Man of Dundee ([город в Шотландии]),

Who frequented the top of a tree (часто посещал верхушку дерева);

When disturbed by the crows (когда был потревожен воронами),

He abruptly arose (внезапно поднялся; arise— подниматься),

And exclaimed, 'I'll return (воскликнул, я вернусь) to Dundee.

There was an Old Man of Dundee,

Who frequented the top of a tree;

When disturbed by the crows,

He abruptly arose,

And exclaimed, 'I'll return to Dundee.


There was an Old Person of Tring,

Who embellished his nose with a ring (украсил свой нос кольцом);

Ha gazed at the moon (пристально смотрел на луну)

Every evening in June (каждый вечер в июне),

That ecstatic (исступленный) Old Person in Tring.

There was an Old Person of Tring,

Who embellished his nose with a ring;

Ha gazed at the moon

Every evening in June,

That ecstatic Old Person in Tring.


There was an Old Man on some rocks (на одних скалах),

Who shut his wife up in a box (захлопнул его жену в коробке);

When she said, 'Let me out! (выпусти меня)

He exclaimed (воскликнул), 'Without doubt (без сомнения),

You will pass all your life (проведешь всю твою жизнь) in that box.

There was an Old Man on some rocks,

Who shut his wife up in a box;

When she said, 'Let me out!

He exclaimed, 'Without doubt,

You will pass all your life in that box.


There was an Old Man of Coblenz ([город в Германии]),

The length of whose legs was immense (длина ног которого была колоссальна: «неизмерима»);

He went with one prance (от шел с одним скачком)

From Turkey to France,

That surprising Old Man of Coblenz (удивительный).

There was an Old Man of Coblenz,

The length of whose legs was immense;

He went with one prance

From Turkey to France,

That surprising Old Man of Coblenz.


There was an Old Man of Calcutta,

Who perpetually ate bread and butter (беспрестанно ел хлеб и масло),

Till a great bit of muffin (пока огромный кусок сдобы),

On which he was stuffing (которым он запихивал /в себя/),

Choked (задушила) that horrid Old Man of Calcutta (ужасного, отвратительного).

There was an Old Man of Calcutta,

Who perpetually ate bread and butter,

Till a great bit of muffin,