68889.fb2 Кочерга Витгенштейна. История десятиминутного спора между двумя великими философами - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 26

Кочерга Витгенштейна. История десятиминутного спора между двумя великими философами - читать онлайн бесплатно полную версию книги . Страница 26



 В этой работе для нас оказались особенно ценными следующие книги (и мы рекомендуем их всем, кого заинтересовали затронутые нами темы): Malachi Hacohen, Popper: The Formative Years 1902-45 (Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 2000); Ray Monk, Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius (London: Cape, 1990); Michael Nedo and Michele Ranchetti, Wittgenstein: Sein Leben in Btidem and Texten (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1983); Friedrich Stadler, The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism (Vienna and New York: Springer, 2000)

Следующие источники тоже принесли нам большую пользу:

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Публикации в периодических изданиях и статьи

Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 43 (1997), David Miller, 'Sir Karl Popper1; Encounter, January 1969; The Guardian, 19 September 199Л; Journal of Modern History, 71 (March 1999), Malachi Hacohen, 'Dilemmas of Cosmopolitanism: Karl Popper, Jewish Identity, and "Central European Culture'"-Journalfor the Philosophy of Science, 3 (1952);Mmd,vol. 56,no. 222 (April 1947), and vol. 60, no. 239 (Jury 1951); NewStatesman, 30 August 1999; Polemic, May \946;ProceedingsoftheAristotelianSodety, supplementary vol. 20 (l946);ProceeaKngs of'theBritish Academy 94 (\997);Russell,vo\. 12, no. 1 (summer 1992); Sunday Times, 9 December 1945; Tages-Anzeiger (Switzerland), 1 April 2000; The Times, 25 and 26 October 1946,18 November 1946, 2 May 1951; Times Literary Supplement, 24 August 1946, letters published in February and March 1998, and Steven Beller review of Thinking with History by Carl Schorske, 15 July 1999; The Venture, no. 5 (February 1930); Vierteljahrshefte far Zeitgeschichte, April 1998, John M. Steiner and Jobst Freiherr von Cornberg, 'Befreiungen von den antisemitischen Numberger Gesetzen'

Интервью и письма

Joseph Agassi, Lord Annan, Joan Bevan, Peter Baelz, Peter Conradi, Lord Dahrendorf, Sir Michael Dummett, Dorothy Emmet, Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick, Anthony Flew, Peter Geach, Ivor Grattan-Guin-ness, Peter Gray-Lucas, John Grey, Malachi Hacohen, Sir Stuart Hampshire, Wasfi Hijab, Christopher Hindley, Andrew Hodges, Allan Janik, Georg Kreisel, Melitta and Raymond Mew, David Miller, Peter Munz, Alan Musgrave, Michael Nedo, Arne Petersen, Charles Pigden, Stephen Plaister, Joan Ripley, David Rowse, Dennis Sciama, Antonio Sewell, Jeremy Snearmur, Peg Smythies, Friedrich Stadler, John and Veronica Stonborough, Barbara Suchy, Stephen Toulmin, Hans Veigl, John Vinelott, John Watkins, Maurice Wiles, Sir Colin St John Wilson, Michael Wolff


Austrian State Archive, Vienna; Bergier Commission, Zurich; Brenner Archive, Innsbruck; Cambridge University Library Archives; King's College Archives, Cambridge, National Archives (FBI and CIA), Maryland; Bodleian Library Oxford Archives (Academic Assistance Council records); Popper Archive at the Hoover Institution/London School of Economics; Popper Library, Klagenfurt; Public Record Office, London; Reichsbank Records, Frankfurt; Russell Archive, Hamilton, Ontario, Trinity College Archives, Cambridge; Wittgenstein Archive, Bergen; Wittgenstein Archive, Cambridge