But thought she should go back to Sweden.
There was a Young Girl of Majorca (с Майорки),
Whose aunt was a very fast walker (чья тетя была очень быстрым ходоком);
She walked seventy miles (она прошла 70 миль),
And leaped fifteen stiles (и перепрыгнула /через/ 15 заборов),
Which astonished (что изумило, удивило) that Girl of Majorca.
There was a Young Girl of Majorca,
Whose aunt was a very fast walker;
She walked seventy miles,
And leaped fifteen stiles,
Which astonished that Girl of Majorca.
There was an Old Man of the Cape,
Who possessed a large Barbary ape (владел = был хозяином большой бесхвостой /африканской/ обезьяной),
Till the ape one dark night (одной темной ночью)
Set the house all alight (подожгла весь дом; set — помещать /в какое-либо положение/, приводить /в какое-либо состояние/),
Which burned (что сожгло) that Old Man of the Cape.
There was an Old Man of the Cape,
Who possessed a large Barbary ape,
Till the ape one dark night
Set the house all alight,
Which burned that Old Man of the Cape.
There was an Old Lady of Prague (из Праги),
Whose language was horribly vague (чей язык =чьи речи были страшно неопределенными);
When they said, 'Are these caps (это шапки)?
She answered, 'Perhaps (возможно)!
That oracular (мудрая, вещая) Lady of Prague.
There was an Old Lady of Prague,
Whose language was horribly vague;
When they said, 'Are these caps?
She answered, 'Perhaps!
That oracular Lady of Prague.
There was an Old Person of Sparta,
Who had twenty-one sons and one 'darter' (у которого был 21 сын и одна дочь; darter /просторечие/ — отdaughter);
He fed them on snails (кормил их улитками),
And weighed them in scales (взвешивал их на весах),
That wonderful Person of Sparta (удивительный, поразительный).
There was an Old Person of Sparta,
Who had twenty-one sons and one 'darter';
He fed them on snails,
And weighed them in scales,
That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an Old Man at a casement (в створном окне),
Who held up his hands in amazement (держал руки вверх, всплеснул руками в изумлении);
When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall (сэр, вы упадете)!
He replied, 'Not at all! (он ответил: "Вовсе нет")
That incipient (начинающийся, зарождающийся) Old Man at a casement.
There was an Old Man at a casement,
Who held up his hands in amazement;
When they said, 'Sir, you'll fall!