You invidious Old Man of Aôsta!
There was an Old Man, on whose nose (на чьем носе),
Most birds of the air could repose (многие птицы небесные могли передохнуть);
But they all flew away (все улетели; fly — летать)
At the closing of day (к концу дня),
Which relieved (что облегчило, утешило) that Old Man and his nose.
There was an Old Man, on whose nose,
Most birds of the air could repose;
But they all flew away
At the closing of day,
Which relieved that Old Man and his nose.
There was a Young Lady of Clare ([город в Северной Ирландии]),
Who was sadly pursued by a bear (к сожалению, преследовалась медведем);
When she found she was tired (когда она обнаружила, /что/ она была уставшей),
She abruptly expired (внезапно скончалась),
That unfortunate Lady of Clare (неудачливая).
There was a Young Lady of Clare,
Who was sadly pursued by a bear;
When she found she was tired,
She abruptly expired,
That unfortunate Lady of Clare.
There was an Old Man of Kildare,
Who climbed into a very old chair (забрался на очень старый стул);
When he said, — "Here I stays, — (здесь я останусь)
till the end of my days, (до конца моих дней)"
That immovable (непреклонный, неподвижный) Man of Kildare.
There was an Old Man of Kildare,
Who climbed into a very old chair;
When he said, — "Here I stays, —
till the end of my days,"
That immovable Man of Kildare.
There was an Old Man of New York,
Who murdered himself with a fork (убил себя вилкой);
But nobody cried (никто не плакал)
Though he very soon died (хотя он очень скоро умер), –
For that silly (из-за того глупого) Old Man of New York.
There was an Old Man of New York,
Who murdered himself with a fork;
But nobody cried
Though he very soon died, —
For that silly Old Man of New York.
There was an Old Sailor (матрос) of Compton,
Whose vessel a rock it once bump'd on (чье судно на гору однажды наскочило);
The shock was so great (удар был так велик),
That it damaged the pate (что он повредил башку, макушку),
Of that singular (того «единственного» = странного, необычного) Sailor of Compton.
There was an Old Sailor of Compton,
Whose vessel a rock it once bump'd on;
The shock was so great,